1st Battalion 22nd Infantry


Annual Reports of the Secretary of War




Note: The Annual Reports of the Secretary of War did not follow a strict format. The reports of the Commanders
of the Departments and Districts in which the 22nd Infantry served varied from year to year in detail and substance.
In addition, even the reports from the different sections of the Army varied from year to year in scope and content.
For example, a detailed list of enlistments and re-enlistments and desertions by regiment was not reported
by the Adjutant General for every year. Even the format of abbreviations was not consistent from year to year.

All material and information from the reports which specifically involved the 22nd Infantry are presented here, and,
in many cases that material is presented as scanned directly from the original reports.





The position and distribution of the 22nd Infantry in the Department of Dakota
for 1892 was as follows:

Fort Keogh, Montana: Near Miles City
Commanding officer: Col. P.T. Swaine, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry and headquarters, 8th and 10th Cavalry.
Number of Companies: 9
Commissioned officers: 36
Enlisted men: 432
Aggregate: 468


Fort Pembina, North Dakota
Commanding officer: Capt. C. W. Miner, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry.
Number of Companies: 1
Commissioned officers: 3
Enlisted men: 61
Aggregate: 64


Fort Yates, North Dakota: 60 miles from Bismarck
Commanding officer: Lt. Col. R.F. Bernard, 8th Cav.
Regiment: 8th Cavalry, 12th and 22d Infantry.
Number of Companies: 6
Commissioned officers: 22
Enlisted men: 267
Aggregate: 289



The following is from the report of Brigadier General Wesley Merritt, Commander of the
Department of Dakota dated September 1, 1892.







The Annual Reports recorded 39 desertions in the 22nd Infantry during the fiscal year 1892.



In his report the Quartermaster General recorded the following officers from the 22nd Infantry
as having served as Acting Assistant Quartermasters during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1892
and having spent funds from their allocated amounts in the following:

Lieutenant R.N. Getty - Expenditure, $ 13,685.48 - Balance, $ 1,257.94

Lieutenant A.C. Sharpe - Expenditure, $ 358.75 - Balance, $ 0

Lieutenant J.H. Wills - Expenditure, $ 895.90 - Balance, $ 0










The position and distribution of the 22nd Infantry in the Department of Dakota
for 1893 was as follows:

Fort Keogh, Montana: Near Miles City
Commanding officer: Col. P.T. Swaine, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry and headquarters, 8th and 10th Cavalry.
Number of Companies: 9
Commissioned officers: 41
Enlisted men: 528
Aggregate: 569


Fort Pembina, North Dakota
Commanding officer: Capt. C. W. Miner, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry.
Number of Companies: 1
Commissioned officers: 3
Enlisted men: 58
Aggregate: 61



The following is from the report of Brigadier General Wesley Merritt, Commander of the
Department of Dakota dated August 28, 1893.





In his report the Quartermaster General recorded the following officers from the 22nd Infantry
as having served as Acting Assistant Quartermasters during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1893
and having spent funds from their allocated amounts in the following:

Lieutenant R.N. Getty - Expenditure, $ 13,412.93 - Balance, $ 1,092.80

Lieutenant J.F. Kreps - Expenditure, $ 4,074.37 - Balance, $ 135.41










The position and distribution of the 22nd Infantry in the Department of Dakota
for 1894 was as follows:

Fort Keogh, Montana: Near Miles City
Commanding officer: Col. P.T. Swaine, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry and headquarters, 8th and 10th Cavalry.
Number of Companies: 8
Commissioned officers: 38
Enlisted men: 493
Aggregate: 531


Fort Pembina, North Dakota: Near Pembina
Commanding officer: Capt. C. W. Miner, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry.
Number of Companies: 1
Commissioned officers: 3
Enlisted men: 66
Aggregate: 69


Camp Merritt, Montana: Near Lame Deeer
Commanding officer: Capt. J.McA. Webster, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry.
Number of Companies: 1
Commissioned officers: 3
Enlisted men: 59
Aggregate: 62



The following entries are from the report of Brigadier General Wesley Merritt who commanded
the Department of Dakota. The report was dated August 25, 1894.












The position and distribution of the 22nd Infantry in the Department of Dakota
for 1895 was as follows:


Fort Keogh, Montana: Near Miles City
Commanding officer: Col. J.S. Casey, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry and headquarters and 10th Cavalry.
Number of Companies: 5
Commissioned officers: 28
Enlisted men: 306
Aggregate: 334


Camp Merritt, Montana: Tongue River Agency
Commanding officer: Capt. W.H. Kell, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry.
Number of Companies: 1
Commissioned officers: 4
Enlisted men: 57
Aggregate: 61


Fort Assinniboine, Montana: Near Assinniboine
Commanding officer: Col. J.K. Mizner, 10th Cav.
Regiment: 10th Cavalry and 22d Infantry.
Number of Companies: 6
Commissioned officers: 31
Enlisted men: 374
Aggregate: 405



The following entries are from the report of Brigadier General John R. Brooke who commanded
the Department of Dakota. The report was dated August 23, 1895.











The position and distribution of the 22nd Infantry in the Department of the Platte
for 1896 was as follows:


Fort Crook, Nebraska: Bellevue
Commanding officer: Col. J.S. Casey, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry and headquarters.
Number of Companies: 8
Commissioned officers: 37
Enlisted men: 506
Aggregate: 543



The following entries are from the report of Brigadier General John R. Brooke who commanded
the Department of Dakota. The report was dated September 10, 1896.





The following entry is from the report of Brigadier General John J. Coppinger who commanded
the Department of the Platte. The report was dated August 31, 1896.











The position and distribution of the 22nd Infantry in the Department of the Platte
for 1897 was as follows:


Fort Crook, Nebraska: Bellevue
Commanding officer: Col. C.A. Wikoff, 22d Inf.
Regiment: 22d Infantry and headquarters.
Number of Companies: 8
Commissioned officers: 39
Enlisted men: 524
Aggregate: 563



In his report dated September 1, 1897 Brigadier General John J. Coppinger, in command of the
Department of the Platte did not give any entries regarding specific units in his command. His report was
an overview of the general activities carried out by the troops in his Department.










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