Bryan Lysaght -- HHC Scout Sniper Squad 2005-2006
7 days of no shaving the before picture
7 days of no shaving the after picture
Yet another roof top mission, it never ends
Cardinal and Carlin
Are you confused Dirt?
Notice the cool reflection in my sunglasses
Looking through the scope of my M24
Another shot of me and the M24
Posing for a picture with the rifle
My 3 teammates hard at work
Route planning
Dirt from the side
Angry? Probably! I’m in Iraq!
Cardinal and Carlin
Cardinal taking a break
Carlin behind the grass
Dirt and Lysaght
This should be on a magazine cover
Dirt and Lysaght again
Lysaght, SPC Mike Sanders, and Collett on yet another roof top mission
Cardinal on the mike finding out whats next
Grazing in the grass
IV time
Target practice on the roof of Patrol Base Courage
Spotter and shooter
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