1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
October 2009
D Company, E Company, FSC
Happy Halloween,
Dealer families! CPT Brandon Chapman Dealer 6 |
Movin' On Up Dealer Company was proud to promote two fine Soldiers in October --- SPC Dryer and SPC Sease Way to go guys ! |
1st Platoon enjoys some time
together while preparing for the upcoming deployment to
These are happy times as 1st platoon celebrates the upcoming
births and birthdaya with our families.
SPC Dryer and his wife Jennifer celebrated her 19th birthday on
12 OCT 09. SPC Leroux and his wife Katie Leroux
are expecting a new addition to their family, currently the due
date is 20 MAY 10, SGT Cantell and his wife
will be celebrating their son's (Christopher) birthday on 05 DEC
The army has determined that the
following soldier be promoted from SPC to SGT this is a great day
it marks upward movement of a soldier in the United States Army.
On 01 OCT 09 SPC White was promoted
to SGT White as a determination of his future potential in the
- 2LT Devan Lee
2nd Platoon
Soldiers and Families 2nd Platoon wishes a
"Happy Birthday" to SSG Stone SPC Veal, SPC Bryant, SPC Sease, and SPC Shacklett |
During the month of October, 3ld
Platoon "Diablo" has been busy in preparation for
upcoming M1A2SEP
Net Training and Tank Gunnery in addition to several rifle and
machine gun ranges scheduled through the months
of October and November. We are also focusing on building our
physical stamina as we convert from a mechanized
tank to light infantry mission-readiness, utilizing most of our
early mornings for long distance running and ruckmarching.
When we aren't training, many of Diablo are spending the fall
weekends watching football, relaxing with family,
and experiencing all that Colorado has to offer, especially now
as ski and snowboard season has begun.
Diablo platoon has two birthdays
this month: PFC Hebble-waite Lurried 20 on October 3rd and SGT
turned 29 on October 16th. Also, PFC Hebblewaite was recently
engaged over Columbus Day Weekend
and has an upcoming wedding this December. We had one promotion
this month as SGT Bailey joined the ranks
of the NCO Corps as the newest leader and mentor within the
platoon, Diablo also welcomes two new members
to the platoon this months SGT Vaihae and PV2 Latimer. SGT
Vaihae, originally from South Carolina,
arrived from Fort Hood, TX, and PV2 Latimer, who hails from
Texas, arrived from AIT at Fort Knox, KY.
- 2LT Daniel Denn
Taking a breather ! -
Dealer Soldiers and family members
relax a little after completing the Incline.
Have A Great Week ! |
From the Command Group:
CPT Michael Parks, Company
1SG Bobby Simmons, First Sergeant
We want to welcome all family and friends to what we hope will be
just the beginning of a very good
informative newsletter for all family and friends of the Echo
Company 1st Battalion 22nd Regiment.
We will do our best to provide updates not only in training but
your Soldiers monthly successes as we see it
from our point of view. We want to thank all of the families for
a great turn out to our first FRG meeting.
CPT Parks had a Change of
Command on 8 OCT 09 and our command team looks forward to working
with the families of our Soldiers to maintain a great
relationship during training and in combat. Our job will be
to make sure all my Soldiers are prepared and ready for the fight
and to take care of disciplinary problems.
In closing, we would like to let
you know that any comments are greatly appreciated and we look
to hearing from you all in the coming months. We hope to have
this newsletter out not only to the company wives
but all family members across the United States. Again, I
appreciate any and all input on how we can make this
newsletter better for all. Thank you all!
Soldiers from E/1-22 IN BN
during the Change of Command |
Headquarters Platoon Update:
By: 1LT Chris Denning, Executive Officer
& SFC Tijerina, Operations Sergeant
Headquarters Platoon has been heavily involved in turning in old
equipment and picking up new equipment
during RESET operations. As we evolve, we farewell CPT Garling
and welcome CPT Parks into Command.
After two successful weeks at the ranges all Headquarters Platoon
has zeroed and qualified with their M4 rifles.
This will allow them to move into advanced marksmanship training
program in the upcoming weeks.
This program will ensure that our soldiers are trained to the
highest standard in the Army.
We welcome SSG Trejo and his
maintenance team into the formation from the Forward Support
His team’s personnel add so much capability into our
As for the Headquarters Platoon, Congratulations to SPC Northcut
for receiving the Army Achievement Medal
for his efforts in passing the Arms Room inspection from the Fort
Carson installation and Division inspection.
Congratulation goes to SGT Maynard for receiving the Good Conduct
Medal for his service this month as well!
1st Platoon Update:
By: 2LT Thomas Schlesinger, 1st Platoon Leader
& SFC Christopher Tate, 1st Platoon Sergeant
First, the platoon would like to welcome SFC Christopher Tate for
joining the formation after graduating
from ANCOC. The platoon had an exciting and successful past
month. We have had exceptional training
this past month with our various M4 Rifle Ranges, Army physical
fitness tests, and training classes in preparation
for the Engineer Qualification Tables and Route Reconnaissance
and Clearance Course in Fort Leonardwood, MO.
We are currently preparing for our upcoming Demolitions Ranges
which be in the first week of November.
1st Platoon continues to lead the way for Echo Company. We look
forward to our training events and times
with our loved ones. Our platoon would like to recognize PFC
Mata, FC Anderson, and PFC Smyser
for all getting promoted this past month.
A congratulations goes to SPC Marcoe for getting married on 13
OCT 09 to Chelsey Renee from Benton, AR.
Past Company Events
Basic Rifle Marksmanship, OCT 09
Combat Life Saver Course, OCT-DEC 09
Change of Command, 8 OCT 09
Columbus Day, 12 OCT 09
Civilian Clothes Day for Soldiers, 16 OCT 09
Upcoming Company Events
Advanced Rifle Marksmanship, OCT-NOV 09
Machine Gun Ranges, 26-29 OCT 09
JIEDDO Conference, 26-29 OCT 09
Halloween Bake Sale/ Costume Day: 30 OCT 09
Engineer Qualification Tables, 2-5 NOV 09
Junior Leaders Retreat, 6-8 NOV 09
Veterans Day Holiday, 11 NOV 09
Next: FRG Meeting 17 NOV 09 (T) @ 6pm
Thanksgiving Holiday, 26-30 NOV 09
Battalion Organizational Day, 11 DEC 09
2nd Platoon Update:
By: SFC Jubinville, 2nd Platoon Sergeant
Second Platoon has had a great month with many promotions, great
training and special days for individual soldiers.
With 2LT Simon Chung still at Ranger School and is expected to
graduate at the end of this month, the team is strong
with a great NCO Corps at the Squad Leader and Team Leader level.
Second Platoon would first like to recognize PFC Wooten, PFC
Singletary for being promoted this past month.
Also, the platoon would like to recognize SGT (P) Harvin for his
excellent performance during the Battalion
promotions board. These Soldiers hard work and diligence have
allowed them to be promoted to the next level
in their Army Careers. Also, SPC Whatley was able to score the
highest on the Army Physical Fitness Test
with a score of 300. It is through these Soldiers’ service
and exemplary behavior that allows 2nd Platoon
to lead from the front as Sappers.
Second Platoon continues to be excited and motivated in training.
We believe that if we continue to work
as we have thus far, that our hard work will pay off in the
months to come.
PFC Singletary at Range 13A
during the first stages |
A & O Platoon Update:
By: 2LT Jason Kim, A&O Platoon Leader
& SSG Minor, A& O Platoon Sergeant
A&O Platoon has been training for combat! As our platoon
steadily but surely getting started on the path
to deployment everyone is eager for the high speed training we
have been executing. We have been conducting
demolition training classes and Physical Fitness training to get
us physically fit for our future missions.
In addition to the various M4 ranges that all of A&O has
successfully completed, we are proud to announce
that we had a 100% pass rate on our last APFT.
Our Platoon has been executing
Dig Ranges the the SEE Truck in preparation for the upcoming
Engineer Qualification Ranges and to assist our Sappers with
fighting positions in the field.
A&O Platoon continues to work hard, maintain our great
reputation and is gradually striving to meet our goals
and expectations in these coming months.
FRG Points of Contact:
Leader: Brandi Royer,
Co-Leader: Liz Plato
Treasurer: Heather Northcut
Co- Treasurer- Brittany Moore (Manley)
Secretary- Krista Robertson
From Commander’s Desk
CPT Rossol’s
Commander’s Notes
I would like to welcome each of you into the Eliminator team. I
am looking forward to working together
providing you the family, and your Soldier with support
throughout our time together at Fort Carson.
Take advantage of Colorado’s opportunities and don’t be
afraid to ask me or our family support network
about the surrounding area. Colorado has something for everyone
through all seasons.
As you probably know, we are exceptionally busy leading into the
holiday season. As a team,
our job is to make sure all our Soldiers are prepared and ready
for the fight and to take care of each other.
I would like for everyone to feel free to get involved.
Here are some areas to get
Points of Contact:
CPT Bryson Rossol
Kayla Leever (FRG Leader)
Ana Rossol (FRG Co-Leader)
Facebook- 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment or Regulars By
Facebook- 1st BCT, 4th Infantry Division or RaiderBrigade
*The FSC FRG Facebook site is currently under construction and
will be emailed to all FRG participants
as soon as it is complete. These Facebook accounts are open to
ALL family members.
Again, I want to thank all of
you for your dedication to your Soldier and to the 1-22 Infantry,
Forward Support Company team. Please feel free to contact us if
you have questions or concerns. Happy Halloween!
Forward Support Company
Training Events:
Company PT Test
CLS Certification
Rifle Marksmanship
Food, Fuel, Ammunition, Maintenance Support
Change of Command Ceremony
Helicopter Slingload Training (OCT 26th)
Helicopter Medical Evacuation Training (OCT 30th)
Machine Gun Training
SGT Syroka, Derek
SGT Burse, George
SGT Smith, John
October Birthdays:
October Promotions:
SPC Hamic, Thomas to CPL
SPC Lewis, John to CPL
PFC SMITH, Michael to SPC
PV2 Robinson, Monet to PFC
PV2 Tremblay, Matthew to PFC
PVT Carter, Michael to PV2
SGT Wiblishouser appeared before the October promotion board and
became promotable to SSG.
Family Events and
Family Pumpkin Carving and Painting at Iron Horse Park, Sunday @
1500. (BYOP “Bring Your Own Pumpkin” )
There will be some pumpkins available for families. Carving
utensils and patterns will also be available.
Chaplain Chip Satterlee is looking forward to meeting the
families and carving his own pumpkin.
FSC Pie in the Face Fundraiser scheduled for Wednesday October
28th, in the FSC Motorpool @ 1730
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