1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
December 2010 - january 2011
Morale, Rear Detachment, Awards
From the Rear Detachment:
Happy New Years Regulars!
We’re at the half way point of this deployment!
I hope everyone had a safe and enjoyable Holiday Season. The
stress of the deployment has really started to build on some of
Families and I am asking that many of you will consider attending
our “Preparing for the Home-Stretch” workshop in
February—and bring a friend! We’re working with the
FRGs to put this on to get the most benefit to you, our Families.
you have ideas or suggestions for topics you’d like
discussed, please let your FRG leader know. This program is
to be for you, designed by you. I look forward to seeing everyone
The rear detachment continues to
serve our great Soldiers and Families on a daily basis. Located
in BLDG 2132 on
Fort Carson, we only have a small number of personnel but we
exist to assist Families during this challenging time. If you
have questions or need assistance, please contact your FRG leader
first but you can also contact our Family Readiness
Assistant, Mrs. Ursula Pittman.
CPT Brandon Chapman
Rear Detachment Commander
From the Command Financial Adviser
As the Command Financial Adviser
I would like to touch on a few situations dealing with the cold
winter. Here are a few tips to help in these situations. Never
leave home for a long period of time without setting
your heating system above about 50 degrees. There is a good
chance that the pipes in your home could freeze and
burst causing serious damage. Instead, make sure your heat is
always set to at least 50 degrees and you leave a faucet on a
slow drip. This will prevent freezing. I know the mornings can be
cold but you should never leave your car running unattended
in the garage or outside. There is always the threat of carbon
monoxide poisoning or even the thief of the vehicle.
As you know, tax season is here
again. The W-2s will be release on the 24th of January and you
will need access to My
Pay or AKO to print them out. Please consult with your tax
preparers about filing your taxes now or when your Solider
If there are any questions please contact me, SSG Woodyard,
1-22 Infantry Battalion Mid-Point Workshop
“Preparing for the Home Stretch”
This is a workshop designed for
deployment stress and resiliency for the Families. We will have
three sessions available:
Teens ages 13-18
Children ages 5-12
Childcare will be available for
children under the age of 5.
The children must be registered with CYS.
Carlotta Housel, 1BCT Military Family Life Consultant and
SFC John Guna, 1-22IN Master Resilience Trainer will be speaking.
Where: FRC (BLDG 6237, Mekong St.)
When: 24 FEB 11
Time: 6:00 p.m
Please RSVP by 17 February to our Battalion FRSA
EDGE Program: After School Activities for Military Children (Ages 6-18)
The EDGE program offers
afterschool enrichment opportunities for military children, ages
6-18, to experience,
develop, grow, and excel by participating in cutting-edge art,
fitness, life skills and adventure activities.
Fort Carson's EDGE program is currently offering an exciting
variety of free and low cost ($5 per hour) activities
for February!
For more information call: (719)
Participants must register at the CYS Parents Central Office
(Bldg. 1518, Prussman Ave.) prior to enrollment
into the EDGE program. CYS is open Monday-Friday: 07:30 a.m.-5:00
p.m. Phone: (719)
Upcoming Events:
Every Saturday—Dollar Movies at McMahon Theater—4:00
p.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Every Sunday—Dollar Movies at McMahon Theater— 4:00p.m.
18 January —Tax Center start taking calls for appointments
at 719-524-1013
18 January —ACO FRG Meeting—Chick-Fil– Garden of
the Gods Location—5:30 p.m.
19 January —D CO FRG Meeting—Family Readiness
Center– 6:00p.m.
20 January - 1BCT Car Smarts—Brigade Classroom—
22 January - Family Fun Swim Meet—Indoor Pool— 10:00
23 January - Special NFL Reception for Families—
Foxhole—2:00p.m. 24 January—Tax Center opens
25 January —Division CARE Team Training—6:00p.m. at FRC
26 January—HHC FRG Meeting—McDonald’s—Mesa
Ridge Parkway—6:00 p.m.
28-30 January —Strong Bonds Retreat—Hot Springs, CO
30 January —BCO FRG Ice Cream Social
3 February—Carson Cares—ACS– 9:00 to 4:00 (for new
Families to the Carson Area)
6 February—Super Bowl Party—Foxhole—2:00p.m.
9 February—ESCO Membership Meeting—6009 Mekong
Street—6:00 p.m.
15 February—DIV CARE Team Training—FRC—10:00 a.m.
19 February—Camouflage Kids— AF Basketball
Game—Clune Area—11:00 a.m.
24 February—Preparing for the Home Stretch Workshop-
FRC—6:00 pm
16 April—ESCO Craft Fair
FREE Childcare during deployment
Caring Days (deployed status
only): Spouses of deployed Soldiers receive 16 free hours of
respite care, per
child, per month. This free child care is available from noon
– 7 p.m. Caring Saturdays will be provided at the
East Child Development Center (Building 6058.). Caring Daily will
be provided at the Southwest Center, (Building
7790) from 7:30 a.m. -7:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Care is
provided in four –hour time blocks. Reservations
are required and can be made by calling no later than 3 p.m. the
Wednesday prior to each Caring Day.
Your Mountain Post Discount Card is here!
These cards are for the Family
of all deployed Soldiers that live in the Colorado Springs area.
Many local businesses
and on post services offer discounts with this card. Please call
Ursula at to see if she has
your card. She is located in the Battalion Headquarters, Building
2132, Room A144.
Go to this website www.myfortcarsonmwr.com and check out all of
the DFMWR programs, facilities and
community businesses offering our heroes and their Families
special savings.
Become a Fan of 1-22 IN “Regulars By God”
Go to www.facebook.com
Search “Regulars By God”
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Sign up now for the vFRG website!
* We can control the information flow
* Access only to Soldier’s Family members
* Flights, official notifications and other sensitive information
will be posted ONLY on this site.
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