Bryan Lysaght -- HHC Scout Sniper Squad 2005-2006
IED blast hole we were overwatching
IED blast hole
M24 Sniper Weapon System
Bullet holes in HUMVEE window
Leftovers from food our hosts gave us
SGT Danny Harris (nickname= Dirt) on guard during an OP
SPC Chris Collett and SGT Harris enjoying some Iraqi chow and posing for a picture
Voodoo 2 SPC Collett PFC Lysaght SGT Harris
Catching some rays on OP and taking a self picture
SPC Collett in his “Zapatista” picture pose
PFC Lysaght on guard on a hot Iraqi roof
SPC Brian Carlin at PB2
SGT Kyle Newkirk brushing his teeth
One of the connexes we lived in at PB2
Gauges in a humvee
Our puppy at PB2
All of my gear that rolls out on a mission with me
SPC Tim Cardinal testing out our new facilities at PB2
SPC Cardinal and SPC James Cooley shooting the shit at PB2
SPC Cooley taking a Lysaght!
SPC Collett preparing to milk a cow on OP
SPC Collett and SGT Harris getting ready to milk
SPC Collett trying to squeeze out what he can
Lucky bear SPC Collett’s little sister gave to him that came on every mission with us
SGT Harris SPC Collett and SGT Enrique Jacques eating some food on OP
Some good chow
Camp Falcon after a heavy rain
More rain at Camp Falcon
Mud in the motor pool
More mud in the motor pool
The building that housed the internet café at Camp Falcon
The rear of the building that housed HHC 1-22
One of our medics' vehicles
1-22 Battalion Aid Station
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