Bryan Lysaght -- HHC Scout Sniper Squad 2005-2006
Collett trying to get warm by the tent heater
SPC Poe and SGT Mike Kannitzer relaxing in the tent
SPC Sage getting some sleep
Moak watching a movie
Bruce using the computer
Gutz catching some sun
Bruce probably planning on causing some trouble
Collett and Lysaght
Yet again Collett and Lysaght
Talking about getting the heck out of dodge
Group photo of us waiting for transportation to Baghdad Airport
SGT Carlos Mendez reading the paper
Close up of Bruce Harrington
Dirt and Bruce
All the rocks we put in Gutz’s kpot as a prank
Close up of the back of Newkirks head
Bruce again
PFC Bryan Lysaght
SPC Roberson
Taking a nap
3 charging handles on this weapon, bored soldiers with too much time on their hands
Weapon from the side
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