Bryan Lysaght -- HHC Scout Sniper Squad 2005-2006
Who we work for
Who we were attached to
SPC Drew Malarchic being his usual gangster self
SPC Josh Schmidt, being the emo that he is
SPC Sage being angry and ugly like he always is
Scouts have cool weapons
Midget goatherder, had to take a picture of him
Midget in action yet again
It gets hot on OP, too much sun!
Cutting up some dinner
PV2 Witt playing cards with the Iraqis we lived with
Witt and his Iraqi boyfriend
Cooley taking a nap and us playing a prank on him by putting that in his mouth
Collett and Poe
Collett’s birthday molestation
Peanut butter and jelly
More birthday loving
Poe trying to get Cooley next
Cooley just waking up after Poe ruined his sleep
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