Bryan Lysaght -- HHC Scout Sniper Squad 2005-2006
Vehicle after a roll over
From the side
And finally from the front
The insides of a humvee in Iraq
SSG Harris and PFC Lysaght, he used to hate me ya know
Dirt doing an action pose for his portfolio
Doc Crader doing a pose
Talking to a local national
I think that fister wants to make out with that cow, they are pretty gay like that, fisters that is
Typical Iraqi children
Making us some bread
She was scary, I wouldn’t mess with her
Ancient structure again
Structure from biblical times
Just Dirt being bald and angry
Chilling and being hot before a mission
Scott Lysaght and SPC Steve Fisher
Relaxing in the back of a Bradley fighting vehicle
Lots more relaxing going on
SPC Young being his goofy self
SPC Ponce De Leon staring off into space
Do I see something?
Not yet
Wait I think it’s right there
Get your hand out of your pants Dirt
SPC Edgar Molina catching up on some sleep while on OP with us
My lucky OP hat
Yet another self picture
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