1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
November 2010
Morale, Rear Detachment, Awards
We’re wrapping up 2010 with
the holiday season.
We still haven’t had much snow to speak of but wintry
weather is sure to be around the corner.
The rear detachment continues to serve our great Soldiers and
Families on a daily basis.
Located in BLDG 2132 on Fort Carson, we only have a small number
of personnel but we exist
to assist Families during this challenging time. If you have
questions or need assistance please contact
your FRG leader first but you can also contact the rear
detachment or
our Family Readiness Assistant, Mrs. Ursula Pittman.
As we enter the holiday season
with so many of our Soldiers deployed, the need for having
our own support system is ever present. I ask that Family members
find a safe and healthy method of
coping with the stress. Get involved with the FRG, start an
exercise program or just make time each day
to do something relaxing for yourself. There are many programs
and upcoming events listed in
this newsletter. Please contact Mrs. Pittman if you have any
Together we won’t just survive the deployment, we’ll
CPT Brandon Chapman
Rear Detachment Commander
From the Command Financial
The Holidays are approaching fast! Here are some resources
to keep the holiday spirit alive for the children and Families of
Fort Carson.
Christmas Unlimited— 2204 E. Boulder Street, C/S CO
80909—For Active Duty Families. No application!
No LES! Distribution Center opens 1-23 December from 11:00 to
7:00p.m. Bring your military ID and something
to verify the names and ages of your children.
If you have a question or an issue, contact SSG
Woodyard, your Command Financial NCO (CFNCO).
1-22 Infantry Battalion Holiday Party
Come celebrate the holidays with us!
When: 10 December, 6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Where: Brigade Classroom, Building 2132
The dinner is potluck so please bring a dish to share
Please RSVP to our Battalion FRSA @
Resilience Training for Family Members
The next Mental Toughness Workshop will be in February.
Dates are still to be determined.
Where: Family Readiness Center (FRC) Building 6247
Time: 6:00 p.m.
Childcare is provided FREE if children are registered with CYS.
Please submit names and ages NLT 7 days prior to each class.
Don’t just Survive during
T—Training— ACS offers a full line of self improvement
classes ranging
from parenting to budgeting and money management.
H— Health— Get
involved in one of the many on post gyms that
offer various programs to improve your health for free!
Many offer exercise programs tailored to meet your personal
R—Resilience—Our four
week Mental Toughness course began on 17 November and we’ve
a great turnout. The next session will begin in February. Stay
tuned for details!
I—Improving Quality of
Life—Do you have a budget? Managing finances, especially
during the holidays
can relieve a great deal of stress. ACS and our own Finance NCO,
SSG Woodyard is available.
on post at ACS, Red Cross or with your FRG . Staying involved
to make the deployment fly by!
E- Education— Check out the
local colleges to get back into school—CSU—Pueblo,
Pikes Peak Community College,
University of Colorado Springs, and Webster University. Most
offer online courses for busy families.
See the weekly emails from the
FRG for the whole list of upcoming events in the Fort Carson
Colorado Springs area!
Wishing our Families a Happy and Safe Holiday Season! Remember if
you are
going out of town for the Holidays, please fill out the Family
Leave form so that we
can have it on record if we may need to contact you during the
Upcoming Events:
9 December—Parent to Parent Workshop—10:30 to 11:30
10 December—1-22 Infantry Battalion Holiday Party—6:00
10 December - Family Fun Night a the Youth Center
10-11 December—Living Nativity— Soldier Memorial
Chapel– 7:00-9:00p.m.
11 December —4th and 5th Grade Lock-in at Patriot Elementary
11 December—Stress Free Holiday Workshop— ACS—1:00
to 3:00 pm
12 December —Residents Toys ’R’ Us Night (8-10 pm;
Toys “R’Us at the Citadel Mall)
13 December—Holiday Craft Fair at the Cheyenne Mountain CDC
(until 17 DEC)
15 December—FREE Gift Wrapping Day (9 am to 3 pm) - 6800
Prussman Blvd
16 December—Card Making Crafts (10—11 am) 6800 Prussman
16 December—Polar Express Movie Night—6:00 pm 6800
Prussman Blvd
17 December—Jingle Jump Dance for Middle School
at Youth Center– Grades 6-8– 7:00 to 9:00 pm
17 December—Bravo Company FRG Meeting at the FRC—6:00
21 December—Charlie Company FRG Meeting– Time and
location TBD
21 December—6th Annual Toy Giveaway (3:00 to 6:00 pm) at
Special Event Center
December 27-30—Winter Sports Bible Camp—CYS–
9:00am to 1200pm
FREE Childcare during deployment
Caring Days (deployed status only): Spouses of deployed soldiers
receive 16 free hours of respite care, per child,
per month. This free child care is available from noon – 7
p.m., Caring Saturdays care will be provided at the East
Child Development Center (Building 6058.) Caring Daily will be
provided at the Southwest Center, (Building 7790)
from 7:30 a.m. -7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Care is provided
in four –hour time block. Reservations are required
and can be made by calling not later than 3 p.m. the Wednesday
prior to each Caring Day.
Your Mountain Post Discount Card is here!
These cards are for the Family of all deployed Soldiers that live
in the Colorado Springs area.
Many local businesses and on post services offer discounts with
this card. Please call Ursula
to see if she has your card. She is located in the battalion
headquarters, building 2132 Room A144.
Go to this website
and check out all of the DFMWR programs, facilities and community
businesses offering our heroes
and their Families special savings.
Become a Fan of 1-22 IN
“Regulars By God”
Go to www.facebook.com
Search “Regulars By God”
Get upcoming events in the unit
and the surrounding area!
Sign up now for the vFRG website
* We can control the information
* Access only to Soldier’s Family members
* Flights, official notifications and other sensitive
information will be posted ONLY on this site.
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