1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
August/September 2010
Fallen Warriors, Awards
Staff Sergeant Casey J.
Grochowiak was killed Sunday, August 30, 2010 while conducting a
foot patrol
in Southern Afghanistan. He was deployed with the Delta Company,
1st Battalion 22nd Infantry Regiment
in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
SSG Grochowiak was a native of
San Diego County in California and was athletic and loved to
surf, ski
and snowboard. After graduation, he married his high school
sweetheart, Celestina, in 1995, and worked
construction jobs before enlisting in the Army in 1999.
Casey Grochowiak was selected
for infantry school, and served seven years in the 82nd Airborne
before volunteering to be a Ranger School Instructor.
SSG Grochowiak arrived at Camp
Rudder in September of 2006. He immediately gained the respect
of his fellow instructors for his uncompromising work ethic and
dedication to training Rangers.
He was a quick witted and sharp individual who put the needs of
others before his own. While his unit
was mobilized as part of the humanitarian effort in response to
Hurricane Katrina, Casey became aware
of a Louisiana widow whose husband’s ceremonial flag had
been destroyed during the tragedy.
True to his character, Casey arranged for the Department of
Veterans Affairs to deliver a new flag to the widow
so she may regain the token of the passed Veteran’s service.
What was most striking while observing
SSG Grochowiak’s performance at Camp Rudder was the deep
respect his students found in his ability
to develop combat leaders. He became personally invested in their
training and the future they represented
to the United States Army. SSG Grochowiak was consistently
recognized as a “tough as nails” instructor,
but one who would apply the lessons learned through training, so
that his young Ranger students may succeed
while in harm’s way. He was uncanny in his ability to take
the experience he developed through three combat
deployments and 10 years of military service and translate that
into realistic and effective training.
SSG Grochowiak was a Ranger
Instructor at 6th Ranger Training Battalion and local Florida
from 2006 until 2010. SSG Grochowiak arrived at Fort Carson in
April 2010 and was assigned to Dealer Company,
1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry
Division. SSG Grochowiak served as the
1st squad leader of 1st Platoon, training his soldiers for the
upcoming deployment to Afghanistan.
As an experienced Non-Commissioned Officer he always trained his
men above and beyond the standard.
SSG Grochowiak embodied the
values that are set forth in the Ranger Creed, most notably his
loyalty to
fellow comrades and the United States of America. Throughout his
military career, he earned the Ranger Tab,
the Combat Infantrymen’s Badge, Expert Infantrymen’s
Badge, Parachutist’s Badge, and was posthumously
awarded the Purple Heart. He is survived by his wife, Celestina,
and two children, Matia and Deegan.
While he will be missed, his patriotism and sacrifice in serving
to protect this nation will never be forgotten.
Rangers Lead The Way!
1LT Mark Noziska was killed on
August 30, 2010 while conducting a foot patrol in Kandahar,
He was deployed with the Delta Company, 1st Battalion 22nd
Infantry Regiment in support of Operation Enduring Freedom.
1LT Mark Noziska graduated from
Papillon-La Vista High School in 2004 and attended the University
of Nebraska at Omaha where he signed up for the Reserve Officer
Training Corps. He graduated from there
in 2008 with a degree in Criminal Justice and received his
commission as an Infantry Officer.
1LT Noziska attended Basic
Officer’s Leader’s Course and Infantry Basic
Officer’s Leader’s Course
at FT Benning, GA.
1LT Noziska arrived at Fort
Carson in January of 2010 and was assigned as Platoon Leader for
1st Platoon,
Dealer Company, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry. Shortly after
singing into his unit, he led his Soldiers through
a grueling three week exercise named “RAIDER BLITZ”.
Even though only a new pinned officer ,
his Soldiers knew he was in charge and could be counted upon to
make the right decisions.
He trained his platoon above and beyond the standard for the
Operation Enduring Freedom deployment.
LT Noziska received a slot to attend Ranger school but declined,
stating that he would rather have the opportunity
to deploy to Afghanistan with his Platoon.
1LT Mark Noziska’s awards
and decorations include the Bronze Star, Army Achievement Medal,
Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal, Afghanistan Campaign
Medal, Overseas Service Ribbon,
Combat Infantryman Badge, and the Parachutist Badge.
He is survived by his parents, William and Doreatha Noziska, brother Troy, sister Tracy, and five nieces and nephews.
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