1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
December 2010 - January 2011
Company A, Company B, Company C
Hello Gator Families and Friends,
Another great month has passed
for the company. This holiday season was exciting for the
Soldiers as we had
lots of packages and letters from home. I want to thank everyone
back home for their
support of the Soldiers through gifts, thoughts, and prayers over
the course of December. Though we were far apart
from our Families and loved ones, we know we are cared for. The
holiday spirit was seen and heard around District 7,
Kandahar City. Our command posts, morale centers, and dining
facilities at all platoon and company
locations were decorated with Christmas lights and tinsel. 1SG
Stoen played Christmas music non-stop in our office and laughed
it slowly drove me crazy. Our Christmas meal was also pretty
impressive, with all the traditional dishes.
The company continues to make great strides in bringing security
and development to the people in District 7, Kandahar City.
Our patrols continue to focus on engaging locals and village
elders to create friendly relationships and gain intel on
enemy operations. Of course the guys also conduct plenty of
exciting missions at night to interdict and detain insurgents.
3/552nd MPs have recently detained two insurgent cell leaders
operating in our area, disrupting enemy
operations and increasing the local perception of Afghan
competency. 1st PLT and 2nd PLT constructed a massive obstacle
across an insurgent transit route. 3rd PLT has secured an
enormously important power generation station which will
positively affect the lives of countless Afghans. And HQ PLT
manages to keep the whole company
running smoothly through it all.
I am incredibly proud to have served with your Soldiers. Soon I
will leave A CO and take command of HHC,
but I leave the company in the very capable hands of CPT Ryan
Calhoon. I will never forget
the time I spent with you and your Soldiers and how great the
sacrifices were that you made throughout my command.
Our company is truly the most friendly and professional unit with
whom I have ever served. Please welcome CPT Calhoon
to our company and support him as you have me. Be proud of your
Soldiers and the mission
we carry out in our nation’s name.
Family and Friends of Gator Company,
I would like to update you on
how the company is doing since the last newsletter. Incredibly,
everyone’s pants still fit after eating
excessive amounts for Thanksgiving and Christmas Dinners. Despite
not having many of the comforts of home, we were still
able to experience some very appetizing Thanksgiving and
Christmas Fixings.
Christmas and New Year’s Eve were special events for the
company as well that were accompanied by great meals. While at
times it is hard to believe how fast time has passed as we are
already operating in the New Year, I recognize that the absence
many of your loved ones has made you feel as though the time
could not pass fast enough. For this, Gator Families, we thank
you. We all wished we could be home with Family and friends for
the holiday season but understand our responsibility here in
and will continue to think of you in the New Year. I know that we
are thinking of you all back home, as I am sure you
are thinking of us.
As we push on in 2011, keep in mind that Gator Company is on
patrol and are looking out for you all back home as well as our
brothers in arms here. We continue to welcome all of your prayers
to get us through this deployment.
Thank you, Gator Families, for your unwavering love and support.
1SG Stoen
Gator 7
Family and Friends of HQ Platoon,
The last few months have been
fairly interesting. In the A Company Tactical Operations Center
(TOC), daily operations are focused on
targeting of lethal and non-lethal targets within the Area of
Operations. The company has combined efforts with local
contractors and
partnered Afghan National Security Forces to provide the people
with humanitarian aid relief during these rough winter months.
A Company has built a series of wells, improved roads,
refurbished key structures, and constructed drainage canals to
the local national way of life. One key task of the headquarters
element is to created and maintain solid relationships
with key leaders in the area.
The Company Commander and Fire Support Officer, routinely hold
Shuras (meetings), to converse with the elders and understand the
problems and issues within their respective villages. The
Soldiers of Headquarters provide the logistical support and
security to allow
such meetings to take place. The TOC is also developing a cash
for works project to hire 200 locals from across Sub-District 7
of Kandahar.
The ground work has been laid and all workers are identified.
This program will help to employ the poor villagers, connecting
to the local government, and deter all locals from relying on
Taliban influence to provide for their Families.
Headquarters has been very busy with a move to the Bagepole Power
Station at the end of December. These fine men were tasked
with packing up and moving an entire Tactical Operations Center,
amongst other items over a few days span. With little sleep from
move, the Soldiers are still required to conduct force protection
(tower guard) following their daily work. However, as we enter
back half of the deployment, your Soldiers will stay strong. Our
platoon celebrated the Holidays with a huge meal and lots of
laughter. The Company Commander and First Sergeant served all of
the Soldiers chow. Several of the Soldiers wore holiday caps from
care packages during our celebrations. The Fire Support Officer
(FSO) and Executive Officer (XO) pulled tower guard duties so the
could get some chow and a little time off to get in to the
Christmas spirit. The amount of gifts sent by Families and
friends was an spectacular
site, as the whole TOC was filled with no room to walk for two
days. This was the peak of excitement for all of the Soldiers
from A
CO, seeing the gifts from Family members and strangers alike. A
CO, 1-22 IN is performing tasks to the best of their abilities
driving back the insurgency and winning the hearts and minds of
the Afghan People. By concentrating our efforts on capturing the
as well as the hearts and minds of the locals, our mission will
be a success.
Aaron G. Lucas
Family and Friends of 1st Platoon, Alpha Company,
It has been an honor and
privilege to serve alongside the men of 1st Platoon for the past
eighteen months. Unfortunately for me, my
time as First Platoon Leader is now ending. 2LT Trevor Powers
will become the next Platoon Leader; 2LT Powers is a very capable
who will be leading the men of First Platoon for the remainder of
the deployment.
In the past month, we have continued to patrol our Area of
Operations. With 1st Platoon focusing on security, the local
populace are
able to travel without fear of being harassed or killed by the
enemy. Children flock to our patrol every time we walk or drive
to a village;
even the village elders consistently express their gratitude for
the presence of American Soldiers; honoring all of 1st Platoons
hard work
in Afghanistan.
Christmas was bittersweet for 1st Platoon. It was definitely hard
being away from our Families on Christmas. The men enjoyed a day
off from patrols and an excellent Christmas meal. SPC Gombar,
‘Cookie,’ prepared a terrific dinner consisting of deep
fried turkey,
ham, mash potatoes, and stuffing. This meal definitely raised
spirits here at CP 7-2. The interpreters working with 1st Platoon
even got
into the holiday spirit by preparing a traditions Afghani meal of
turkey and vegetable stew. Several of the men received Christmas
from loving Families and friends back in the states. The Soldiers
decorated their living areas with Christmas decorations and SSG
dressed up as Santa Clause to entertain the men. Some of us were
even able to coordinate with our spouses to see (via Skype) our
children’s expression when they walked out of their room and
saw gifts under the tree.
A new arrival of Afghan National Civil Order Police to CP 7-2 has
brought fresh energy to the fight. The new ANCOP commander is an
extremely well respected officer, who brings a long track record
of victory over the enemy. Our Soldiers and Non-Commissioned
have already seen the difference these men make on our partnered
patrols. Battles tested NCOs, especially SSG Livengood, have even
admitted that these new men are the best trained Afghani Soldiers
he has ever seen. They are not only disciplined Soldiers but
to winning the hearts and minds of the villagers in our AO.
Living conditions for the local populace have improved over the
winter months due to the efforts of 1st Platoon. A massive road
project in our AO has invigorated the economy and provided many
local men with ample job opportunities. The new road
will help bring the local people into a prosperous community by
providing them safe and easy travel to Kandahar City. Without the
work of 1st Platoon none of this would be possible, our efforts
on the road project will
guarantee a better Afghanistan for many years to come.
I am very proud of First Platoon. Commanding this platoon has
been the highlight of my career in the Army.
Brett H. Sanborn
Second Platoon Family and Friends,
Happy belated Holidays to
everyone back home! Second Platoon thanks everyone back home for
their support over the Holidays!
We definitely missed being home with you all, but we had the
second best thing, a Christmas
Dinner here with each other. Thank you for your generous packages
that brightened our faces on Christmas Day.
Over the course of several weeks leading up to Christmas, the
holiday spirit was in the air. Second Platoon celebrated
the joyous occasion by gathering for an exceptional holiday
feast. NCOs and I pulled tower guard so that
Enlisted Soldiers could have free time and spread festive cheer.
Turkey was served with all the fixings of a usual holiday dinner
that night which restored spirits and friendships between the
Soldiers of the platoon. Our partnered
ANCOP joined us for dinner to share stories of our two vastly
different cultures and to also celebrate various victories
which were achieved throughout the year. Most of all, the
Soldiers at CP 7-4 were overwhelmed with the sight
of packages received from back home. Most Soldiers received
multiple packages in which they so kindly gave up to fellow
The day ended peacefully with the great memories shared with
those at CP 7-4. The past month saw a large operation
for our platoon going through two towns in our AO and making sure
everyone in the towns are safe. The included
pictures are some of your Soldiers checking through some houses
in the area and trying to show them we are here
to help secure their country.
Your Soldiers are out every day making great changes in the area
to include passing out backpacks, pens, pencils,
and paper to the local children in a less wealthy village. As we
go into the new year you are always on our minds
and we look forward to seeing you again!
Adrian E. Tilston
2nd PLT, A/1-22
Loyal Friends and Family of Third Platoon,
The last month has been
tremendously busy for 3rd Platoon. With Christmas, the New Year,
new missions on the horizon,
an awesome new home and two promotions, life in 3rd Platoon has
been anything but boring!
Christmas in Afghanistan can be hard, no question, but at least
we had the means to call home and wish our loved ones
a Merry Christmas. We also took comfort by stuffing ourselves at
the MASSIVE Christmas Dinner served by CPT
Pitkin, 1SG Stoen and 2LT Coyne. If we hadn't had to go to work,
we could have spent a week just sleeping off that meal.
We may not have had any fireworks for New Year's Eve, but over
here that's a good thing. The night passed
quietly on 3rd Platoon's watch. What's the best part of the New
Year so far? We finally got all the pieces lined up and began
the move from the 'old homestead' at Checkpoint 7-10 to the 'new
hotness' at the Bagepole Power Station.
What a difference moving only 800 meters down the road can make!
Huge new tents with brand new beds, scalding hot showers,
a DFAC so big we could almost play football inside... This is the
life! Once the move is complete, 3rd
Platoon will shift from a force protection-oriented mission, to a
more patroloriented one. We are very much looking forward
to getting out and meeting the people around us. With the old
silo getting set up for use as a power station
to provide stable, continuous electricity for all of western
Kandahar, we anticipate getting along just fine with our new
To cap off a great month, we promoted two of our Soldiers. Our
Platoon Medic, 'Doc' Galan, was
promoted from corporal to sergeant. 'Doc' is one of the
hardest-working Soldiers in the Platoon, and his promotion
was well-deserved. We also promoted PV2 Abreu, the designated
marksman for 2nd squad. We will expect more out
of PFC Abreu, but with a work-ethic as sharp as his shooting, we
know he'll deliver above and beyond.
1LT Coyne,
Third Platoon Leader
As bitter sweet as it was,
Christmas has come and gone.
The bitter part is that all of the Soldiers were away from their
loved ones; the all so very sweet part is that we made
the turn into the New Year. Weather in Kandahar has been on the
frigid side. Soldiers in the Platoon are used
to the warm tropical weather of their home station (Schofield
Barracks). But with mission
tempo and incredible support and resources from TF 1-22 the
Soldiers are managing the weather and maintaining a
positive attitude. We have been told by the local Afghani that
rain is late this year, but we all would still like to look up
and see a cloud or two. We welcome the rain, and anticipate a
different looking sky at least one day, while we are here in
Our bonds and partnership with the Afghanistan National Police
continues to grow. We have moved into refurbishment
and training of the local Afghanistan National Police / Police
Substations within our district. The willingness of our
counterparts (ANP) and our ability to be with them at all times
has definitely enabled us to be more productive in
equipping them with the tools and facilities to be successful in
the future.
Soldiers within the Platoon received their shoulder sleeve
insignias former wartime service (Combat Patch) during a
recent ceremony hosted by the Battalion Commander, and Battalion
Command Sergeant Major at PSS 7. This ceremony
marked a very critical point in the deployment for most Soldiers
in the platoon. The hard work and determination to
make Kandahar a safer more productive environment for all
occupants was individually rewarded to each Soldier. This
ceremony tends to be special and sacred to each Soldier, from
this point on any person that comes across these proud
Soldiers will know that the harsh conditions of combat have been
embraced, tested and acknowledged by presence of
the patch on their right shoulder sleeve.
We love you and miss you all very much and wish you a
Happy New Year . See you this year.
SFC Staniewicz “Punisher
3/552nd MP CO
Blackhawk Families,
December has been a great month
for BLACKHAWK Company and our Afghan Partners with continued
improvement in our
area of responsibility. Recent news articles have all but
declared victory in the Arghandab River Valley and the greater
Kandahar area. Though I would caution everyone against
unrealistic expectations, I think the war in this part of the
country has
taken a turn for the better and your men are at the front of that
effort. The Company has regularly seen distinguished visitors
and been thanked in person by General Petraeus and the
Undersecretary of the Army. The reason is that what your men are
doing is special and they are part of history. Through their
incredible hard work and dedication to mission accomplishment,
we have seized the momentum from our enemy and given our
partnered Afghan security forces and Afghan government officials
the opportunity to bring stability, prosperity, and development
to what was a terrorized community. We have increased
school attendance 300%, provided 160 jobs, and freed people of
the daily harassment of roving gangs of Taliban thugs.
In the short time since we moved here in October, we have seen
our partnered Afghan Police force double in size and take
the lead in hunting down the same enemy we are with equal
success. On Christmas day, they were nice enough to patrol
without us so we could enjoy a football game and good meal. They
surprised us by bringing back a truckload of enemy weapons
and 5 captured fighters. As 1SG and I have said many times
lately, “We would much
rather be home with our Families.” However, it is the
sacrifice we are all sharing that makes us special; and not many
are willing
to sacrifice as much for their country as you are now. We
continue to miss PFC Baker, PFC Bosserdet and PFC Simmons.
We think of you often, talk of you often, and wish you the best
recovery possible.
Captain Bradley D. Rudy
Blackhawk 6
Hello Blackhawk families!
Since we last talked the Company
has celebrated Christmas and New Years with our brothers in arms.
The Blackhawks
are still at COP Durham in the Arghandab River Valley and is
OPCON to 1/320 Field Artillery
Battalion and the company has detached 3rd Platoon to HHB
1/320th. I expect to have 3rd Platoon back with the Company
before the end of January. At this time we have three morale
phones and AFN at COP
Durham and 1 morale phone and AFN box at SP Simmons. We have no
changes in our SPAWAR we are waiting
on a technician to come and hook it up. I know this a concern for
everyone to include the Command
Team. I am asking for updates on a daily basis, but we
aren’t the only COP that’s waiting. We have 6 showers
at COP Durham and I expect 3rd Platoon to have there’s in a
few weeks, 3rd Platoon does go to
COP Stout to take showers and use SPAWAR as much as possible. We
are short a few heaters but we are working it,
every Soldier has heat in their tent but we’re just trying
to make it better. All the Soldiers are
doing great and continue to excel every day, we continue to send
Soldiers home for R&R leave, we are about 50% complete
on EML. I have the leave dates out till March with the expected
flying date from KAF. I will have April and May
leave dates around 15 January, I expect the last leave date to be
around 28 May. All Soldiers that take leave in May will
return to Afghanistan when there EML is over. This is the time in
our deployment when the rumors will start because
we are getting closer to our redeployment. I ask you to stick to
the facts and listen to what Rear
Detachment is telling you. We now have our Company Poker Chip
that every Soldier will receive from the Commander and I,
and we had the privilege to award 5 Combat Infantrymen Badges on
New Year’s Eve. The awardees were 1LT Gonzales,
CPL White, PFC Satchell, PV2 Milkalke and PV2 Tan. This was only
five of 30, the rest will be awarded soon by
the Battalion Commander. I will continue to do my best to make
life as comfortable as I can for your husband.
We continue to have PFC Baker, PFC Bosserdet and PFC Simmons in
our prayers for a speedy recovery
from their injuries. There is not a day that goes by that
you’re not in our thoughts, GOD SPEED! Please contact me if
there are any issues you need me to get involved with. As always,
it is
such an honor to be the First Sergeant of Bravo Company. Take
care and we will see you next month!
Blackhawk 7
Hello to all Headquarters Families from COP Durham in the Arghandab Valley,
Since our last newsletter we
have celebrated Christmas and New Years here at Cop Durham. We
had a great Christmas Dinner
prepared by our cooks which included beef, pork, turkey, stuffing
and mashed potatoes.
Things are going well here and the improvements continue daily.
We now have 2 working shower trailers with hot water.
We have also resolved most of our power issues as we received
another large generator.
HQ’s Platoon has been busy as usual conducting almost daily
convoys moving people and supplies around the area.
HQ’s Platoon also took part in a clearing operation near
here with very positive results. At the end of
the operation, the locals were given food for their Families
which consisted mostly of flour, rice and oil. We also received
our new Multicam uniforms in December. Some of the Soldiers’
uniforms were missing or
they were the wrong sizes but we are working on this and hope to
have more uniforms in soon.
We will continue to stay busy here into the New Year as people
and go off leave and we continue our COP improvements.
1LT Brooks and SSG Waits
Hello 1st PLT Family members from COP Durham, Afghanistan,
Greetings to all First Platoon
Families and friends from COP Durham! I hope that the Holiday
Season was one full of joy and memories with
loved ones. The month of December was quiet as we continued to
develop our relationship with the Afghan citizens of the
Arghandab River
Valley; the company as a whole now employs over 100 workers who
repair their village and improve their standard of living. Your
Soldier is
working extremely hard both day and night to see that we are
prepared for the spring as the enemy attempts to move back in the
area. Thankfully,
our own living conditions have greatly improved since our last
newsletter: we now have hot water for showers and hygiene, a
plus. Additionally, we donned our new deployment uniform in the
middle of December, called Multicam. It blends much better with
the terrain
in our area, also a major plus. For Christmas, the company was
given a day off from patrols and enjoyed a large dinner as well
platoon football in the COP landing zone. It was a welcome and
much-needed break for all.
As always, your prayers and packages are always received with
appreciation. Thank you for your continued support.
Thank you for all that you do.
1LT Benjamin Adams
Spartan Families,
2nd Platoon continues to uphold
the operational standard during this Holiday Season. We have
trained our ANSF counterparts
and continued to make progress with the locals. We took Soldiers
from the Afghan National Army to a
range and conducted partnered live fire battle drills. The ANA
demonstrated tactical proficiency with their maneuvers and
will be a competent partner for our Soldiers this spring. 2nd
Platoon also helped our Afghan partners distribute
Humanitarian Aid to towns in our area. The rice, flour, and other
food products will serve to show the people that the
Government of Afghanistan supports them and to help them feed
their Families through the last months of their
winter season.
We celebrated this Holiday Season with our friends and brothers
in Blackhawk Company. While we all miss our friends
and Family this Holiday Season, we still had a very memorable
holiday celebration. We played an inter company
football game and shared a Christmas meal with our Afghan
National Army (ANA) counterparts. After our Christmas Feast,
prepared by our company cooks, Soldiers from 2nd Platoon gathered
around the fire to celebrate with their
friends. We roasted marshmallows, drank hot chocolate and
listened to music.. Soldiers used everything from sticks to
to roast their marshmallows. Perhaps the most memorable part was
listening to PFC Haken sing Johnny Cash
songs, while 1LT Adams played the guitar.
Spartan Friends and Families,
The Platoon FRG meeting held at
Fort Carson was a success, and I appreciate all the spouse’s
and Families that attended.
Special thanks to Wendy Gideon for her tireless efforts
supporting the Platoon FRG and coordinating the Platoon
FRG meeting. The Platoon Chip/Coins have arrived and all Soldiers
of the “Spartan” Platoon have earned their Afghanistan
Soldiers who conduct themselves above and beyond the standard
will also receive the second Spartan chip for excellence.
Hello Family and Friends!
Merry Christmas! It’s late
but better than never. Hopefully everyone enjoyed their Christmas
and made the best of it,
even though you couldn’t have your husbands, fathers,
brothers, and sons home. Some exciting things happened this
past December. PFC Beckmann was promoted to SPC Beckmann. SGT
Pulou reenlisted. PFC Evans received a battlefield promotion,
and is now SPC Evans. We had a COP built for us, and are starting
improve it.. It has been a little chilly
here, but the men are bundling up and staying warm. Also the
platoon would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year.
Hopefully the New Year’s resolutions are going well so far.
The care packages that were sent for Christmas are still
arriving and the Soldiers are enjoying them. We are also ensuring
that the Soldiers are getting a chance to use the computers
to SKYPE or call home. We are trying to get them on the computers
at least once a week. The platoon would
like to say they are missing home, but thanks to your support
they are staying motivated and doing a phenomenal job
at whatever mission is asked of them. So once again thanks for
the support that Y’all give your Soldiers each and every
day. And a special thanks for the sacrifices that y‘all as
Family and friends of Soldiers in the military make every day.
Blackhawk 37’s Words of
“Stop sending the LT candy”
Hello COBRA Families!
Merry Christmas and Happy New
Year to all of you from the Soldiers of Team COBRA in Kandahar
City! December
was an exciting month which saw great progress in both our combat
efforts and the quality of life for our Soldiers.
Your Soldiers received countless cards, care packages, and USO
sponsored presents for Christmas. On behalf of all the Soldiers
of Team COBRA, I would like to extend a thank you to all the
friends, Family, and volunteers that made a Merry Christmas
in Kandahar City possible! Following our Christmas Day football
game here on Combat Outpost 9-1, our resident
cook SPC Espinoza prepared an awesome meal for your Soldiers
including specially prepared hams, cakes, and some
sparkling cider. He and SGT Thompson are working diligently to
get ready for the next feast which will take place on the
Super Bowl Sunday.
Speaking of the Super Bowl, your Soldiers will now be able to
watch it thanks to the diligent efforts of 1SG Lambert,
SFC Roberts, and our CPN operators, SGT Walker and PFC Schwartz.
The Armed Forces Network is now broadcasting at
COP 9-1. The feed came online just in time for bowl season so in
between going on missions and pounding pickets
to run barbed wire, your Soldiers have been enjoying the best
part of the college football season. Even the horrendous AFN
commercials have proved to be a source of entertainment…
probably since we have had nothing to watch for several months!
1st PLT celebrated Christmas day down at Hotel California on a
lightened patrol schedule. They are all excited for
their impending move to COP 9-1 where they will be together with
company headquarters, and can finally have a shorter
“commute” to the Afghan police stations where they
work. Our detached platoons also continue to excel. 2nd PLT
stopped by
recently to pick up its newest team leader, SGT Menchaca, and
informed of us all the great progress they are
making down in district three. 3rd PLT will also soon be moving
for a change of mission. They will soon be attached to
Alpha Company, partnering with Afghan forces to conduct
population centric operations out of Checkpoint 7-4. Our attached
platoon from the MP’s is also doing great work continuing to
improve the living conditions at Police Sub Station 9.
Just this month they finally received the resources to have their
own hot chow! The Stryker platoon has done an excellent
job integrating an entirely new company of Afghan Civil Order
Police (ANCOP) into our operations.
It’s hard to believe that our ADVON Soldiers will be halfway
done with their tour within the next two weeks.
Although we still have a long way to go, your COBRA Soldiers have
made incredible strides in Kandahar City, helping to bring
infrastructure, security, and the rule of law to tens of
thousands of people in our Area of Operations who have been
of these for years. As I write this article, an Air Force unit
assigned to our COP is digging a 1500 foot deep well
which provide water for an entire sub district of Kandahar City.
This well would never have been possible without the security
your Soldiers provide! They will continue to excel as we enter
the second half of our tour here in Afghanistan.
1LT Kristof C. Ladny
Acting COBRA Commander
To Cobra Families and Friends,
I would like to wish each and
everyone a Happy New Year! 2010 really went by quickly, and I
hope 2011 continues
along that path. The good thing is 2011 is our year to redeploy
and we will be able to see our loved ones that
we left so far away. I hope everyone enjoyed their Holiday Season
back in the states even while your loved one
is deployed. I understand that this past Holiday Season was not
the traditional one given your Soldier being
somewhere other than with Families and friends. On the bright
side, this is the year Cobra Families and Friends
will be able to reunite with their loved ones. We are halfway
there now, but at the same time will remain vigilant
in disrupting the enemy until we are all back home safe. The
company has started the year off right by sending
Soldiers off for R&R to spend time with their Families and
friends. We will continue to cycle Soldiers through
R&R for their well deserved leave. I want you to know
I’m personally involved with making sure our Soldiers get
their mail at their location. There are a lot of organizations
that are sponsoring your Soldiers, and they are very
thankful for the sacrifices made by them. Our MWR facilities are
coming along very well and Soldiers are watching
the remaining College Bowl games and ultimately the Super Bowl,
that’s coming up soon.
I would like to congratulate SSG Hood on his new promotion to
Staff Sergeant for the month of January.
Also, Cobra Company had three Soldiers that appeared before the
promotion board; they are SGT (P) Jones, SGT
(P) Pendergass and SPC (P) Hostetler. These three Warriors did an
outstanding job in preparing themselves both
professionally and mentally while taking care of our Soldiers
while deployed. It’s always an honor to serve as
First Sergeant for our outstanding Warriors and continue to watch
them partner with their Afghanistan counterparts.
Thanks for all the support from everyone and the Soldiers really
appreciate it as well. CPT Hedtke and I will
keep you informed as much as possible. We will continue taking
care of each other and implementing the buddy
system. If you need to contact me, please don’t hesitate to
do so. Continue to keep each and every Soldier in your
prayers, and take care of each other back home.
1SG John Lambert
Headquarters Platoon, Team
Cobra, COP 9-1
By 1LT Kyle J. Hackbarth, Fire Support Officer
Season’s Greetings from COP
9-1 to the Families and friends of Headquarters
Platoon, Team Cobra!
First off, I would like to wish all of Team Cobra’s Families
a happy New Year and thank you for all of your generous
support of TM Cobra’s Soldiers. We would not be nearly as
successful in our missions here if it
were not for your support at home. It is hard to believe that we
are finally in 2011 and that we will be redeploying this year.
I hope that all TM Cobra Families had a pleasant holiday season
in the states. Your
Soldiers were well taken care of through this Holiday Season as
we continue to take the fight to the enemy here in Kandahar City.
Headquarters platoon continues to excel with its daily mission of
enabling the line platoons combat patrols. Our COIST section
run by SGT Borawski, SPC McGowan, PFC Morris, and SPC Brown
continues to provide
accurate and timely intelligence to our platoons, while other
members of the platoon, including PV2 Barto and SPC Perez,
continue to
excel as RTO and base security. Also, we would like to welcome
SPC Sims to HQ platoon from 2nd P latoon. He is a
welcome addition who brings years of Army and “tanking”
experience to the fight. Also congratulations
go out to newly promoted SSG Hood, our senior line medic. I hope
that you enjoy the attached photographs and thanks for all
the continued support. We will continue to excel with our mission
here in country, and please note that your support
is greatly appreciated by all Soldiers in the company. Lastly I
would like to thank each and every
member of TM Cobra for letting me be part of this wonderful
organization. I will be moving out west to take a Platoon
with 4-42 FA in the next month. It has been a pleasure and honor
to be part of Team Cobra.
Please keep each and every Soldier in your prayers, and take care
of each other back home.
1LT Kyle J. Hackbarth
Cobra 95
COP Hotel California, Kandahar
City Afghanistan
By 1LT Todd McCartney, Platoon Leader, 1st Platoon Cobra Company
I hope all the Families are
doing well and were able to have a good Holiday Season. The
members of 1st Platoon are continuing
to work hard with our Afghan National Police (ANP) partners at
improving District 9 of Kandahar City. Besides the numerous
projects that are going on around the district our main focus is
improving our ANP partners so they can take over the job
by themselves. This past month has seen some of our biggest
success as we continue to expose and detain Taliban leaders and
not only through our efforts but with our partners leading the
Christmas was an easy day for us. We delivered some heaters and
blankets to the ANP because they suffer through the cold
nights with little to supply heat to their locations, and almost
no winter gear. Then, Soldiers were able to enjoy the rest of the
however they wanted. We invited our checkpoint commanders to
dinner to experience some American food since they have been so
hospitable to us, offering us meals whenever they can. Your
Soldiers are doing well and we will be home soon!
An Update from PSS-3, Kandahar
City Afghanistan,
By 1LT Tyler Bryant, Platoon Leader, 2nd Platoon Cobra Company
Dear Family and Friends back Home,
It has been a couple months
since my last article; we have been busy continuing the mission
in Kandahar City to convince
the local population to support their government. In the last
couple months, we have gained some major leeway with the
villages in our sub-district. When we first arrived in
Sub-District Three, we encountered people who were resistant to
talk to us
and children who threw rocks and bricks at our trucks. Through
multiple dismounted patrols with our Afghan counterparts we
have focused on talking to people, making friends with the
elders, and helping them utilize their government to improve
way of life. The municipal government, backed by the Provincial
Reconstruction Team, has started multiple projects already. In
the downtown blocks of Kandahar City, often referred to as the
Old Corps, concrete sidewalks have been put in place instead of
loose mud and dirt. This has helped improve the economy with more
people buying merchandise from the shops. Another project
was to build trash collection points and a system to remove trash
from the city which has greatly increased the cleanliness of
the city and should reduce illness in the long run . Finally, the
largest project being completed is paving Bypass Road, a route
for large trucks to bypass the downtown area. Paving the road has
expedited the time it takes to move merchandise in and out
of Kandahar City and has greatly reduced the amount of dust
created by these large trucks.
I would also like to take a moment to recognize some achievements
of Soldiers in Second Platoon. Since the last article
we promoted two Soldiers. Specialist Noe Arvizu and Specialist
Gavin Coder were promoted from the rank of Private First Class.
We also were honored by two Soldiers deciding to continue their
careers in the Army. Staff Sergeant Eric Patton reenlisted
on Thanksgiving Day to join the 82nd Airborne Division in Fort
Bragg, North Carolina. Specialist Michael Gonzalez also
on Thanksgiving Day to go work in an Army hospital in Fort Bliss,
Texas. We are proud of all our Soldiers for their
achievements, promotions, and reenlistments. As we put the
Holiday Season behind us we look forward to
the halfway mark of this deployment. Many Soldiers are taking
leave in the next couple months to come see their Families,
while some already have. We all continue to stay focused on our
mission here, paying attention to every detail of this foreign
country so we can return home safely. We thank everyone for their
past and continued support.
2nd Platoon Update
By Staff Sgt. Ronald Wycoff
Dear Family and Friends,
Greetings from the Soldiers of
2nd Platoon. We would like to thank all of you for remembering us
during the Holiday Season.
We know that this time of year is hard for everyone, but your
time and effort spent towards us has made it a wonderful
holiday. For the deployed Soldiers there is no greater gift than
being remembered. Many Soldiers found gifts with their names
on them from total strangers. Knowing that someone out there
cares enough to send a card or a funny toy means so very much.
Many of us have left our loved ones behind in order to defend our
great nation. The small comforts that
you have sent us, and continue to send, go a long way towards
keeping home in our hearts. We sincerely hope that your holiday
was a joyful one. For the Families, know that we understand that
your job is far harder than what we have to do.
We will continue to keep you in our hearts and prayers.
Our Christmas was spent, not with our conventional Families, but
with our fighting brothers. There was a great deal of stories
told over an atypical Christmas Dinner. Many of our Soldiers told
stories of Family and friends
back home. While it was not the greatest Christmas ever, it was a
good one. We ate a local meal of rice, chicken and some
very hot peppers. We shared a family meal which started by Grace
being said by PVT Metzler. We
turned one of the main rooms into a family room of sorts. On the
TV a few Soldiers took turns playing video games
while others laughed and joked. This was one of the few times
that we could relax and have no worries for
awhile. After dinner was cleaned up a few of the Soldiers went
out and played soccer with some of the local policemen
in the motor pool area. The game was decidedly one sided, our
team won with a score of 14-1 by
the time the sun went down. Other Soldiers spent the day catching
up on sleep or calling home. For a deployed Christmas,
it was a remarkably stress free one.
Again, the Soldiers of 2nd Platoon thank you for your support and
We hope that your Holiday Season was a joyful one. We will
continue to
keep all of you in our prayers. Thank you
and God Bless!
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