1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
December 2010 - January 2011
BN CO, HHC, Chaplain
Families and Friends of the Regulars,
I hope this newsletter finds you
and yours having a great start to the New Year. As most of
you know without me even telling you, we’re rapidly
approaching the halfway mark in our deployment
to Afghanistan and already running out of time to accomplish all
the goals we set for
ourselves. It’s amazing to look back on 2010 and all the
Task Force’s accomplishments…but we
won’t rest and will not cease in our relentless pursuit of
the enemy wherever they may hide.
As we closed out 2010, many of the Afghan citizens we speak to
have expressed a new
found confidence in their security forces. This has everything to
do with the incredible work our
Officers, Noncommissioned Officers and Soldiers are doing every
day to build proficiency within
our partnered Afghan National Civil Order Police (ANCOP) and
Afghan National Police (ANP)
units. With our increased understanding of our area of
operations, I’m encouraged to see
greater participation by some very influential powerbrokers and
village elders within the governance
process. Even though we’ll never fully understand the
interpersonal and tribal dynamics at
play within the Afghan societal network, all of our leaders and
Soldiers have a much greater appreciation
of how everything is linked to everything else and finding unique
ways to positively
influence complex problems. Everywhere you look there are
positive indicators of long term
success tied to the ever increasing security bubble in southern
Even though we were separated from our Families during the
holidays, every one of the
companies and platoons found special ways to celebrate the
holidays with their “deployed Family”.
I, for one, will never forget the Christmas Eve night we spent
with the Soldiers of 1st Platoon,
D Company at their position in Malajat. It started just after
sundown with a dismounted
combat patrol through fields and over irrigation canals before we
finally ended up at 1/D’s mud
qalat compound that used to be a Taliban strongpoint prior to our
clearance operations. As we
sat around the fire, Chaplain Chip Satterlee gave his Christmas
message that ended with all the
Soldiers singing “Silent Night.” As their voices echoed
throughout the farm fields of southern
Afghanistan on a cold winter’s night, even some of the
toughest battle hardened warriors I’ve
served with couldn’t help but be touched by the moment.
As you would expect, we rang in the New Year in true Regular
style with a combat awards ceremony in the ‘Ring
of Honor’ under torchlight, had the first Commander’s
Cup Camel Race Championship of Kandahar City, toasted the
arrival of the New Year with a few cold ‘near beers’
around a bonfire to rival any others in Afghanistan, and were
visited by some very special guests who represented the passing
of 2010 and the arrival of 2011. Most of you have
already seen the Facebook photos but I’m sure there will be
a few more in the pages to follow. As I told the Soldiers
at ANCOP HQs just before midnight: “where we have been has
prepared us for where we are going…but regardless
of where we go, there’s no question we’ll win.”
I’d like to take this opportunity to personally thank Gil
Sanborn (Civilian Assistant to the Secretary of the Army
for Connecticut) and the incredible folks of Weston, Connecticut
for their overwhelming support to Task Force 1-22.
On 11 DEC 10, I had the special opportunity to participate in a
call-in question and answer symposium with the Kiwanis
Club of Weston. In addition to the great honor of talking about
the phenomenal work our Soldiers have done
in Afghanistan, Gayle Weinstein, First Selectwoman of the Town of
Weston, recognized the Task Force with a proclamation
declaring December 11, 2010 as “Weston Supports 1-22
Regulars Day”. Without a doubt, if you ever need a
shot of patriotism and how a small slice of America supports
their troops, the Kiwanis Club of Weston is the place to
go. As a side note, I’d be remiss if I didn’t publicly
thank Jane Young-Anglim, Tom Castrovinci and the 6th Connecticut
Regiment, Jay Kim, Grace Crowley, Carolyn Prince, Joe Rainone and
the Weston Volunteer Fire Department, and
Nathalie Hines for the many packages they’ve sent to their
adopted platoons…words are not enough, but please accept
a big “thank you.” For all of you who have sent
packages, thoughts, and prayers since we deployed…thank you.
We remain in a tough fight and a tough road lies before us.
However, I’m convinced that there’s absolutely
nothing this team of professional warriors cannot accomplish over
the course of the next six months. As always, I
remain awed by the incredible efforts our Soldiers put forth
every day as we fight our Nation’s enemies and bring
peace and security to the people of Afghanistan.
May God continue to bless Task Force ‘Regulars’, our
Soldiers, and our Families as we head into 2011. I hope
each and every one of you has a great New Year.
Regulars, by God!
LTC Clay Padgett
Regular 6
“Deeds, not Words”
Friends and Families of the Regulars,
From the “Regulars”
Command Sergeant Major corner greetings and salutations. 2011 is
and all of us are hoping and praying that prosperity in the
completion of our mission, in a current
relationship, in wealth and in our ability to find a little joy
during long days and cold nights
will endure in a safe and prosperous manner. During the past
year, the voices of different
companies’ radio telephone operators (RTO) have kept the
entire Task Force “Regulars” formation
informed with accurate and phenomenal situational awareness
information (most of the
time). The voice of Gator, SPC Miller, Jonathan; the voice of
Blackhawk, SPC Wallace, Kenneth;
the voice of Cobra, SPC Perez, Rodolfo; the voice of Dealer, SPC
Hebblethwaite, Nicholas; the
voice of Eliminator, SPC Hamic, Thomas; the voice of Lightning
Troop, PFC Lam, Timothy; and
the voice of the company containing the senior company commander
and the oldest Soldier in the formation,
the voice of Hammer, SGT Strnad, Michael. Finally, there are
certain activities
that supersede everything else, like marriage.
To succeed in a spectacular
fashion-we the Regulars manly men and women- must continue
to be spectacularly unusual. Given this, there is one
commonsensical and compassionate
attribute that every Soldier in the “Regulars”
possesses, a wild, deep and reckless love for our
Family members who are daily completing home-front
responsibilities in a phenomenal manner without our assistance.
Regulars, by God!
CSM Samuel D. Coston
“Regular 7”
From the
Greetings Hammers,
Happy New Year! We brought the
new year in the Hammer Company way here on COP ANCOP.
The day started with some camel rides, followed by an awards
ceremony involving all the other companies. At
the conclusion of the ceremony, SSG Mendoza, SGT Strnad, SSG
Ross, SPC Ruiz, PFC Hasian, SSG Duszynski,
and SPC Zengri built a 18 foot bonfire comprised of all the scrap
wood on post and maybe a picnic table (cannot
be confirmed). At ten minutes till midnight, 1SG Hise drove the
Gator out to the fire. 1SG, with assistance of
PV2 Martinez, positioned themselves at the igniter mechanism of
four thermite grenades to light the fire. At
midnight a ball made up of 500 chem lights fell from the Raid
Tower, a half naked SSG Wilson, as Baby New Years,
jumped out of a cake, white flares were launched from the towers,
and the bonfire lit up the night with a bang.
The entire COP, to include our ANCOP, stood around the fire and
toasted a near beer to each other. The rest of
the night was filled with drinking near beers, sitting around the
fire, and eating some midnight snacks.
Going back in time, to
Christmas, we slowed things down a bit here on the COP. We
limited who came onto
post to give the guys as much of a down day as possible. We still
had to pull guard duty but we tried to minimize
the shifts. The cooks did a great job again providing us a feast.
Just like Thanksgiving the officers of the BN served
the Soldiers dinner to say thanks. The ANCOP arrived for dinner
again and shared a meal with us. The dining
room was decorated cheerfully , had music playing , and people
singing along. We actually were limited on
Christmas music so we played songs from all genres. I know a lot
of families sent wrapped presents because
the fire point was filled with smoke all day burning the
wrappings. Everyone enjoyed the stockings the FRG sent
us in the beginning of the month. We have been having a lot of
issues with our new
shower trailers. The plumbing is not of the greatest quality so
things keep breaking. CPT Banuelos and
SSG Kincheloe went back and forth with the contractor and have
gotten all four of them operational now.
We also remodeled a hardstand building Soldiers have been living
in. Despite some power generation
issues, the large bays are quite comfortable. The temperature
fluctuates here very drastically.
During the day it is sunny and spring like , but as soon as the
sun goes down the temperature drops along
with it. If you are still wondering what to send our guys think
along the lines of warm clothes and gloves.
We have been doing several humanitarian aid missions around the
area trying to pass out food and
warm clothes to poor families and school children as well.
Thanks to the FRG’s hard
work and coordination we have received our new company T-shirts.
We are
wearing them proudly under our ACUs. Thanks for the stockings and
Christmas packages. Hopefully next
year we will all be home to celebrate the Holidays with our
Families. Unfortunately, I never got my
puppy or 1969 Dodge Charger this year, hopefully next year.
—MAJ Michael R. Garling (Hammer 6)
From the Top
From the desk of Hammer 7,
The one phrase that came to mind this Holiday Season was
“Holding the Line.” This month is perhaps the hardest
of all months,
as we think of the things we miss during the Holidays like eggnog
lattés. I admit our Battalion FSC has out done themselves
by providing us two wonderful dinners for the Holidays. They are
truly the unseen support that provides
for us at all times. We here at ANCOP have unpacked all the
wonderful packages you all have sent with love.
I have seen the burn pit burning the many boxes we collected
throughout our joyous Christmas
Season. That was a joyous day for the 1SG. I am sure you have
seen all of the Holiday pictures and activities conducted
around ANCOP during that time. Well, it’s over and we are
holding the line here until our time here is done.
As for your support, keep it up,
you are holding a much needed support line. Little do you know
just how much daily support
you give all of us. The Commander and I thank you so much for
that. Whether I am handing out mail or walking around
talking to your loved ones, I can tell that they are getting the
much needed support from you. Your loved ones
are daily holding the line in so many ways we can’t even
begin to talk about them. We will all return home differently,
such as the many Soldiers returning with a new promotion. After
every one of my deployments
I too come back a different person. Understanding and growing
together is what we do in a Military Family.
Standing by waiting and “holding the line” is what we
all do.
We are doing a great service for
this country and its people. I realize you may not see that on
television. This is what we get paid to do!
When asked, we go! When serving, we do what our leadership asks
of us; showing an untiring attitude and strong will.
”Holding the line”. No matter if it’s fixing
vehicles to conducting police calls. I am sure you have
heard your loved ones talk about something stupid that they had
to do. Trust me, we have all done that but, every little
function that takes place in the daily operations of HHC we play
a small part of “holding the line”
to accomplish the overall mission.
I commend all of the Hammer
Soldiers, Families, and friends who will continue throughout this
deployment show true grit
and strength. Your spirit is much needed to provide support, and
as for your loved one he or
she will be right there with you “Holding the line”
with you by their side.
Thanks again for the love and untiring support you give to Hammer
May the New Year bring us all joy and happiness…”Hold
the Line”….. Hammer 7 out
HQ Platoon
My last news letter was about
SGT Goodman and his ability to zoom around COP ANCOP finishing
tasks at lightning speeds.
This one is about the three guys that work around the clock
checking and rechecking our towers. SSG Duszynski, SGT Scott
and SGT Lang are the three Sergeants of the Guard that ensure our
defensive perimeter is secure both day and night.
From the most important task of insuring the guards have the
proper equipment and are operational,
to the simplest task of cleaning the towers. These 3
Noncommissioned Officers are also feared by the Soldiers within
the camp because when they see the SOG coming with his radio it
almost always means a guard shift is to follow. With the ever
changing personnel here on ANCOP, it is a constant challenge to
keep a roster the same for any length of time. The SOG’s
have to update rosters which mean having the inevitable task of
asking Platoon Sergeant’s for their men for guard duty
while they have to accomplish their regular missions on ANCOP.
Sometimes the begging works and sometimes it doesn’t,
but in the end the Soldiers that do pull the guard have a new
sense of duty when knowing their brothers in arms on ANCOP
are safe due to their diligence. The Battalion Commander as well
as everyone here on ANCOP entrusts the SOG’s
and their guards to stay vigilant at all times because they are
the first line of defense for the Soldiers
that live within these walls. It is a job that is not taken
SSG Duszynski
Scouts “Saber”
The Scout Platoon of 1-22IN
spent their Christmas Eve having a cookout. The menu included
and steaks for those of a less adventurous culinary disposition.
There were also sheep kabobs and flat-bread
that our linguists secured for us to enjoy during our holiday
celebration. While the food was being
prepared there was a football being tossed around our truck line
to keep the “youngsters” occupied. After the meal
was completed, there were many phone calls home to wish a merry
Christmas to Family and loved ones back in the states.
Before Christmas, the Scouts provided security for the Governor
and Mayor of Kandahar’s return to their boyhood homes
in the Arghandab Valley for the first time in 35 years. The visit
was a sign of positive changes across the brigade area of
and the Scouts were honored to be a part of showingthe progress
of our operations to the leadership of Afghanistan.
There were also some fun activities for the Soldiers living on
Camp Nathan Smith to participate in for celebrating New
Years. The most memorable would have to be the spitting camels
that local nationals were charging $5 per photo op. The
personnel at the dining facility did an exceptional job preparing
a New Year's meal to ring the new year in right. Even though
the Raider Brigade has entered the new year we continue to be
steadfast and loyal to the people in and around Kandahar City
by helping them secure not only their homes, but a brighter
future as well.
“Blood Platoon”
Greetings from Kandahar! The Mighty Medic Platoon wants to wish
you all a happy New Year!
After having LTC Rand step in for last month's edition, I've
stolen back the responsibility this time around.
Here we managed to celebrate the Holidays the best way we know
how: with some Christmas cheer, medical proficiency,
and a giant bonfire. After a fairly low-key Christmas (in
comparison) Hammer Company ensured that everyone living
on ANCOP had an unexpected beginning to 2011. There was a camel
race, a 30 foot high fire set off by EOD,
and the dropping of a giant chemlight "ball" at
midnight. To say the least, it was an event none of us will ever
When we're not off astonishing the Afghans with our celebrations,
we've been continuing to improve our living conditions and
upgrade our ability to provide care. The major step up in
December was resetting all of our electronic equipment from
machines to pulse oximeters. Additionally, across the battalion
medics have been training our Afghan counterparts, providing
them medical skills. In fact, two 1-22 partnered Afghan National
Security Forces (ANSF) Soldiers recently won a Kandahar City-wide
competition, demonstrating their own medical abilities. This
reflects greatly on both the MED Platoon and the Battalion for
those guys up to speed. Of course, in the midst of all of this,
we miss all of you. Continue
to hang tough on the home front and we'll do the same here.
Regulars, by God!
1LT Modlin, Blood 6
Mortar Platoon “Thunder”
Family and friends of the Mortar/Sniper Platoon,
December has been a month of
changes for the mortars. We are no longer working the checkpoint
Cobra Company but instead are on the southern side of Kandahar
City with Dealer Company in Malajat.
SSG Jureki and his 16 man squad of MPs have been attached to us
in order to increase man power and assist in
force protection. SSG Diaz and his team of snipers have been
moved to 3rd platoon to help
provide precision fires as U.S. forces move throughout the
battlefield. We look forward to their return to the mortar
when their current mission is complete.
Near the end of September, we were notified that the platoon
would be pulled from its checkpoint operations to move to Dealer
Company. The shift off the checkpoint was a welcomed change to
the guys. Once we got to Malajat, we conducted a relief in place
with 3rd Platoon, Charlie Company who showed us our area of
responsibility and key facts about our new area. Though the two
towns we
now control are small and close together, there is much to be
done to get to know the locals and build relations with the
The men quickly realized they were “not in Kansas
anymore.” The swing from living in an Afghan hotel to living
out of a school with little
resources was a good reminder to appreciate the luxuries you have
while you have them. However, a new site has been built with
and high walls for protection which is much larger than the old
school house. There is plenty of room for the Soldiers to spread
out and get
comfortable. Though MWR computers and internet are not here there
are plans to have them installed as soon as possible.
SSG Jureki and his band of MPs assist in force protection while
simultaneously conduct local patrols around a nearby village.
Their presence on the ground outside the wire allows the Mortars
to move further into the battlefield and disrupt enemy movement.
The new asset is greatly welcomed and will continue to prove a
lethal element as the deployment drives on.
A good sign that time is going by quickly is when the men start
to go on mid-tour leave. PFC Brandsasse, PFC Chacon, PFC Welch,
PFC Meeks were sent home from the Mortars while PFC Ruiz was sent
home from the Snipers. May you enjoy the brief company of your
sons, while they are home as they have earned the much needed
The Mortar Platoon, along with the men attached, are proving to
be a unique asset as we provide dismounted combat patrols and
fire support. The guys are upbeat and morale has seen a rise
since coming out of the checkpoint and being attached to Dealer
As I watch the men patrol, work out, and goof off with one
another, I am proud to lead your husbands, fathers, sons, and
They are a diverse group of men capable of accomplishing any task
set before them. I send you my thanks for your
continued thoughts and prayers. Until the next newsletter, may
you be blessed and God speed.
1LT Richard M. Dunkin
Assault CP “Punishers”
Happy 2011, Punisher Families
and friends! With the arrival of the New Year, your Soldiers are
working hard here in Afghanistan.
As the Battalion continues to increase the level of security
inside of Kandahar City, your Soldiers are trusted with more
responsibility each day. The battalion has started to prepare for
the spring’s coming fighting season, so the platoon has
to fulfill multiple roles in the battalion. From moving Nemesis 6
around the AO to acting as the mobile
assault force for the west side of Kandahar City, the Punishers
never have a dull day. We are probably the best dodge ball team
in Afghanistan, too.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you all as we look forward to
returning home next summer. The road ahead may seem long, but
we will continue to work and grow together. We have had many well
deserved promotions this month as well. SGT Elder and CPL Davis
joined the ranks of NCOs and SPC Zapnizick and SPC Mason have
shed the title of Private and have taken on increased
amongst their peers. Please keep SSG Cantu’s Family in your
prayers as the birth of the newest member of their fire team
Thank you all for the gifts and packages you sent during the
Holidays. It is a welcomed reminder that there are people at home
who truly
care about the Soldiers over here.
We hope all is well back home and cannot wait to see you all
Take care and God Bless.
CPT Fitzpatrick and SFC Lawson
FET; Courageously Going Where No Infantryman Has Gone Before
December has come and gone which
only means another month closer to being home with our Family and
This month was definitely one worth recalling. Our modest team of
seven Soldiers celebrated four promotions!
Congratulations to 1LT LaFronz-Emberger, SPC Wray, SPC Brooks,
and SPC Cotoio, all your hard work
is paying off. We also welcomed a female linguist to help us be
more effective in our work, and celebrated three birthdays,
SSG Soto (28), SPC Wray (25), SPC Brooks (21).
On the work front, the FET paid a visit to an all girls’
school and got to speak with the teachers and students. We were
also able to take
this opportunity to help hand out Humanitarian Aid to the
teachers. We have also gotten to further our relationship with
the local females
by distributing lotion, shampoo, and other various hygiene items
to them.
We were all together on ANCOP for a Christmas celebration. SSG
Soto helped lead her touch football team to victory
on Christmas Day while the rest of us cheered on all the players.
We commemorated 2010 and welcomed the New Year
with near beer next to the bonfire and watched our own Times
Square Ball drop from our RAID tower
ringing in 2011. We wish you a happy and healthy New Year at home
and look forward to our return!
2LT Charleigh LaFronz-Emberger
Season’s Greetings and Happy New Year Regulars Families,
To start off 2011, I’d like
to introduce ourselves to you. We are the EOD team that supports
the Regulars as they travel roads,
paths, highways, and byways of Afghanistan. Myself and three
other EOD Techs work tirelessly; assisting all of TF 1-22 and the
local population, disarming and disposing of hundreds of pounds
of explosives every month. Since this is the season to be
thankful, I
would like to say “Thank you,” from myself, my team,
and our loved ones for the wonderful job your Soldiers are doing;
us safe while we work to keep yours safe. As we steadily move
toward the halfway point of this deployment, we look forward to
continuing our working relationship the Regulars Family and
helping to ensure that everyone returns home safe and sound.
LT Josh Hallisey “Mongoose 1-6”
SFC Michael Kidd
SGT Colin Fiori
SGT William James
S1 (Personnel) “El Jefe’s Corner”
Greetings and Happy New Year!
December was a busy month for the KAF S1 crew, receiving and
pushing all of your gifts
and packages to our Soldiers in order to be in their hands by
Christmas. They did an absolute phenomenal job to get as
much mail out to the Soldiers as possible before Christmas. The
ANCOP S1 section celebrated Christmas with rest of the
battalion staff by singing, over the radio, to all the companies
“Hark! The Herald Angels Sing”, which they performed
We celebrated Christmas laughing and enjoying the day watching
Christmas movies, with such classics as
“the Grinch who stole Christmas”, “National
Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation”, and “The Christmas
All of which brought us to our knees laughing so hard. We closed
Christmas Day with another delicious feast and
as we ate around our ALOC tent we joked, reminisced, and shared
past Holiday stories. December was not all about Christmas
as we celebrated another achievement… SPC Heinaman received
an Army Achievement Medal for his outstanding
performance during the first phase of the deployment. So please
help me congratulate SPC Heinaman for his accomplishment.
The Holiday Season came to a close on New Years, but out here at
ANCOP HQs we went out of 2010 with a bang! Our
festivities included a Camel race, which didn’t go as
planned, but was still entertaining to watch as the Commanders
and First Sergeants TRIED to mount their Camel. The New
Year’s Eve Awards Ceremony went off without a hitch and
was a complete success. SSG Feliciano and SGT Montano did an
incredible job coordinating and
executing the awards presentation which made the ceremony and
night that much more memorable. To top off the 2010 year,
we celebrated around a “mile high” bonfire. We look
forward for what 2011 brings to each of us here and all of you
back there.
CPT “El Jefe” Behler/Battalion S1
S2 (Military Intelligence)
The S2 staff continued to
successfully push out intelligence products this month in support
of our Battalion,
targeting multiple insurgent networks in the area. The
“Brains of the Battalion” also facilitated the
capture of numerous insurgents throughout the Area of Operations
(AO) and continued to develop our understanding
throughout the AO in order to provide a better lifestyle for the
people of Kandahar City.
With Thanksgiving and Christmas in the past we look forward to
the New Year and the year we return home to our loved ones
LT Heifetz and SPC Williams have made it back from their much
needed R+R and time with their loved ones.
The S2 shop also welcomed a new member to the team PFC Erb,
Thomas. PFC Erb, will be our new Current
Operations Analyst giving SPC Grady a much needed break from the
hustle and bustle of the Tactical Operations Center.
The team was welcomed with more good news as three new civilian
analysts (Monica Haase, Daniel Kapalin, Shemol Ahmed)
have also been augmented to the section. This will enhance our
capabilities of finding, and removing the enemy from our AO.
SFC Varcasia has had the best month ever, starting off with his
promotion to SFC followed by news
that he has been accepted to the Warrant Officers Course. SFC
Varcasia also had the privilege of briefing up Mountain 7,
the 10th Mountain Division Command Sergeant Major, on the enemy
situation in AO Regulars.
The end of December holds a plethora of important events for the
section. SPC Grady and his wife Diana will be
celebrating their 1st anniversary on 18DEC followed by SPC
Williams and his wife Kendall on the 31st of DEC.
Joining them will be SFC Varcasia and his wife Katrina who will
be celebrating their 7th anniversary. CPT Madetzke
will help bring in the New Year as the New Year’s Baby
turning a ripe old 35, followed by SGT Deb on the 3rd of January
who will be turning 30. SPC Soriano will complete the birthday
bash for the month on January turning 24 on 15 January.
To our Families, thank you for all of your support; may you have
a wonderful Holiday Season, Happy NEW YEARS!
S3 (Operations)
December has come and gone
bringing us that much coser to being home with our Families.
Christmas went great
with the untiring and greatly appreciated support of our FRG
sending us countless Christmas care packages. The
packages were a great morale booster and really brightened
everyone’s holiday spirit. Many thanks from all of us.
The staff is continuing to work hard day and night to accomplish
our mission and make Afghanistan a better place.
Between planning and conducting missions, the Staff Annex
Officers are also continuing to improve their Texas Hold
em’ card skills and will be more than prepared to lose all
their hard earned deployment money in Vegas upon their return
to the states. The microwave contributed by our Law Enforcement
Professional (LEP), Mr. Bob Appell, was a
nice addition to the annex tent. We can now enjoy new foods and
Inside the TOC, life has reached a normal routine involving
hunting the Taliban, football, and current operations tracking.
LTC Padgett has released his Christmas hits collection thanks to
the help of the staff officers, be sure to look
for it on CD. MAJ Sandoval and MAJ Alfeiri continue their
competition to see who works longer; someday we will inform them
there is no such thing as overtime pay in the Army. CSM Coston
and SGM Moser both continue to help
the NCO support channel strive for excellence and ensure that the
unit continues to care for your Soldiers.
CPT Brendon Hardin has found his new role as the BN FRAGO
composer and even has a new sidekick,
2LT Trevor Powers. If only we could teach these LTs to make
coffee, we would be able to justify their
paycheck. SPC Shields made the points cutoff for promotion to
Sergeant; we look forward to seeing SGT Shields
starting in the New Year. We welcomed a new fires Soldier, PFC
Layelquinn “Booski” Ferguson, who is doing a great job
learning his new roles and responsibilities as an RTO. SSG
Brummitt continues to live the good life and work the difficult
as an LNO on Camp Nathan Smith. His humor and antics are missed
in the TOC. SSG Kling is back to his
role as the “go-to-guy” of the S3 section where he is
happy and free to make improvements within the TOC.
We have a new flagpole in front of the TOC which greatly adds to
the TOC resale value and looks outstanding courtesy of
our nighttime Battle NCO, SSG Monge, who claims he will practice
better escape and evasion techniques when going off shift
from now on. SSG Lambert is continuing to remain semi-disgruntled
but always works hard to accomplish
the BN missions without fail and to the highest of standards. SGT
Avila has returned from his R & R leave,
we are all glad he was able to spend the holidays with his Family
and have missed all the hard work he does for us in the
TOC. SGT Siceloff and PFC Matthews remain busy with
force-protection operations to ensure the base remains safe from
Christmas and New Year’s celebrations went off without a
hitch. The food prepared by our outstanding culinary staff
was well worth showing up for and very filling. We celebrated
bringing in the New Year with a near beer toast and
FM messages to the Companies and Brigade wishing them all a Happy
New Year. The “fireworks”, bonfire, camel race,
and Baby New Year were the contributing factors to a great New
Year’s party.
The Fires cell provided SSG Joseph Wilson to star as the Baby New
Year dressed in a diaper and flip flops in the freezing cold,
talk about a team player and a fine display of selfless service.
SSG Holderby is busy as ever in the gym
seeing how much bigger he can become and taking his fires
Soldiers, PFC Duncan and PFC Ferguson, with him helping to
show them the way to buffness.
To the Families and friends of the S3 section, we miss you all and wish you the best of luck in the New Year!
S4 (Logistics)
The holiday season quickly came
and left for us logisticians, but the memories that we have spent
on this deployment during the Holidays will always be remembered.
While we have been busier than
ever, both ANCOP and KAF ALOCs have done our very best to keep
our holiday spirits high and our Families and friends
in our thoughts even higher. Lots of hard work has been given
from everybody in our shop
along with everybody else in TF Regulars in order to get
everybody at the checkpoints what they need to enjoy the Holiday
With SFC Zelinsky gone to enjoy his leave during the Holidays,
SSG Thomas and SGT Robinson have stepped up
to the heavy plate of ensuring the supply portion at KAF ALOC is
running with no hesitation as he is gone.
That alone has not been an easy task. With a vehicle turn in,
vehicle draw, building some new locations, and two change
of commands coming soon; the S4 team has done a phenomenal job
and as always has invest numerous
hours to ensure combat operations will not cease do to the
logistics that we work with everyday.
For the past few weeks, we have had two new additions to our
team. SSG Ogle has stepped in to help HHC
with their countless supply transactions and has done a great job
thus far helping SSG Dunkley. With the loss
of SGT Norris having to go back to the states to recover, SGT
Flores and SPC Rytky have displayed work to help
Delta Company with all their needs. These two have done a great
job, coming from a non-logistical back
ground, and are promising to continue their hard work to help TF
Regulars. With his new promotion to 1LT, LT Lisius
has continued to do an exceptional job at being the
battalion’s liaison for building up the Bagepole
Power Station and its several dynamics that are involved in it.
SSG Kincheloe continues his hard work being actively involved
with numerous contracts to allow the battalion life supporting
services that we all need.
The year 2011 year has come and it has new challenges that we
will face as it unravels. I am more than certain we will tackle
these challenges with confidence and no hesitation to start the
New Year right and bring us back
to our Families, friends, and loved ones.
S6 (Signal)
The entire S6 section wants to
say Happy Holidays to our Family and friends back home. Though it
was tough being away from
home this time of year, our celebrations and festivities here in
Kandahar helped bring a smile to everyone's face and made us
realize that our efforts have brought us closer together as a
Regular Family the past six months. This spirit will help us
drive on
through the rest of deployment and stay with us forever. The S6
section would like to welcome two new members to the team.
PFC David Olivio and SGT Joshua Harris. Though they have been
here just a short time, both have already made great
PFC Olivio will stay in the BN S6 section and SGT Harris will go
to Dealer Company to be their Company Signal Sergeant. We
continue to stay busy maintaining and improving the entire
communication network to allow the Regulars to communicate on the
battlefield and back home with loved ones. This past month we've
been preparing and installing EPLRS radios across our AO to
CXI, a joint network shared with NATO and ISAF forces, down to
the platoon level and allow us to communicate more effectively
with our coalition partners.
Greetings from Afghanistan,
I personally love how the start
of the new year affords us an opportunity to look back on the
past year and ponder what
happened those past 365 days: the good and the not so good. I
also love how it allows us to look forward, with much hope
and anticipation, to all the endless opportunities that the
upcoming year can potentially bring into our life.
In Isaiah 43:19, the people of Israel were really looking forward
to a new year and a new season in their lives. One where
they would no longer be under the rule of Rome. One where they
would have control over their own way of life. In response
to their cries for help, God promised to redeem them from their
troubles and afflictions. God promised to “do a new
for His people that would lead to a fresh start for them, the
freedom that they so longed for.
Just as the ancient people of Israel had “a new thing”
to look forward too, so do we. This past year had certainly been
challenging year for the incredible Soldiers and Family members
of the 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment. I’d like to
everyone to take a moment and take a look back at just how far
we’ve come this deployment. You all have done a great
job; keep it up. I’d like to remind us all how the turning
of the year brings the Regulars to almost the halfway point of
our time
here in Afghanistan, and that in itself should bring us much
encouragement knowing that we will be home soon.
This New Year I’d like to challenge everyone to set a New
Years’ resolution. Whatever your resolution is, from
your college degree to getting that promotion you’ve been
working hard to achieve, I’d like to greatly encourage you
to set
one for yourself. This will help put you in the positive mindset
that this new year can bring about many positive changes in our
lives if we are willing to strive for them and have the patience
to wait for them to come to fruition.
So be encouraged that this new year brings about the opportunity
for new beginnings for us all. May we all grab hold of
these opportunities and do all we can to ensure that 2011 is the
best year yet of our lives.
God bless Regulars…..Happy New Years!
Chaplain Chip Satterlee
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