Inactivation of 1-22 Infantry March 2014
On March 17, 2014 1st Battalion
22nd Infantry was reflagged as
4th Battalion 9th Infantry.
Bob Babcock writes:
Along with LTC (Ret) Mark
Woempner (CO of 1-22 IN Iraq - 2001-2003) and Curt Fletcher
(C/1-22 IN Vietnam - 1967-1968),
I was part of the group watching the ceremony as 1st Armored
Brigade Combat Team of 4ID was reflagged to become
1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team at Fort Carson, CO on 17 March
As part of the ceremony, all but one of the prior 1BCT units were
either inactivated or moved to other units in 4ID
(1-66 AR moved to 3BCT). Included in the units inactivated was
1-22 IN and 4-42 FA, two units near and dear to many of our
Those 1-22 vets in attendance at
the ceremony on 17 March 2014 at 1630 hours at Founders Field,
Fort Carson, CO were
LTC (Ret) Mark Woempner, CO of 1-22 from June 2001 through June
2003, including leading the battalion into Iraq at the start of
Bob Babcock, B/1-22 from November 1965 to July 1967 (Fort Lewis
and Vietnam); and Curt Fletcher, C/1-22, July 1967 to July 1968
LTC Mineni and CSM Volk with guidon bearer of 1-22 Infantry at Fort Carson 2014
Lt. Col. Michael Mineni,
commander, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored
Brigade Combat Team,
4th Infantry Division, leads his battalion colors and soldiers of
Headquarters and Headquarters Company to the end of
a “Manchu” 25-mile foot march, March 13, 2014. The foot
march marked the end of the battalion as “Regulars”
and signified the impending conversion to
“Manchu’s” on March 17, 2014.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Craig Cantrell
Lt. Col. Michael Mineni,
commander, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Armored
Brigade Combat Team,
4th Infantry Division, awards soldiers of Company A, 1st Bn.,
22nd Inf. Reg., their “Manchu” belt buckle
following a Manchu 25-mile foot march, March 13, 2014.
Photo by Staff Sgt. Craig Cantrell
The Army authorized "Manchu" belt buckle for the 9th Infantry Regiment
The reflagging ceremony at Fort Carson March 17, 2014
The reflagging ceremony at Fort Carson March 17, 2014
In the foreground the
Colors of 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
fly for the last time on the parade ground.
1st Battalion 22nd Infantry Colors being cased by LTC Mineni
LTC Mineni and CSM Volk case the 1-22 IN Colors
The Colors for 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry are marched off the field
LTC Mineni (left) stands with the Colors of 4th Battalion 9th Infantry
To view a video excerpt from the reflagging ceremony click on the following link:
Thanks to Bob Babcock and Curt Fletcher for many of the above photos.
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