1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
November 2010
Company A, Company B, Company C
Friends and Family of Gator Company,
I sincerely hope you all had a
wonderful Thanksgiving. I know that even though the holiday was
on most of the Soldiers, we still had fun and embraced the spirit
of the holiday.
The way we live our lives and conduct our missions every day here
is somewhat akin to the experience
of America’s original pilgrim settlers. Through intensive
cooperation with our Afghan National Security Force
partners and their offer of goodwill toward us as their guests,
we have learned to survive and even thrive
in a harsh environment. The guys had a relatively light workload
on Thanksgiving and had a
huge holiday meal with most of the traditional fixings, shared
with our partnered Afghan units. Some of the guys
even played a little football with the ANCOP, who desperately
need more practice.
The platoons continued to
achieve victories throughout the month of November. The platoons
increased security
for local Afghans through partnered patrols to prevent insurgent
attacks and detain Taliban and criminals in the area.
The company is working to bring together the traditional Afghan
social structure, defined by village tribal elders,
and the Provincial and Municipal governments at their lowest
levels, bridging the gap between the Afghan populace
and its elected government. The people of District 7 in Kandahar
City are finally reaping the rewards
of choosing the government of Afghanistan over the Taliban.
Newly-paved roads, wells for clean drinking water,
and improved waste and rain drainage systems were planned and
implemented this month,
secured by the hard work and tireless hours of your Soldiers.
As we look forward to the month
of December, the Soldiers of Alpha Company will miss our friends
and Families
more than ever. I thank you for the support you have given us and
wish you all a Happy Holiday Season.
Family and Friends of Gator Company,
I would like to update you on
how the Company is doing since the last newsletter.
We have continued to do what has been asked of us. We are
continuing to partner with our Afghan partners
in all that we do here. The Soldiers are driving on as we go into
our 5th month of this deployment.
I do want to extend a thank you to all of our supporters. As this
deployment rolls on, your continued support
is carrying these Soldiers forward. It is beneficial to continue
your support. I know that a lot is asked from you,
but it doesn’t go unnoticed in any way.
We prepared ourselves for the
Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday. The men here in Gator Company
had a Thanksgiving feast. We did what we could to give the
Soldiers, a Thanksgiving Meal.
They all understand their purpose here and know how vital each
one is to our team. I ponder on all that
we are thankful for during this Holiday Season, we have lots to
be thankful for. I am thankful
for all the training that we conducted prior to coming here. I
feel that it gave us a better foundation
in which to stand on. I give thanks to the men that have accepted
the challenge to come here
and perform their duties. They have been an inspiration to me as
I look amongst them. I give thanks
to the equipment that we are equipped with, that continues to
ensure our safety as best it can.
It has allowed us to take things to the enemy and safeguard
I give thanks to the Afghan
people that we work with, that do have a eye to the future, and
want to establish
a stronger Afghanistan. And finally, I give thanks to all of you
Gator Family and Friends.
Without you, my job would be extremely difficult. These Soldiers
would not respond as they have throughout
these months here. I hope that all of you have a happy and safe
Thanksgiving and Christmas Holiday Season.
Understand this, the guys wish they could be home to celebrate
this holiday with you,
but know that they are keeping you safe the best way they know
Again, thank you Gator Family.
1SG Stoen
Gator 7
Family and Friends of First Platoon, Alpha Company,
The month has seen many changes
for the men of First Platoon.
We moved from Check Point 7-10 to Check Point 7-2, and as a
result our mission has changed as well.
We now spend our days and nights patrolling and are no longer
manning a Traffic Control Point.
The result of our change of mission is that First Platoon’s
morale is soaring. The mission is more physically
demanding than before, but the men are happy because they are
doing what some of us have
spent years training to do. The younger Soldiers are thoroughly
enjoying the experience and are well led
by their very experienced noncommissioned officers. This month we
promoted Private First Class
Carlson to the rank of Specialist. Also, we are hoping to promote
a few Corporals to the rank of Sergeant very soon.
As always, I am honored to serve with the men of First Platoon.
Every day their enthusiasm, professionalism, and commitment to
mission makes me very proud to be their Platoon Leader.
Brett Sanborn
1st PLT, A CO
Dear 2nd PLT Family and Friends,
My name is 1LT Tilston and I am
the new PL for 2nd PLT, formerly the Executive Officer of the
It is truly my privilege to lead your sons, husbands, and fathers
out here in Afghanistan.
This month has seen many changes within the PLT, most of all a
shift from the TCP mission to one
where we concentrate on the people in the area. You would be
proud of everyone to see them interacting with
people of all ages during patrols and receiving the thanks of
those recognizing their sacrifice in coming here,
and by extension your own sacrifice in not having them back home
with you.
The past month also saw two
different holidays, one for our partnered forces and Thanksgiving
for us.
Although not with you during the Thanksgiving holiday every
member of the PLT was thinking of you all
and wishing you a happy Thanksgiving. As we move into December I
would like to thank you for your support
of everyone here thus far. The care packages you send are great
morale boosts for everyone and are very much appreciated. Morale
in the PLT has increased dramatically and although we cannot be
with you, we wish you
all the best as the holiday season approaches.
Adrian E. Tilston
2nd PLT, A/1-22
Loyal Friends and Family of Third Platoon,
Over the past month, 3rd Platoon
has been hard at work, as always.
They conducted several Reconnaissance and Surveillance
(R&S)patrols into the nearby hills.
Third squad led the way, discovering several likely enemy
infiltration routes. Following patrols by
second squad uncovered yet more routes, and provided valuable
intelligence for future operations.
During a night operation in the town of Bagh-e-Pul, first squad
discovered and confiscated a weapon in the
possession of men illegally operating as security guards. All
three squads, partnered with the local Afghan
National Civil Order Police (ANCOP), also took shifts manning the
local Traffic Control Point,
which is regarded at the highest levels as the 'Gateway to
Most recently, 3rd Platoon has
assumed security of an abandoned Russian grain silo which,
through the efforts
of Coalition Forces, will be converted into a power plant to
provide electricity to the people for miles around.
These operations have required grueling, hours and constant
vigilance, and 3rd Platoon has met the task
head-on. Through their efforts, the enemy has been disrupted
throughout the entire Area of Operations.
Your Loyalty is Unsurpassed and
1LT Coyne,
Third Platoon Leader
Blackhawk Families,
We are proud to say we are still
kicking ass on the west side of the Arghandab River Valley.
Every day 1st, 2nd, and 3rd PLTs conduct 8 to 24 hours of
dismounted patrols to keep the
enemy on his heels and bring peace to the area. The daily
activities are tiring but the resolve of your men
is remarkable. No kidding, we are known as those who don’t
complain and don’t get tired
to our higher and our enemies. HQ platoon works tirelessly to
improve our living standards on COP Durham and
push needed material to 3rd PLT at COP Simmons. While 3rd
currently falls under an artillery company
they are only right down the road and we support each other with
our combat patrols and visit often.
The phones and facebook will be
up soon, so every kind word and note possible is greatly
Currently there is 1 phone and it is always being used no matter
what time of night or temperature outside.
Your continued support at fundraisers and FRG events is greatly
appreciated by myself and the FRG leader.
Please keep up the great support for your families, your
Soldiers, and each other.
Captain Bradley D. Rudy
Blackhawk 6
Hello Blackhawk families!
Since we last talked the Company
has had a great Thanksgiving dinner, performed numerous patrols,
out Humanitarian Aid and has had 3 Generals come visit us. The
Blackhawk Company is still at
COP Durham in the Arghandab River Valley, is OPCON to 1/320 Field
Artillery Battalion,
detached 3rd Platoon to HHB 1/320 and has sent 1st Platoon to
support a Special Operations mission.
I expect to have 1st Platoon back with Blackhawk Company before
the end of December. At this time, we have two
morale phones and AFN, we have SPAWARE but are waiting on a
technician to come and hook it up.
We have received two shower
trailers, tents and some heaters; we are getting the showers
hooked up
as we speak and my goal is to have hot showers by Christmas. All
the Soldiers are doing great and continue
to excel every day, we continue to send Soldiers home for R&R
leave. I have the leave dates
out till March with the expected flying date from KAF. To all the
children at home your Daddy says Merry Christmas!
I know this is a tough time of
the year for all of us, I will continue to do my best to make
life as comfortable as I can
for your husband. We continue to have PFC Baker, PFC Bosserdet
and PFC Simmons in our prayers
for a speedy recovery from their injuries. There is not a day
that goes by that you’re not in our thoughts GOD SPEED!
Please contact me if there are
any issues you need me to get involved with. As always it is such
an honor
to be the First Sergeant for Bravo Company, take care for now and
we will see you in January.
Blackhawk 7
Hello to all Headquarters families from COP Durham in the Arghandab Valley,
Since our last letter
Headquarters Platoon has stayed busy by building Cop Durham from
what was nothing
when we arrived. Most of the Soldiers have been filling sandbags
and HESCO’s which has greatly improved
the force protection here. Headquarters Platoon also participated
in the clearing of two nearby towns
to root out caches and Taliban fighters. Our COIST cell has been
particularly busy during the last few months
in gathering information and evidence that has led to the
successful apprehension of numerous suspected Taliban.
A few days ago we celebrated
Thanksgiving here with a great meal prepared by our cooks. The
had most of the day off to relax and take a break from our daily
duties and we also participated in a game of football
with the other platoons. During the month of December we will
continue our daily job of COP improvement
which will hopefully include showers, internet and phones. We
will continue to run almost daily patrols
to some of the larger nearby bases to pick up supplies and pickup
or drop-off personnel for leave.
Until next time Happy Holidays!
1LT Brooks and SSG Waits
Hello 1st PLT family members from COP Durham, Afghanistan,
We hope this letter finds you
well as you prepare for the upcoming holidays. Know that your
husbands and loved ones
are being taken care of as well as possible. Each day life
becomes a little bit better here; we now have tents
for all our soldiers, our SPAWARE package (phones for calling
home and internet) will be functional
in the next couple of days, and we even received gravel to spread
across the COP (the dust and sand
is a huge headache we’ve had to deal with since we arrived).
We were lucky enough to have a nice Thanksgiving meal
prepared by our cooks with turkey, mashed potatoes,
stuffing…it was almost like being home.
We continue our aggressive
patrolling schedule, keeping the enemy on his toes and ensuring
safety for the people
of the Arghandab. Your loved one is putting in some long hours on
patrol: know that it is for a just cause.
Mail has been well received each time it arrives; it’s
almost like Christmas morning when soldiers get packages.
Some packages have arrived as early as 10 days after being sent;
please keep sending whatever
you can, whenever you can.
Please continue to support your
loved one in any way you can, and he will return home safely in
just a few short months.
Thank you for all that you do.
1LT Benjamin Adams
Spartan Families,
2nd Platoon has rejoined the
rest of Bravo Company in our push into the Arghandab River
We walked into our new COP with everything we needed on our back,
including the mortar rounds.
When we first arrived at our new COP, the farm animals had the
run of the place. Since then we’ve built new walls
and sand bagged towers. We’ve put up tents and finally have
the TV working so we can
watch the occasional football game. Life is improving every day
through the Soldiers’ hard work.
Mail has begun to catch up to the Soldiers, and your care
packages are improving morale and conditions.
The locals from the surrounding
villages have been very receptive to us. They are grateful for
the security
your soldiers provide. The locals can now harvest their crops in
peace and were able to
celebrate the holiday of Eid undisturbed by the conflict. The
Soldiers continue to do whatever they can to help
the local children. The people here want peace to come so their
children can be free to go to school.
2nd Platoon has been partnered
with both ANA (Afghan National Army) and ANP (Afghan National
Our Afghan partners have been very eager to help us improve the
lives and security of the local population.
They are well trained and eager to learn more as we work together
toward bringing a lasting peace to Afghanistan.
Our ANSF counterparts invited us to share in the Eid festivities,
giving the Soldiers a chance to enjoy
a part of their culture. 2nd Platoon will continue to work with
our Afghan partners to improve our relationship
with the local nationals.
There will be a Platoon FRG
meeting in mid-December. SFC Niles will host the FRG meeting
and will show a presentation of pictures from throughout the
deployment to date. All spouses are encouraged
to attend and I will answer your questions to the best of my
ability. The location of the FRG meeting
will be decided based upon participation and scheduling. Please
contact Mrs. Niles, Mrs. Groat,
or Mrs. Gideon if interested.
Hello Family and friends!
Hopefully everybody is doing
well in the states. It has been an interesting month. At the
beginning of October
we relocated homes here in Afghanistan, and are now living in our
newly furnished mud huts here in
the Arghandab River Valley. We had two Soldiers who were hit in
an IED blast, PFC Joshua Simmons,
and SGT Drake Simmons. We were very fortunate, each of the
Soldiers were okay following the blast.
PFC Joshua Simmons was sent back to Fort Carson for additional
medical treatment.
In honor of our two Soldiers hit in the blast, we’ve named
our stronghold “Stronghold Simmons.”
In addition to that exciting
news, one of our Soldiers just returned from mid-tour leave, SGT
Gil Legaspi,
was married on the 16th of October in the Philippines. Also, on
the 3rd of November, we had one of our Outlaws
decide to reenlist and continue his service with the US Army, SPC
Brendon Simmons.
On behalf of the Soldiers of 3rd
Platoon, we want to thank you for the care packages that you are
sending your Soldiers.
They are taking a little longer to get here, but are getting here
nonetheless. The care packages continue to motivate
the Soldiers here. Also, we want to let y’all know what an
outstanding job your Soldiers are doing.
The conditions that they are living in are not the best, but they
are driving on making the best of it.
They continue to complete the missions assigned to them and are
exceeding all expectations. The impact
that your Soldiers are having on the Taliban is tremendous, they
are finding a lot of Taliban caches,
that can no longer be used to hurt American forces. So once again
let me thank you for the support
that y’all continue to give the Soldiers and the sacrifices
that you as family and friends have made.
Blackhawk 37’s Words of
“Stay motivated”
Howdy Cobra Families!
I hope all of you had a
wonderful Thanksgiving with family and friends. Your Soldiers
here in Afghanistan
had a pretty good Turkey day by the looks of things. 1SG and I
were able to make it to see 2 out of our 3 Platoons;
3rd Platoon had A Company and HHC help them out on Thanksgiving
this year. Guys had some good Turkey,
a chance to eat their heart out, and relax a bit with friends.
Even though we are deployed, it is important
to take the time to build camaraderie and have a bit of fun. I
think your loved ones are able to do this here with
each other. It is always good to see Soldiers reconnect with each
other; they enjoy seeing each other,
especially when we all live at different locations. I hope all of
you have had the opportunity to connect
and reconnect with people back at home. The holiday season is a
great time of the year to do so.
I also hope all of you can see
the reasons we have to be thankful. While we are deployed it can
be hard
to see the positives, but it is important to make sure we realize
what we have. I am thankful we have each other.
The Army is a great place to build lifelong friendships, both for
Soldiers and for our families. I am thankful
we have the ability to talk to our families through various forms
of communication.
It is great to have SPAWARE and cell phones and internet to
communicate with our loved ones back home.
It really helps to make deployments easier to hear and see how
everyone is doing. There is plenty
to be thankful at this point in the deployment; I hope everyone
can recognize this.
I hope you enjoy the pictures and articles from the Platoons in
this newsletter.
I hope everyone has a great Holiday Season!
Isaac J. Hedtke
Cobra Commander
Hello Cobra Families and Friends,
First, I would like to say Happy
Holidays. Time is really passing by quickly as the holiday season
has arrived.
Hope each and everyone back at home had a wonderful Thanksgiving
Day. The Soldiers here have a lot
to be thankful for even while deployed from loved ones. We all
have a battle buddy to keep us going
and to look out for one another, especially during the holiday
season. On Thanksgiving Day, CPT Hedtke and I
had the opportunity to visit Soldiers of Cobra Company at
different locations in sector. They are in good spirits
and to see them really put a smile on my face knowing they are
making a difference out there.
We continue to receive packages
for Soldiers from their loved ones and from different support
As with quality of life, mail is definitely a priority for Cobra
Soldiers and we will ensure that we get their mail
to them as quickly as possible. R&R is still going rather
smoothly and Soldiers continue to leave
on their departure date to their destination. December will be
the end month of the 1st quarter for R&R
and the 2nd quarter of R&R will begin January-March. Soldiers
know their requested month
on when they are scheduled for R&R.
During the holiday season, it
gets tough for Soldiers while deployed. As long as we continue to
support each other,
we will make it through this holiday season and remaining time we
have while deployed.
I would like to recognize our newest promotable Sergeants in
Cobra Company; SGT (P) Carey,
SGT (P) Engle and SGT (P) Hood. These NCOs prepared themselves
very well for the promotion board
while continuing to conduct combat operations out in sector. Your
loved ones should be communicating
to you through phone calls, e-mails or both. If not, please send
me an e-mail and I will see that they connect with
you in a timely matter. I love serving with your Soldiers and if
they have any issues I’m always there
to assist them and family members.
Thank you for all the support
you have given your Soldier, they really appreciate it very much.
Each Soldier has a battle buddy and we will continue to take care
of each other throughout the deployment.
1SG John Lambert
Cobra 7
COP Hotel California, Kandahar City Afghanistan
By 1LT Todd McCartney, Platoon Leader, 1st Platoon Cobra Company
Since our move to District 9 we
have seen many improvements from the combined efforts of 1st
Platoon and our
Afghan National Police (ANP). There are 3 parks being built near
the center of the district along with a water tower
to provide water to the local people for whom clean water is
probably the largest problem they face.
On the 11th of November, a new clinic was opened for the local
people. Before, the closest major
medical care was on the other side of the city. We’ve also
helped our ANP Partners improve the checkpoints
where they live. We’ve taught them basic soldier skills, and
we have had a Law Enforcement Professional
(LEP), Mr. Mike Vanhorn with us to teach the ANP basic police
skills such as lifting fingerprints, how to treat a crime
scene, and how to handle evidence.
Your Soldiers have also been
living better. We split our time between two locations, Hotel
California and COP 9-1,
until we can permanently move into COP 9-1. Both places have
internet and phones so families can keep in touch
a lot easier that the first few months we were in Afghanistan.
Also, another thing for families to look forward to
is mid tour leave. Our first rounds of Soldiers have been home
and are on the way back already.
Your Soldier will be able to tell you the month they are going,
barring any emergencies, but
the exact date will not be determined until about a month before
hand. We are four months into this already;
that’s 1/3 of the way, and everyone is doing great. The time
is going by very quickly,
and before you know it we will be home.
COP Hotel California, Kandahar City Afghanistan
By Sgt Jones, 1st Platoon Cobra Company
On November 9th the commander
joined members of 1st Platoon at a dinner being served by the
commander of the ANP, Lieutenant Zulmai, at PSS12. With it being
1st Platoon’s area of operations,
the platoon leadership is very acquainted with the ANP commander
and this was an opportunity
for CPT Hedtke to get to know LT Zulmai a little better. While
talks between the two commanders went
well, it was soon time to eat. The traditional meal of bread,
chicken, lamb, and rice was served.
The bread is excellent and once you get past the fact that it is
made with the baker’s feet, you will really like it.
The chicken is always good; even Army cooks can’t mess up
chicken, or can they? The lamb
was a little fatty for my tastes but it looked like other people
were enjoying it. As you know, rice is rice;
it tastes the same no matter where you eat it. And remember, you
usually only get dysentery
after the first time you eat the local food. YUM!
Thanksgiving at PSS-3,
Kandahar City Afghanistan,
By 1LT Tyler Bryant, Platoon Leader, 2nd Platoon Cobra Company
Hello folks back home, just a
update from PSS3 and 2nd Plt Charlie Company. Thanksgiving was a
couple days ago
and we would like all the family members and friends of Charlie
Company 1-22IN to know how it went for your
deployed soldiers. It was a festive time with camaraderie being
shown from the Soldiers in the platoon and good
food being consumed.
It started about 0800 in the
morning when Cobra 6, Cobra 7, and 1st Platoon came down from CP
9-1 to visit us.
It has been a couple of weeks since we were able to see each
other, so it was a warm welcome. Cobra 6 and
Cobra 7 had the company form up and told all the Soldiers that we
were doing a good job and to continue with our
efforts in defeating the Taliban and helping the local populace.
They also gave us an update on how the battalion
is doing and some things that might be happening in the future.
After our formation they told us that they
think about us every day and that they are trying to get us back
together in our organic company,
then they left to visit other soldiers at PSS9.
Around 1500 food and drinks from
Camp Nathan Smith arrived at PSS3. The cooks worked hard to get
organized and set up. The meal was excellent consisting of
turkey, prime rib, ham, shrimp, stuffing, macaroni and
cheese, sweet yams, corn, numerous pies, and various drinks.
Everyone ate heartily in the platoon and was very
happy. PFC Stone said “there was a lot of food, everyone had
plenty of food, and it was probably the best food that
we have had since arriving in Afghanistan; DELICIOUS!” PFC
Coder said, “It was a festive atmosphere, there was a
lot of camaraderie, I even got to watch some football on the Play
Station 3 seeing SPC Gonzalez get beaten
by SGT Johnson. “
PSS-3, Kandahar City
By SGT Dorado, 2nd Platoon Cobra Company
No matter how many deployments
you may have; whether this is your first, second, third, fourth
or fifth one,
it seems to amaze everyone back home when Soldiers tell their
stories. But when we get some down time
Soldiers find ways to unwind. Some guys play video games,
workout, play catch when we have a ball, listen to music,
watch movies, or just chill out when we are not on mission. But
no matter what, there is always something going on,
or someone to pull a prank on.
We have been here about three
months already and we have seen some crazy stuff. For example one
thing that we do
when we get new guys is to mess with them a bit, sort of our
rights of passage. PFC Sieb of Richfield,
Wisconsin is one of those guys that is doing his time as we
speak. He is to ask no question and execute.
PFC Sieb has come a long way from when he first got here. When
asked how he feels from
now to when he first got here, PFC Sieb said “I feel like
one of the guys and can’t wait until the next new guy gets
so I can share some of the love I have gotten.”
This month we got a new platoon
sergeant, SSG Wycoff of Las Vegas, Nevada. Since getting here SSG
has found a new hobby, playing NFL Madden 11. Of course there are
guys that are more advanced
at the game than he is but he is picking it up fairly quickly. As
some of the more advance guys play each other
some of the trash talk that goes on is “oh, man you suck,
SSG Wycoff can give me more competition
than you.” SSG Wycoff will be standing there saying to the
guy that just won “let’s go, I’ll take you
Surely he has held his own, let alone with the Denver Broncos.
Maybe a few more games under his belt
and he will really be a beast at the game. Just a food for
thought for everyone the Playstation 3 is way better
than the XBOX 360.
Another game that is very
popular with our guys is a computer game called Dawn of Wars.
It’s a game
that you build an army and then you battle your opponent by
trying to destroy their bases.
When guys get back from patrols they can’t wait to start up
their computers and link all of them together.
I first noticed the game when we arrived here. SPC Hosteller from
Plymouth, Indiana, tried to get guys
into it at first and some guys gave it a shot and loved the game.
As more Soldiers got to know the game
more guys in the platoon started going to battle. Evan 1LT Bryant
from McCall, Idaho, started playing
the game when he had some down time. The game has brought guys to
learn more about each other
and know their buddies at a more personal level.
Currently we are attached to a
Military Police Company from Fort Drum, New York. SSG Almonte of
San Juan,
Puerto Rico and I have made friends with some of the MP’s,
especially their Platoon Sergeant,
SFC Evans. SFC Evans is a very outspoken guy, but then again what
SFC isn’t. We put each other’s MOSs down
just about every day. But the other day SSG Almonte got a box and
it had some donuts in it. He gave me some,
and as soon as he gave them to me we both had a little light bulb
kick on. We went looking for SFC Evans
but he was nowhere to be found, so we wrote a little note that
said “To my police man hero, I hope you enjoy
this treat that we got for you, or that’s we hear. Love
Tankers!” So the next morning SFC Evans sees me
walking around getting ready for mission and says “come here
smarta**.” I rush over there with a smile on my face
knowing exactly what he is going to tell me.” You want to do
some pushups “with a
smile on his face. And I reply with “No, Sergeant.” SFC
Evans then said “Oh, I am going to get you SGT Dorado.
Get out of here.” I am pretty sure he’s going to get
me, but not before I get him again.
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