Samuel L. Caughman

Company A 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry

4th Infantry Division

KIA 02/06/1945



Samuel Lewis Caughman was born in Minerva, Stark County, Ohio on January 6, 1920.

Prior to entering military service he was employed by the Metropolitan Brick Company
in Minerva, ohio.

He was drafted into the Army on June 27, 1944 at Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indiana. His home of residence
was listed as Minerva, Stark County, Ohio and his civilian occupation was listed as Semiskilled Chauffeurs And
Drivers, Bus, Taxi, Truck, And Tractor. He had completed one year of High School and was married. His religion
was listed as Protestant.

He was a non-battle casualty on January 13, 1945 and returned to duty on January 31, 1945.

Private Caughman was killed in action in Germany during the battle for the city of PrĂ¼m on February 6, 1945.



Samuel L. Caughman was originally buried in the temporary cemetery at Hamm
in Block GG Row 6 Grave 128, and was moved to the permanent cemetery at Hamm,
in the 1947-1949 time frame, when the temporary cemeteries were shut down.


Luxembourg American Cemetery and Memorial
Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Plot E Row 14 Grave 5



Grave marker for
Samuel L. Caughman

Photo by LuxAmCem
from the Find A Grave website





Samuel L. Caughman's name is inscribed on the Caughman family monument
in East Lawn Cemetery, Minerva, Stark County, Ohio, USA
Plot: Section A Row 8


Monument with the name of Samuel L. Caughman

Photo by ravenslevy from the Find A Grave website








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