Tom Buhrkuhl---- C Company & BN S-3 RTO July 1969 - July 1970


Tom Buhrkuhl at FSB Louis 1970,
just after being awarded the Army Commendation Medal


Joel Galprin FBS Louis March 1970


105mm Howitzers at FSB Louis 1970


Fire mission from FSB Louis 1970


Cobra firing rockets - FSB Louis March 1970


White phosphorous, rockets and small arms going in - FSB Louis March 1970


Air Strike - FSB Louis March 1970
F-100 fighter-bomber pulls up after making its bomb run


Tom Buhrkuhl - FSB Louis 1970


Ron Fisher (leaning on shovel) - other unknown
FSB Louis March 1970


Change of Command and Awards ceremony FSB Louis Feb 1970


Change of Command LTC Juvenal to MAJ Rabin Feb 1970


Change of Command - LTC Juvenal talking with COL Yow and MAJ Rabin
FSB Louis Feb 1970


On left - Steve Johnson, on right - Tom Buhrkuhl, upper right (in sweatshirt) Don Bassler
FSB Louis Feb 1970



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