1-22 Infantry Medal Presentation Iraqi Freedom
On December 17, 2003, several
Regulars from 1st Battalion
risked their lives to save an Iraqi National from his burning
Their selfless act of heroism earned them the Soldier's Medal.
The Soldier's Medal
1. Description: On a 1 3/8 inch
wide Bronze octagon an eagle displayed, standing on a fasces,
between two groups of stars of six and seven, above the group of
six a spray of leaves.
On the reverse is a shield paly of 13 pieces, on the chief the
letters "US", supported by sprays of laurel and oak,
around the upper edge the inscription "SOLDIER’S
MEDAL" and across the face the words "FOR VALOR."
In the base is a panel for the name of the recipient to be
The medal is suspended from the ribbon by a rectangular-shaped
metal loop with corners rounded.
2. Ribbon: The ribbon is 1 3/8 inches wide and consists of the
following stripes: 3/8 inch Ultramarine Blue 67118 on each side
and the center containing 13 White and Red stripes of equal width
(7 White 67101 and 6 Old Glory Red 67156).
3. Criteria: The Soldier’s Medal is awarded to any person of
the Armed Forces of the United States,
or of a friendly foreign nation who while serving in any capacity
with the Army of the United States,
distinguished him/herself by heroism not involving actual
conflict with an enemy.
The same degree of heroism is required as for the award of the
Distinguished Flying Cross.
The performance must have involved personal hazard or danger and
the voluntary risk of life
under conditions not involving conflict with an armed enemy.
Awards will not be made solely on the basis of having saved a
Major General J. D. Thurman (CG 4ID) presents the Soldier's Medal to
SSG Owens, CPL Wycoff, CPL Saylor and SPC Summers
Fort Hood, 2005
MG Thurman about to award the Soldier's Medal to the four Regulars
SSG Owens receives his medal
From left: SSG Owens, CPL Wycoff, CPL Saylor and SPC Summers
MG Thurman and COL James Hickey (1st BDE CO) stand behind medal recipients
Below are the citations for SPC Matthew Summers pertaining to the above Soldiers Medal presentation:
1st Brigade Commander COL James
Hickey's approval
awarding the Soldier's Medal to SPC Matt Summers
4th Infantry Division Commander Major
General Raymond Odierno's approval
awarding the Soldier's Medal to SPC Matt Summers
Multi-National Force Commander
Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez's approval
awarding the Soldier's Medal to SPC Matt Summers
Permanent Order details awarding the Soldier's Medal to Matt Summers
The website is grateful
to Matt Summers
for sharing his citations with us.
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