1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
November 2010
BN CO, HHC, Chaplain
Regular 6 Sends:
Friends and Families of the Regulars,
November has been a great month
for our Task Force and Afghan Partners with tremendous gains
in security and development throughout Kandahar City. As
highlighted by Rory Mulholland
who was a recent media embed from the French Press Agency,
“American and Afghan Soldiers
have in recent weeks managed to take control of Taliban
strongholds in this district (District 6)
as well as in the nearby areas of Arghandab, Zhari and Panjwayi.
Now they are helping set up police stations
and install Afghan authorities that local people trust.”
Thanks to your Soldiers’ incredible hard work
and dedication to mission accomplishment, we have seized the
momentum from the Taliban
and given our partnered Afghan security forces and Afghan
government officials the opportunity
to bring stability, prosperity, and development to the residents
of Kandahar City and outlying districts.
In a short four months, our
partnered Afghan National Civil Order Police (ANCOP) and Afghan
National Police had several key successes that will go a long way
towards reducing intimidations
and murders of innocent people that plagued Kandahar City. You
can feel the difference on patrol
as Afghan Families are starting to experience a transition to
living a somewhat “normal” life.
The trust we’ve built
within the Kandahar districts are evident when you see the
children holding our Soldiers’ hands
and waving at them as they patrol through the communities
they’re responsible for with our partners.
We’ve also seen a notable increase in the local
participation within the Afghan led shuras
(local decision-making deliberations) in Kandahar City
Sub-Districts 6, 7, and 8 in which they can decide
on the villages’ essential service projects to be
constructed and developed.
Even though we’ve had some
incredibly tough losses within the formation, Thanksgiving was a
great opportunity
for us to reflect on the many things we have to be thankful
for….not the least of which is the love and support
from our Families and friends. Command Sergeant Major Coston and
I visited all our Soldiers
to thank them for their service and tell them how proud we are to
serve with such an incredible group of warriors.
Even though the food was great, I think all of us had our
Families and friends in our thoughts
and on our minds throughout this holiday season.
As we look forward to Christmas,
please know that your sacrifice of missing your loved one during
these holidays
allows us to bring a brighter future to the people of
Afghanistan. I know the majority of our Families will be
on the road visiting loved ones throughout the holiday season and
I pray that your travels remain safe
and your holidays remain bright even though you are separated
from the ones you love the most.
If you plan on travelling,
please update your Family Readiness Group point of contact or the
Rear Detachment
leadership with your updated contact information. Our phenomenal
FRGs and Rear Detachment
(led by CPT Brandon Chapman, SFC Clint Battaglia, and Mrs. Ursula
Pitman) remain committed
to serving you and your Families throughout the holiday season.
If you have any questions or require
any type of assistance, please do not hesitate to call them.
I’d be remiss if I did not
recognize at least one of the recent promotions within the Task
We recently promoted Mike Garling to Major; an event made even
more special by the turn-out and support
by the officers and Soldiers of the 3rd Kandak (Battalion), 2nd
ANCOP Brigade. The photo below says it all
about the phenomenal relationship that has developed between our
two units.
Without question, our Soldiers
continue to do an amazing job every day building capability and
capacity within our
partnered forces. However, we cannot do our mission alone and
wanted to give a special thanks to some of the
units who recently joined Task Force Regular and will spend the
holidays with us this year: L Troop, 4th Squadron,
2nd Stryker Cavalry Regiment; 2nd and 3rd Platoons from the 552nd
Military Police Company; 1st Platoon
from the 170th Military Police Company; a squad from the 511th
Military Police Company; and numerous
other enablers from our Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit to the
Air Force Joint Terminal Attack Controllers
embedded in the Task Force’s Tactical Operations Center.
Task Force Regular is truly a team of teams
with all these units being critical to our continued success.
I remain awed by the incredible
efforts our Soldiers put forth every day as we fight our
Nation’s enemies
and bring peace and security to the people of Afghanistan. I hope
you have a very Merry Christmas
and a phenomenal New Year as we approach the half way mark in our
deployment to Afghanistan.
Even though we still have a lot of work to do and short time to
get there, there’s absolutely no doubt
Task Force Regular is going to win.
May God continue to bless Task
Force ‘Regulars’, our Soldiers, and our Families.
Regulars, by God!
LTC Clay Padgett
Regular 6
Friends and Families of the Regulars,
From the “Regulars” Command Sergeant Major's corner come greetings and salutations!
Our Soldiers and your loved ones
this holiday season are reflecting on and embellishing stories
about warm and fuzzy, sincerely felt feelings during moments of
joy and thankfulness with family and friends.
The traditional query of "whose house should I visit
first" and "which gift should I open first"
has been answered for most of our Soldiers again this holiday
season. The only gift some of your beloved
Soldiers are explicitly craving from the old guy or gal who
delivers gifts is: one hot shower unit at ACS-4,
a television at CP 7-10 that provides American--not
British--football, just one porta-john for the 128
Soldiers of Blackhawk Company, and the company who diligently
delivers our rations--FSC--a home.
Our cooks prepared a phenomenal
Thanksgiving feast and we hope and pray they can equal
or surpass their Thanksgiving performance.
This month the Commander and I
had the honor of promoting two Specialists to Sergeant
and one outstanding Noncommissioned Officer to the senior ranks
of the NCO Corps:
Sergeant Richard A. Sutton, Sergeant Thomas E.
Elder and Sergeant First Class Ricardo Varcasia;
congratulations to all!
During this holiday season, let
us all give thanks in our own special way
and let me provide some words for thought:
“people are beset not by the lack of opportunity,
but by the dizzying abundance of it”
“Cogito ergo sum” which means, "I think therefore
I am."
Regulars, by God!
CSM Samuel D. Coston
“Regular 7”
Greetings Hammers,
Another busy month is complete
here at ANCOP HQ. We never stop improving our positions here
to help make our life better. This month we added gravel across
the COP to help prevent dealing with mud
as the rainy season comes. We added 4 shower trailers with hot
water tanks. Each trailer has
two sinks and 4 showers. We have to take quick combat showers
here to conserve water; get wet, turn off
the water, lather up, and then rinse. If done right it should
take less than two minutes. We have a
limited amount of water for bathing and cleaning, so we have to
be very careful how we use it.
Hammer Company had a great
Thanksgiving feast to celebrate a true American Holiday.
The cooks (SGT Palacios, SPC Beltau, SPC Felix, and PV2 Scott )
went all out for the event
waking up very early Thursday morning to get it started. They had
some great help
from SGT Montano and SPC Danetaras. Those six made over 150
Soldiers very happy here on ANCOP.
We even extended an invitation to our ANCOP partners to come
enjoy a feast with us. Just to give you
an idea of what we had, here is a short list of what we ate:
turkey, stuffing, ham, roast beef, jerk chicken,
mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, marshmallow yams, holiday
shrimp rice, shrimp, apples,
grapes, bananas, sparkling grape juice, and 4 different types of
We served dinner from 1530-1730
for the special day. Everyone left with a full stomach.
The chow tent was decorated by the cooks and the Officers upheld
a long standing tradition
in the Army and served dinner to the Soldiers. It’s our way
of thanking them for what they do for us
day in and day out. Take a look at some pictures in the back of
the news letter
to see some of the day’s events.
The days are getting shorter
here and the nights are getting longer. If you’re thinking
what to send in your next care package consider sending some Army
approved cold weather clothing
to help keep us warm. The guys who get hit the hardest by the
cold are our brave guards standing watch
in the towers all night long, making sure the COP does not come
under attack and we can defend ourselves.
Some ideas are long sleeve ACU T-shirts, brown polypropylene
shirts, army cold weather gloves,
hot cocoa (we now have a microwave in the chow tent to heat it
up) , or maybe some nice thick winter socks.
We had a great FRG turn out this
past month. A lot of family members got together back at Fort
to help put together stockings to ship over to the Soldiers. If
you donated your time or money
we really appreciate your efforts and the stockings will go a
long way in bringing a feeling of home
to our tiny little COP. We’ll make sure they are displayed
for the season. We already have a tree donated
by SGT Hardt standing in the center of the compound to remind us
the holiday season is here.
Have a safe holiday season back
home, don’t drink and drive, have fun with your family,
and if anyone is reading what I have to say I want a 1969 Dodge
Charger and a puppy for Christmas.
Happy Holidays,
Hammer 6 (MAJ Michael R. Garling)
From the
From the desk of Hammer 7
Fall is in full swing! Another
month has passed us by.
Hammer Soldiers are continually working hard to assist the Afghan
people with their daily issues.
I’m going to be short and to the point this month. Hammer
Soldiers keep up the discipline
and your duties through this month. You start getting in a
routine and “BAM!” you get caught with your
guard down! I stress, don’t let that be you or your
Soldiers. Maintaining good discipline is hard
when you start getting in a routine. NCOs, change up the schedule
for your Soldiers
and take care of them. Why? Because a well disciplined Solder is
always ready and one day
might be taking care of you. Account for your Soldiers and his or
her equipment.
Watch over each other in your daily life on the COP.
Time is passing by. As I tell
them daily here, one day at a time.
All the families and friends out there know this, that everything
you hear and or see on the news
is adjusted a little for the audience they are trying to reach.
We here in this country
are doing a great service in helping the Afghan people build
themselves up to rid Kandahar City of Taliban.
I am a simple guy and after years of serving this great country I
have come to the conclusion
only 10% of America really knows or cares what we are doing here.
Your sons and daughters,
husbands and wives are doing an outstanding job daily. Going out
on patrols and
walking the streets meeting and greeting the good people of
Kandahar. Realize this too while
you are giving thanks. The Kandahar people have had the short end
of the stick as far as
money and political issues. They are strong and proud people but
very poor. This Thanksgiving
say a prayer for not only us but the good people of Kandahar
Enjoy your Friends and Families.
….Hammer 7, out
Thanksgiving with the Raider Brigade
The Scouts of 1-22IN spent their
Thanksgiving Day in a less than traditional way, escorting
Deputy Commander LTC Garcia around the battle space to visit
Soldiers on one of America's favorite holidays.
First, we traveled to Cobra's
AO, CP 9-1, for LTC Garcia to visit the company which he used to
Then we traveled to visit 1-22 IN’s own Dealer Company and
the elements of HHC's mortar, sniper,
and medic platoons. CPT Olberding assembled those present for a
moment of silence before
the commencement of the meal. During the moment of silence CPT
Olberding asked for blessings
upon the Raider Brigade as a whole and more specifically on the
families of those among Dealer
who paid the ultimate price for their country earlier this year
while serving in combat operations during OEF.
After the moment of silence there was a diverse ensemble of food
to choose from.
There was steak, chicken,
turkey, ham, green beans and an assortment of cookies and pies
that would put
the Golden Corral to shame! The Company Commander, First Sergeant
Jones, and LTC Garcia
were among those serving the Soldiers their meal. We ate, had a
chance to socialize with some of our brothers
from the Battalion, then mounted up and continued to the
Argandhab Valley and 1-320th FA's AO.
LTC Garcia had a chance to visit
his cousin, SPC Garcia while he was helping to prepare the
Thanksgiving meal.
The Deputy Commander also stepped in to assist in the serving of
the Thanksgiving meal to Soldiers of Jelawur.
There was another delectable buffet for the Soldiers there as
well which consisted of smoked turkey,
spiral cut ham, and greens amongst other delicious foods. The
dining facility was adorned
with ice sculptures filled with shrimp cocktail and various other
holiday decorations and to wash it all down
there was plenty of egg-nog on hand! The Soldiers of OEF may not
have had the opportunity
to spend this Thanksgiving with their families back home, but
they did spend it with their extended family, the Soldiers with
whom they serve.
-CPT Hartwig
“Blood Platoon”
Greetings from Kandahar!
LT Modlin has asked me to write
this month's update on the medical platoon, which is very
Briefly about me: my name is LTC Elden Rand, the Battalion
Surgeon for 1-22 Infantry Battalion.
I am a cardiologist and internist by trade. When not deployed
with the 4th Infantry Division,
I am usually stationed at Brooke Army Medical Center in San
Antonio, Texas, where I practice and
teach cardiology and internal medicine. My last deployment was
with 3rd Brigade, 4th Infantry Division.
Another month has gone by here
in western Kandahar. The days are still pleasantly sunny and
but the evenings are definitely starting to show signs of autumn,
and are actually quite chilly some nights.
The crisp evenings and clear starry skies are quite nice,
although certainly not to the level of Colorado Springs.
Of course, the medical platoon
continues to perform all duties as required in typical
outstanding fashion,
but manages to also keep their perspective with good natured
humor and ribbing.
Luckily, our medical business as of late has been mostly typical
mild joint sprains and stomach bugs.
We have been quite busy recently with immunizations, and almost
everyone here has received
their yearly influenza vaccine (Have you ?).
We have had some minor
alterations recently in switching around of personnel.
Sgt Hayden has moved from the Forward Aid Station crew and
stepped up to be the senior NCO
for the forward support company, PFC McCary is also moving from
the Forward Aid Station to Bravo company.
CPL Newton in the Main Aid Station has just switched positions
with SPC Hartle of the PSD security team.
SPC Danetaras was welcomed back to the Main Aid Station.
Mid-tour leaves have also
recently started; soon the medics will enjoy seeing their
families and friends again,
as well as enjoying food not made in a field kitchen.
-LTC Rand
Platoon “Thunder”
Mortar and Sniper Families of Task Force 1-22,
As the days become shorter and
the nights grow longer there are definite signs that Malajat,
does in fact have a fall season. The leaves on the pomegranate
trees have changed colors and are
beginning to fall off the branches. The temperatures range from
the high 30s at night to the mid 70s during the day.
It is not much but it is a small reminder of home and a sure sign
that the deployment is moving forward quickly.
Our operational space has nearly
doubled in size this month with the responsibility of 2
additional villages.
The dirt roads that run throughout the area of operations are
small and dangerous so all movement
is conducted by foot. Rest assured that your Soldiers are getting
plenty of exercise as they walk cross country
from point to point with close to 80 pounds on their backs.
Though the mission may be long,
the men are motivated and beginning to see positive results with
the local nationals in our area.
On November 25th we joined D Co
in a Thanksgiving feast to remember.
Decorations were brought in for the MWR tent that included
banners and paper leaves.
As for the buffet line there was plenty of turkey, ham, chicken,
and steak to go around. Top that off
with some mashed potatoes, gravy, dressing, and
“healthy” slice of cherry pie and Thanksgiving
was in full swing here at ACS 4. Visitors to our home included
the Deputy Commanding Officer
LTC Garcia as well as our own commander LTC Padgett and CSM
This was also a big month for
our ANCOP partners as they celebrated Eid. This was a celebration
to commemorate the end of the Hajj. The ANCOP invited some the
Soldiers into their tent for traditional
Afghan food and a dance show which helps to get a closer look at
the culture in which we are immersed.
Life on the FOB has seen
continued improvements. The Armed Forces Network is available in
the MWR tent
so everyone can now get up-to-date information on the sports
world. Several computers have
already been installed in the MWR tent though internet is not
available. We will soon be able to check email
and see our loved ones on Skype and other web cam services very
soon. There has also been the
installment of a washer/dryer unit as well as hot showers.
Your packages from home continue
to flow to our tents like a waterfall.
There is now no shortage of snacks on the FOB as Soldiers receive
multiple boxes on supply runs.
You can see the morale boost as mail is sorted and awaits someone
to pass out. There is never
complaining when it comes to downloading all those boxes.
As always, thank you for your
continued support in our efforts halfway around the world.
Your thoughts and prayers mean more to the men than you know.
God bless you all.
1LT Richard M. Dunkin
Assault CP “Punishers”
Happy Holidays, Punisher
Families! Things here have not slowed down at all since we first
arrived here
in Afghanistan. Your Soldiers are still out every day,
circulating around the battlefield. We are doing
daily patrols around ANCOP to ensure that the local community is
We took in a puppy a few weeks
ago. She was a great dog to have around. The only time she ever
was when one of the towers was hit with an RPG. She was ready for
a fight. Unfortunately, our
high OPTEMPO kept us from caring for her as much as we had
wished, so our brothers in Cobra company
graciously offered to take her in. We saw her on Thanksgiving;
she had all of her shots and a flea bath
and is definitely the happiest dog in Afghanistan.
We’ve had a few new
Punishers join the platoon since we last wrote home. SGT Boolen
joined us
from Bravo Company and CPL Newton picked up the honorary title of
“Punisher Blood” as our platoon Medic.
Sadly, SSG Cantu had to go home to take care of his family. He is
missed here every day, but we all know
how important family is to every Soldier. Without you all, there
is no reason for us to be here in the first place.
We all keep him and his family in our prayers and ask you to do
the same.
The Punishers have grown very
close and have become our own family away from home. It is
to see the bonds that continue to grow between these men and how
each of us stands behind the other
one hundred and ten percent. Your Soldiers work under minimal
guidance every day and never fail
to accomplish their mission. Please continue to keep us in your
prayers. We are working hard here
and cannot wait to be back home with you all again soon. The
Punishers wake up every day with smiles on our faces
because we get to see first hand how great of an effect we are
having here in Afghanistan.
Trust me when I say we are truly making progress in developing
the government here to provide for its people.
Take care during this holiday
season and God bless you all.
CPT Cary Fitzpatrick (Punisher 6)
HQ Platoon
What makes HQ Platoon work? The
answer is the men that get things done around ANCOP.
From picking up trash, to commanding a company it all comes down
to every Soldier giving 100%.
This platoon is a living breathing organism that continues to
function even when it’s missing a vital part of itself.
No limb is more important than the other. SGT (P) Goodman is one
of those limbs. With his busy schedule
from sun up until after sun down, SGT Goodman is always on the
move. There is not one thing
on this COP that has not been touched or crossed by him. He seems
to know everyone on ANCOP and
can tell you who they are at night just by the way they walk. SGT
Goodman has this phrase that he uses
when he is given a task. I have noticed other Soldiers using the
same phrase, but it just does not have the same effect
when it comes out of some other Soldier’s mouth. “Too
easy,” says SGT Goodman
and then he’s off to work, and what needed to get done is
This is a shout out to SGT Goodman, “Job well done.”
FET; Courageously Going Where No Infantryman Has Gone Before
November brought the cold and
new living quarters for us. We are trying to keep warm in our new
hard building
with tons of blankets and body heat. We also have the whole team
together again after the return of SPC Metts
and PFC Wray (Olson) who both got to spend some time at home with
their families.
Half the FET stayed out at checkpoint 7-2 for a couple days where
they participated in patrols
and got to view Afghanistan from up high on the mountainside. The
other half of FET
had the opportunity to work hand in hand with some female Afghan
National Police
while at PSS8 with Lightning Troop. We have also been keeping
busy on ANCOP with guard shifts
and doing our part in the beautification process of ANCOP. We
were able to enjoy our
Thanksgiving feast together as our own small family and share our
thanks with one and other.
2LT Charleigh LaFronz-Emberger
S1 (Personnel) “El Jefe’s Corner”
Greetings everyone! November has
come and gone, and we have been working harder than ever.
Our Retention NCOIC, SFC Andreas, has been all over the
battlefield: from the Arghandab River Valley
seeing Blackhawk’s Soldiers, stretching all the way to
1STB’s Area of Operation to talk with Cobra’s Soldiers,
and everyone in between. He has been speaking with and counseling
Soldiers on all reenlistment opportunities
and working to get Soldiers options, such as serving in Germany
and Hawaii or as close to home
as well as staying right in Colorado Springs. In a span of three
weeks, he has spoken with and counseled
over 225 Soldiers and conducted 29 reenlistments!
That’s an outstanding
accomplishment, especially with such a high OPTEMPO our Soldiers
are experiencing
around southwestern Kandahar City. As you can see below, SFC
Andreas will do everything he can for any
Soldier’s reenlistment ceremony, even asking Raider 6 to
conduct the ceremony.
This month we had the privilege to promote one of our most
dedicated and hard working Soldiers.
He has really stepped up to the plate and has consistently hit
the ball out of the park no matter the task.
Please help me congratulate PFC Joe Heinaman on his promotion to
Specialist. With the initiative he is showing,
I am confident he will only continue to excel.
This month gave us time to
reflect on what we are most thankful for, not only this year but
in our life.
There are four main things the S1 section and other ALOC
personnel were all thankful for (in no particular order)…
1). Our Family and friends, because without you we wouldn’t
be the men we are today,
2.) Our Soldiers, because they are the driving force behind this
great Army and
NOTHING would ever get done without them!
3). Our Lord, for the greatest gifts of Faith, Hope, and Love.
And finally we are thankful for our “shnookums” (a
wife, girlfriend, significant lady, date, or a lady friend)
because without you we wouldn’t be smiling… Monica S.,
I thank you for keeping me smiling!
We all hope this newsletter
finds you in good health and brings you an uplifting and
overwhelming sense of joy !
I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed Thanksgiving!
-CPT “El Jefe” Behler/Battalion S1
S2 (Military Intelligence)
The S2 staff continued to
successfully push out intelligence products this month in support
of our Battalion,
targeting multiple insurgent networks in the area. November was
particularly joyous for us as
we are entering the holiday season. We enjoyed Thanksgiving
dinner together as a section, minus PFC Franks
who went home on mid tour leave. We have many things to be
thankful for including the support of all of our families
back home.
CPT Madetzke was sure to give a
toast during dinner reminding us all of how lucky we are.
We learned this month that SSG Varcasia was accepted to Warrant
Officer School when we return from
our deployment in August 2011. SSG Varcasia will also finally be
pinned as SFC on 01 December,
which will be another milestone for our shop. We continue to
conduct daily physical training as a section
which helps us motivate each other and get our minds off of the
daily grind. We have also convinced SGT Deb
and SPC Soriano to start lifting weights and are already starting
to see the results.
LT Heifetz and SPC Williams are
also looking forward to being with their families soon as they
leave for
mid tour during Christmas. LT Wang recently returned from his mid
tour leave with early Christmas presents
from his trip to Europe. It is good to have him back as he brings
a unique quality to our shop.
SPC Grady continues to amuse us with his dry sense of humor,
often lightening up tense times in the section.
We continue to enjoy mail time
and are again thankful for all of the packages and support from
our families and friends.
As we transition to the Christmas season and New Year, we value
our time together and look forward
to being home soon.
S3 (Operations)
AHHHHHHHH!!!!!! The Month of
November brings good food, good friends, and the Spirit of
Christmas cheer.
Here at ANCOP HQ all three of these are surely present. During
the last month SSG Kling,
SSG Monge, and PFC Duncan have taken their EML and all had a
great time with their Families,
which we are all glad to hear. The TOC underwent a complete
makeover during the month of November,
which SSG Kling and SSG Monge missed (I don’t think it was
by accident either).
The place is coming along quite well and the Head Shed loves
their new set-up and enjoys sitting aloft
over watching the plethora of power point products that are
produced daily to help the Companies
execute our tough mission over here.
Gravel is in just before the
snow (if we get any) and we have just moved into our hard-stand
which are nice and cozy I might add. New shower trailers and the
introduction of ice cream have had more
of the staff up and in the gym getting ready for their leave
dates to come. We all continue
to try to motivate each other and have some fun to break up the
monotony of the “SHIFT WORK”
that goes on throughout the day. SSG Kling is sick right now but
constantly shows up for work to infect us all
(he is such a caring guy) and the rest of us run away as to try
not to get sick from him.
We are all looking forward to
the holiday with our somewhat dysfunctional Family we have become
and look forward to talking to our own Families during the
upcoming Holidays.
The S3 (MAJ Sandoval)and the XO (MAJ Alfeiri) try to see who can
out work the boss on a daily basis
and the competition is slowing, my money is on the Boss cause
that is a sure bet. Our fires guys continue
to get big in the gym in hopes of showing off the new body when
they get home. Our JTAC team
has finally established a battle rhythm now that they have 3
months left before they head back to Colorado.
It seems that the JTACs have a crew rest schedule that we
continually interfere with by trying to get Aircraft.
The rest of the population of
ANCOP seems to be in good to great spirits as the continued
better our living conditions. I would like to thank the 1SG and
the CO for making it all happen everyday despite
all the outside interference at times. We are all looking forward
to the Holidays and our own time to reflect on
what we are thankful for (taking a shower and not having to turn
the water off and on).
We all miss everyone in the
states and trust me, can’t get back there soon enough, but
know that
we all could not do this job without the support of all the
Families and friends that keep us going out here.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to all the HHC Families and friends
and an advanced
HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON for all the upcoming festivities over the
month of December.
Keep your heads up and the care packages coming cause it will all
be over soon and we can laugh
about this next year.
Holiday Hugs and Best wishes,
The Men of the Mighty Nemesis TOC
S4 (Logistics)
Once again, we come to you from
Afghanistan, out of ANCOP Headquarters, Kandahar City.
All is well with the Regulars. The S4 shop has been doing
phenomenal work amongst all others at their jobs
ensuring morale remains high with resupplies of turkey, stuffing,
and mashed potatoes out to the soldiers fighting
the good fight. All of the Supply Sergeants at Kandahar Air Field
worked extremely hard at ensuring
the Thanksgiving care packages were pushed out to all the
Soldiers; I am extremely proud
to say these Soldiers are working with and for Task Force
Regulars, to make sure the Holidays can be
as enjoyable as possible here in Afghanistan.
We have had some movements
internally with our KAF ALOC, with that being said we welcome the
new faces
and say farewell to the ones that have departed from us. To all
our families back home, I extend my greatest thanks
and appreciation for your continued support of our Soldiers.
Without your help and support, this would be very difficult.
We have all been working around
the clock to ensure that the newest transition in theatre is
moving swiftly
and smoothly. Echo Company, Forward Supply Company, 1-22 Infantry
will soon be transitioning to Russian Silo;
an abandoned Russian grain silo. This new site will serve as a
perfect resupply location, nestled in the middle
of our Soldiers’ locations. The transition to this new site
from our current location will allow for quicker, shorter, and
safer resupplies out to all our Soldiers here in Kandahar City.
SSG Kincheloe has been doing
outstanding in ensuring that all contractors meet their work
requirements on time
to help the Soldiers. 2LT Lisius is following up on all on-site
movement, as he has been appointed
as the 1-22 Infantry on site representative for the buildup of
the Russian Silo. SFC Zelinsky and all the
supply Sergeants at Kandahar Air Field are doing an outstanding
job pushing out all essential supplies
to the right locations; with their help and high motivation, they
keep us motivated as the
transition to Russian Silo is made almost effortlessly.
ANCOP remains a busy body
location. Day in and day out, it seems like the work never stops.
With that being said, the time seems to never stop as well.
Months are flying by and it seems like
we have been here for more than we have. As we focus on our work,
and less on counting the days,
Soldiers remain highly determined in getting the job done as
perfectly as possible to keep each other safe and motivated.
All of our other locations within sector are doing the exact
same. Your Soldiers are doing their best,
and I am proud to say that I, SFC Zelinsky, 2LT Lisius, SSG
Kincheloe and our Supply Sergeants at KAF
serve by their side in supplying them with everything they need
to take the fight to the enemy.
I am honored to serve alongside “The Regulars” S4 Soldiers; keep up all the great work gentlemen.
S6 (Signal)
The S6 has continued to stay
busy. We want to welcome back SPC Joshua Martinek our fellow
assigned to the S3 section. Since we arrived to Kandahar SPC
Martinek has been running our STT/CPN
at Hotel California ensuring that E CO and C CO had reliable
network connectivity. On top of that
he assisted with other communication needs such as tactical
radios, BFT's and computers. He is now back
and we are happy to have him. He makes sure that all the
communication systems are running great
for the Battalion TOC. We also gained SGT Dane Fisher and SPC
Thomas Hairston to the BN S6 section.
SGT Fisher had been supporting D CO with their communication
needs including setting up two Company TOCs.
SPC Hairston did a great job
supporting B CO on their move to the Arghandab River Valley.
While he was there he helped set up the initial radios and
computer network for the Company TOC.
We have spent a lot of time with the 117G Radio. It allows us to
give Regulars tactical internet
and VOIP capability on the move or away from the TOC. We even
installed it in the BN TAC
to make it a truly mobile command post. Even though all of our
initial systems are set up,
the S6 section hasn't slowed down. The Signal Soldiers continue
to improve the Battalion’s communication foxhole.
Hammer Family Readiness Group
Thanks to all the ladies and
little ones who made it out for our stocking stuffing!
We put together 170 stockings to be shipped overseas to our HHC
using all the funds that we raised throughout the deployment.
A great time was had by all who came out for this event!
The Battalion Christmas Party
this year will be on Friday, December 10th from 6pm to 9pm
at Brigade Headquarters (at the corner of Titus and Specker).
Please RSVP to Lauren or to our FRSA, Ursula Pittman to let us
know how many children
and adults will be attending. It is a potluck format, so please
let us know what you will
be able to bring- HHC is responsible for side dishes and
Hope that everyone had a nice
If you have any ideas for future events, please contact
Lauren or Nicki!
Greetings from Afghanistan,
Just recently passed my favorite
eating holiday of the year, Thanksgiving. The best thing about
for me personally is that they tend to bring families and loved
ones together. I know that many of my favorite memories
growing up were spent at family get-togethers during the
holidays. This being said, this years’ Thanksgiving
wasn’t under the best conditions as the Families of Task
Force Regular celebrated the holiday apart from
each other due to the nature of our Nations’ calling on the
1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment to an important
mission in Afghanistan.
I know it is not easy
celebrating a holiday away from a loved one. The holidays are
usually the most difficult
times in a deployment for both deployed troops as well as their
Families back home. That being said, I truly do
hope and pray that each of you make the most of holidays this
deployment despite the less than ideal circumstances
surrounding them. How can we do this you ask? Well, implementing
the tips below, as well as adding
some of your own, is certainly a great place to start.
For the loved one back home
I’d recommend spending the holidays with the closest
relatives and/or friends
feasibly possible. Being around loved ones during special
occasions is always a blessing.
Rather than focus completely on how much it stinks that your
loved one far away, choose to be thankful that
they are in your lives in the 1st place. Be thankful for all of
the blessings that you have in your lives (that you have a
home, children, a paycheck coming in, and so forth). When we
focus on what we have rather than what
we do not have, we will come to realize that we are amongst the
most blessed people in the world.
Realize you are not alone. You have God above and friends around
you to help you not just survive but thrive
in adversity.
Spend time in prayer. I promise
that God always hears our prayers and He knows our struggles.
“His love endures
forever.” If God allows us to come to a situation,
He’ll give us the strength to get through that situation.
God bless Regulars, be sure to have a Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year!
Chaplain Chip Satterlee
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