1st Battalion 22nd Infantry


The Syracuse Recruit Camp 1918

Photographs from the Camp



Panoramic view of the Syracuse Recruit Camp showing the Knights of Columbus building in the left foreground
and Onondaga Lake in the right background. This view shows a large part of the Camp but not the whole Camp.
Photo taken by A. F. Drey August 11, 1918 during the time when the 22nd Infantry administered the Camp.

Photo from the New York Heritage Digital Collections website

Solvay-Geddes Historical Society Collection



Below are enlargements of sections of the above photo:


Looking behind the Knights of Columbus building.

Photo from the New York Heritage Digital Collections website

Solvay-Geddes Historical Society Collection



The Knights of Columbus building.

Photo from the New York Heritage Digital Collections website

Solvay-Geddes Historical Society Collection



In front of the Knights of Columbus building. The small wooden structure in the center foreground
on stilts is the projection booth for a movie projector. Silent movies were shown on a screen which
is to the right out of this view. To the left of the tents are long wooden mess halls. In front of the
mess halls the small building with the light colored roof is the Camp laundry.

Photo from the New York Heritage Digital Collections website

Solvay-Geddes Historical Society Collection



In the left foreground is the movie screen (missing from the right portion of the above enlargement).
In the right center can be seen wooden tent frames and the frame for a wooden building, all under construction.

Photo from the New York Heritage Digital Collections website

Solvay-Geddes Historical Society Collection



A close-up of the tent frames and wooden building under construction in the above enlargement.
Canvas tents would be stretched over the wooden frames.

Photo from the New York Heritage Digital Collections website

Solvay-Geddes Historical Society Collection



A view of the corral where horses and mules were kept.

Photo from the New York Heritage Digital Collections website

Solvay-Geddes Historical Society Collection



Tents of the Camp sit near Onondaga Lake.

Photo from the New York Heritage Digital Collections website

Solvay-Geddes Historical Society Collection



A small bear as the mascot of the 22nd Infantry elements stationed at the Camp.

Photo from the Solvay-Geddes Historical Society



Military Mass and blessing of Columbus Hut. Building was erected as recreation spot for soldiers and their families
by the Knights of Columbus. Photo taken by A.F. Drey August 11, 1918 during the time when the 22nd Infantry
administered the Camp.

Photo from the Solvay-Geddes Historical Society



Enlargement of left section of above Military Mass photo.

Photo from the Solvay-Geddes Historical Society



Enlargement of center section of Military Mass photo.

Photo from the Solvay-Geddes Historical Society



Enlargement of right section of Military Mass photo.

Photo from the Solvay-Geddes Historical Society



Syracuse Recruit Camp Band. Bandmaster "Ben. Schwartz". The 1st Battalion website could not confirm
that this band was from the 22nd Infantry. It may have been assembled from recruits assigned to the Camp.
Photo taken by A.F. Drey 1918.

Photo courtesy of Sondra Stallard
(Above photo is a composite of three different scans of the original photo.)



Enlargement of left section of band photo.

Photo courtesy of Sondra Stallard



Enlargement of center section of band photo.

Photo courtesy of Sondra Stallard



Enlargement of right section of band photo.

Photo courtesy of Sondra Stallard



To view more photos taken at the Syracuse Recruit Camp and the prior Syracuse Mobilization Camp
go to the following link:

Solvay-Geddes Historical Society








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