1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
Station List
-------( Authorized and constituted by the US Congress on June 26, 1812 )
1812-1815 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Northern US near the Canadian border
------------------------------( Inactivated May 1815 ----- Reorganized and activated 21 September 1866 )
1866-1870~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Randall, District of Upper Missouri (Company A,B)
1866-1870~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Sully, South Dakota (Company C)
1866-1870~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Dakota, District of Upper Missouri (Company D)
1870-1874~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Sully, South Dakota (Company A)
1870-1874~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Randall, District of Upper Missouri (Company B,C,D)
1874-1879~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Madison Barracks, New York (Company A)
1874-1879~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Porter, New York (Companies B,K)
1874~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft Mackinac, Michigan (Company E)
1874~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft Gratiot, Michigan (Company I )
1874-1879~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Brady, Michigan (Companies C,G )
1874-1879~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Wayne, Michigan (Company D)
Sept 1874-May 1875~~~~~New Orleans, Louisiana ( Companies A,B,D,F,H,I,K)
1876~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( detachment)
1877~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( detachment)
1877~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (Companies A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,K)
1879-1882~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Griffin, Texas (Company A)
1879-1882~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. McKavett, Texas (Companies B,C,H,I)
1879~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Gibson, Indian Territory ( Companies D,E,F,K )
1879~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Vinita, Indian Territory (Company E)
1879~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Coffeeville, Kansas (Company K)
1880-1882~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Clark, Texas ( Regimental Headquarters,
-----------------------------------------Companies D,K,H,I )
Dec 1880~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Post of San Antonio, Texas ( Company E)
1882~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Santa Fe, New Mexico (Regimental Headquarters,
-----------------------------------------Company E )
1882-1888~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Garland, Colorado (Company A)
1882-1888~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Lewis, Colorado (Companies B,H,K)
1882-1888~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Lyon, Colorado (Companies C,D,F,I)
Sept 1885-Apr 1886~~~~~~Camp Datil, New Mexico (Company E)
Apr-Nov 1886~~~~~~~~~~~Encampment, mouth of the Rio De La Plata, Colorado
------------------------------------------(Entire Regiment)
Jul-Sept 1887~~~~~~~~~~~North Montezuma, Utah ( 1 Company)
Jul-Oct 1887~~~~~~~~~~~~Mcelmo, Utah ( 1 Company)
1888~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Abraham Lincoln, Dakota Territory ( I Company)
1888~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( Field & Staff, Band, Casey's Troop,
----------------------------------------Companies A,B,C,D,H,K
1889~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( Field & Staff, Band, Casey's Troop,
----------------------------------------Companies A,B,C,D,H,K
1890~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( Field & Staff, Band, Casey's Troop,
----------------------------------------Companies A,B,C,D,H,K
1891~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( Field & Staff, Band, Casey's Troop,
----------------------------------------Companies A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H
1892~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( Field & Staff, Band, Casey's Troop,
----------------------------------------Companies A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H
1892~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Pembina, North Dakota ( Company E )
1893~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( Field & Staff, Band, Casey's Troop,
----------------------------------------Companies A,B,C,D,F,G,H
1894~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( Field & Staff, Band, Casey's Troop,
----------------------------------------Companies A,B,C,D,F,G,H
1895~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( Field & Staff, Band, Casey's Troop,
----------------------------------------Companies A,C,F,G,H
January 1895~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Assiniboine, Montana ( Companies B,D)
August 1895~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Assiniboine, Montana (Company E)
September 1895~~~~~~~~~Ft. Yates, North Dakota (Company A,D)
September 1895~~~~~~~~~Ft. Harrison, Montana (Companies B,E)
1896~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Keogh, Montana ( Field & Staff, Band,
----------------------------------------Companies C,F,G,H
June 1896~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Crook, Nebraska
June 1898~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Santiago, Cuba
September 1898~~~~~~~~ Ft. Crook, Nebraska
March 1899~~~~~~~~~~~~ Manila, Philippine Islands
1900~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Arayat, Philippine Islands ( Regimental Headquarters, Company E,F,G)
1900~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Cabiao, Philippines Islands ( Company H)
1900~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Candaba, Philippines Islands ( Company K,M)
1900~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ San Luis, Philippines Islands (Company L)
1900~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Santa Rosa, Philippines Islands (Detachment from Company A)
1900-1901~~~~~~~~~~~~~ JaƩn, Philippines Islands (Detachment from Company A)
1900-1901~~~~~~~~~~~~~ San Isidro, Philippine Islands (Company B,C,D)
1902~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fort Crook, Nebraska
1902~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Robinson, Nebraska to Ft Reno, Indian Territory
(Company A,D)
1902~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Niobrara, Nebraska to Ft. Logan H. Roots, Arkansas
(Company B)
1902~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Logan H. Roots, Arkansas (Company D)
1903-1905~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Camp Marahui & Camp Keithley, Philippine Islands
1905~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jolo, Philippines Islands
1906~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. McDowell, California
1908~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Seward, Alaska (Company A)
1908~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. St. Michael, Alaska (Company B)
1908~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Gibbon, Alaska (Company C,D,)
1910~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Sam Houston, Texas -- Mexican border duty
1912~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Texas City, Texas -- Mexican border duty
1914~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Naco, Arizona -- Mexican border duty
1915~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Camp Harry Jones, Arizona -- Mexican border duty
1916, April~~~~~~~~~~~~~Camp Warren, Arizona -- Company E, F -- Mexican Border Duty
1916, June~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Camp Warren, Arizona -- Mexican Border Duty
1916, September~~~~~~~~~Camp Harry Jones, Arizona -- Mexican Border Duty
1917~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Jay, New York
1918~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ East Potomac Park, Washington DC -- Capitol Guard
1919~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Jay, New York (Company A,B)
1919~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Port Newark Terminal, New Jersey (Company C,D)
1922~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. McPherson, Georgia
1927, June~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st Battalion inactivated at Ft. McPherson, Georgia
1940, June~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1st Battalion activated at Ft. McClellan, Alabama
1941, Feb~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Benning, Georgia
1941, Dec~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Camp Gordon, Georgia
1943, Apr~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Dix, New Jersey
1943, Sep~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Camp Gordon Johnston, Florida
1943, Dec~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Jackson, South Carolina
1944, Jan~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ England
1944, June~~~~~~~~~~~~~ France
1944, Sep~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Belgium
1944, Dec~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Luxembourg
1945~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Belgium
1945~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Germany
1945, July~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Camp Butner, North Carolina
1946, Mar~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Inactivated at Camp Butner, North Carolina
1947~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Activated at Ft. Ord, California
1950~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Benning, Georgia
1951~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Schweinfurt, Germany
1952~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Giessen, Germany
1953~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Kirchgoens, Germany
1956~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Lewis, Washington
1957-1963~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Lewis, Washington
(Reorganized as 1st Battle Group 22nd Infantry)
1964-1966~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ft. Lewis, Washington
(Reorganized as 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry)
July 1966-Feb 1968~~~~~ Pleiku, Republic of Vietnam
Mar 1968~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dak To/Pleiku, Republic of Vietnam
Apr 1968-June 1968~~~~~Pleiku/Plei Mong, Republic of Vietnam
July 1968~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pleiku, Republic of Vietnam
Aug 1968-Nov 1968~~~~~ Pleiku/Ban Me Thout, Republic of Vietnam
Dec 1968~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pleiku/Kontum, Republic of Vietnam
Jan 1969~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pleiku/Suoi Doi, Republic of Vietnam
Feb 1969-Oct 1969~~~~~~Pleiku/Kontum, Republic of Vietnam
Nov 1969-Dec 1969~~~~~~Pleiku/An Khe, Republic of Vietnam
Jan 1970-Apr 1970~~~~~~An Khe, Republic of Vietnam
May 1970~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Plei Djereng, Republic of Vietnam
June 1970-Sep 1970~~~~~~An Khe, Republic of Vietnam
Oct 1970~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Phu Nhieu, Republic of Vietnam
Nov 1970~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~An Khe, Republic of Vietnam
Dec 1970-Jan 1972~~~~~~~Tuy Hoa, Republic of Vietnam
1972-1984~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Carson, Colorado
1984, Aug~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Inactivated at Ft. Carson, Colorado
1985, Nov~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Activated at Ft. Drum, New York
1993~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Somalia (Operation Restore Hope)
1994, Sep~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Port-au-Prince, Haiti (Operation Uphold Democracy)
1995~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Drum, New York
1996-2009~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Hood, Texas
2002, Apr-June~~~~~~~~~~~Guantanamo Bay, Cuba (Task Force Regulars)
2003, April~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kuwait, Iraq (Task Force Ironhorse)
2004, April~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Hood, Texas
2005, December~~~~~~~~~~~Kuwait, Iraq
2006, December~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Hood, Texas
2008, March~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kuwait, Iraq
2009, March~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Hood, Texas
2009, August~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Carson, Colorado
2010, August~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Afghanistan
2011, June ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Carson, Colorado
2013, February~~~~~~~~~~~~Camp Buehring, Kuwait
2013, October~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ft. Carson, Colorado
2014, March 17~~~~~~~~~~~~1st Battalion 22nd Infantry de-activated at Fort Carson, Colorado,
-----------------------------------(re-flagged as 4/9 Infantry)
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