1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
October 2009
A Company, B Company, C Company
From Commander’s Desk
Greetings Gator Families and
Friends both New and Seasoned! Much has occurred since our last
report from Iraq.
We conducted a very successful redeployment to Ft. Hood, TX, took
some well deserved post-deployment leave,
and then undertook the arduous task of moving our Families up to
Ft. Carson, CO. For the Families that greeted
our arrival to Ft. Carson, we Thank You very much for your warm
welcome and gracious hospitality
during the formation of our new Gator Family and Family Readiness
Group. You’ve made us a better and
stronger organization by bringing us on board quickly and making
our transition very smooth.
From July through August the
Gator Soldiers worked tirelessly to help establish our solid base
we began training on individual Soldier Skills. With a 50%
change-over of leadership and Soldiers,
the establishment of new systems was paramount to the future
success of our organization.
Some of these systems that your Family members were integrally
involved in creating were:
the new chain-of-command, supply room operations, armsroom
operations, training room operations,
reporting procedures, and administrative paperwork handling for
evaluations, awards, and vacation leave.
Though this was sometimes tedious and boring work, it was
necessary and your Family members
executed the mission flawlessly; a trademark this company has
always enjoyed.
From September until present,
your Family members have started individual skills training. This
is part
of building yet another strong base from which we will build upon
to ensure your Family members are well trained
and prepared for the next deployment in the summer of 2010. This
training has focused primarily on
five fundamentals: Communication, Leadership, Life Saving Aid,
Marksmanship, and Physical Fitness.
Some of the training events and classes have included: Basic
Rifle Marksmanship, Advanced Rifle Marksmanship,
Combat Lifesaver, Radio Setup/Utilization, Landing Zone Setup,
Medical Evacuation, Call For Fire (Field Artillery),
and Language Training. The Soldiers have certainly enjoyed
getting out to the rifle ranges the most.
We’ve concentrated mainly on zeroing the weapon systems,
qualifying each Soldier on their weapon system
(hitting 23 out of 40 pop-up targets), and night firing with the
lasers. This weapons training has immensely increased
the Soldiers’ confidence in their ability to engage targets
with their sights and laser target designators,
which is extremely important as we will soon find ourselves
transitioning into Squad and Team
Live Fire Exercises in January and February of next year.
Since the command team is new to
nearly half the company, I’d like to take this opportunity
to briefly introduce
the Gator leadership team, myself and 1SG David J. Stoen and
Family, eagerly serving side by side with
your great Family members and ready to assist & support the
larger Gator Family that keeps us all going,
day-in and day-out! 1SG David J. Stoen originally hails from
Decorah, Iowa and his wife of 12 years,
Darcy Stoen, is from Waterloo, Iowa. They have two kids Ethan
(18) who is currently attending the
University of Northern Iowa and Katelyn (16) who is a Junior at
Starmont High School. 1SG Stoen
has honorably served in the Army for 19 years and 9 months
amassing a wealth of knowledge and experience
during the three Desert Storm Campaigns and five DEA Missions
that he conducted with JTF-6 all over
the United States. In his off time, 1SG Stoen enjoys
“Bending Steel” at the gym when he’s not camping,
enjoying outdoor sports, or watching the Iowa Hawkeyes or
Pittsburgh Steelers destroy lesser teams.
He and Darcy have quite a flock to tend to, including two dogs,
Ranger and Chopper, and four cats,
Shaq, Orlando, Jace, and Marley. 1SG Stoen’s motto is
“Never fail my comrades, my wife, or my country!”
He lives that every day and has imparted the same atmosphere
across the company. 1SG Stoen and his Family
are an outstanding addition to the Gator Family and we should all
feel very fortunate to have such a Professional
by our side as we begin our preparations for the ensuing
deployment to Afghanistan. Welcome Stoen Gators!
I myself am originally from
Brownstown, Indiana where my parents still reside. Since
graduating from
the United States Military Academy in 2002, I have spent 7 years
in the Army, serving one year in the
Republic of Korea, two years at Ft. Irwin, California, two years
at Ft. Hood, Texas, one year in
various schools, and now working on my first year here at Ft.
Carson, Colorado. I have been deployed twice
in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom, from Ft. Irwin and Ft.
Hood. Since my arrival here in late June
I have been supremely impressed with the professional work ethic
and highly motivated attitudes displayed
by these great Soldiers on a daily basis. None of this would be
possible if it wasn’t for your outstanding support
at home that enables these warriors to perform their tough duties
on a daily basis.
Several Gator Soldiers
intently watch as SGT Kenneth Wayland prepares to launch a pie
in 1SG David Stoen's face, a gracious participant during the A
Company FRG Fundraiser event
held during the A Company FRG meeting on October 2nd.
In Family Readiness Group news,
we’ve had two great meetings already with an awesome turnout
of Family members.
The first meeting was composed primarily of introductions, my
intent for the FRG functions and purpose
of the group, available volunteer opportunities, fundraiser
ideas, and some general information on H1N1
given by CPT Sacheli, the Battalion Physician’s Assistant.
Rachel, Grace, and Darcy also made some great snacks
which made the mundane/mandatory information that had to be put
out worth sitting through. The second meeting/event
was conducted in our Company training bay where we held a large
barbecue, put out some information about
upcoming events, and conducted a very successful fundraiser that
netted $900. Myself and 1SG took a pie to the face
for the fundraiser, where for most who were there that probably
made the event all worthwhile. There was also
a Bradley Fighting Vehicle on static display for Family members
to climb around on and overall the event was
a huge success. We hope to see the same turnout and more during
our next meeting at the Family Readiness Center
on October 28th at 6 PM.
In other exciting news, we have
promoted a few very deserving Soldiers since our last report.
This is representative
of not only their outstanding performance but also their
willingness to seek higher levels of responsibility
in this profession of arms. We look forward to supporting these
great Soldiers as they grow in their professional
development and continue to be a part of the reason that this
company is so successful.
Our Gator Family has recently
experienced some very special new additions. We are extremely
happy for the new
Gator Babies and our newest Gator Spouses that have graciously
joined our Family. You are all a blessing
and we wish you all the very best and pray that your adjustments
whether to the Army life or to sleepless nights
with a new bundle of joy go smoothly. Below you will find our
newest members of our stronger Gator Family:
In closing, I and 1SG Stoen
& Family would like to express our sincere gratitude for your
warm welcome
to Fort Carson and for conducting the difficult move from Ft.
Hood, TX. We would also like to send out
a special Thank You for your continued support of these brave men
that you so graciously offer and support
during our country’s time of need. We absolutely could not
do it without you!
We hope this finds you doing well and in high spirits. Take care
and be safe!
From Commander’s Desk
Hello Bear family,
We greatly appreciate your attendance at the 7 OCT FRG meeting
and I ask for your continued support.
Without the support of our Bear families we will ultimately fail
as an organization.
So far our Care Team consists of one volunteer. We still need
more help and will publish upcoming opportunities
for training. Our next FRG Meeting will be after Gunnery on 18
NOV. The location is up for discussion as
FRG members live all over, however there are many advantages to
holding them on Fort Carson.
Dawn (FRG Leader) is holding a volunteer meeting in order to hold
more lengthy discussions than are practical
at the main meeting regarding fundraising and planning.(see below
for details) Additionally, we would like to have
the majority of our spouse’s participate in the Suicide
Prevention Training October 26th at 6:00 p.m. located
at Brigade Headquarters, Room B110. Please contact the FRG chain
of concern for more information.
October has been a busy month due to simultaneous gunnery
preparations, necessary certifications,
and dismounted Infantry training. The schedule required the
majority of Soldiers to train into the evening twice,
and again on OCT 27th. A select few, including all officers, are
conducting additional training to operate
the Bradley Fighting Vehicles. In order to succeed in our future
deployment we are executing a somewhat more
aggressive training plan than some people are accustomed to. I
assure you that the ISG and I are doing so
with one thing in mind: the future of our Soldiers and their
loved ones.
From “Tops” Desk
I want to welcome all family and
friends to what I hope will be just the beginning of a very good
newsletter for all family and friends of the
“Copperheads” C Co 1-22. I won’t promise but will
do my best
to provide updates not only in training but your Soldiers monthly
successes as I see it from my desk.
I want to thank all of the families for a great turn out to our
first FRG meeting. Captain Watkins and I are working
close together for this tank company to be very successful both
in training and in combat. My job will be
to make sure all my Soldiers are prepared and ready for the fight
and to take care of disciplinary problems.
In closing, you too have a large
part in this monthly newsletter making this a success I count on
your comments.
I look forward to hearing from you. Photos of company activities
and training events will be part of our monthly newsletters.
This newsletter is separate from the Family Support Group but
will highlight training events and provide you
a small picture of your husband or son training and will add a
little humor to the daily challenges. I hope to have
this newsletter out not only to the company wives but all family
members across the United States, just as my wife
and boys are far away this will keep them in tune with our
company. Again, I appreciate any and all input
on how we can make this newsletter better for all. TANKS!
Headquarters Platoon Update
by 1st Sergeant John Hise, First Sergeant
Headquarters Platoon has been
heavily involved in turning in old equipment and picking up new
As we grow we lose our XO 1st Lieutenant Muir and gain 1st
Lieutenant Fitzpatrick. We have been working
to get him to our company since June this year! His experience
brings a relief to me and the Company Commander.
As for 1st Lieutenant Muir his challenges in the S6 shop will
keep him busy. Thanks 1st Lieutenant Muir
for all the help you provided not only me as 1st Sergeant but,
the Company as a whole, Thanks Again!
We have the maintenance and
medic personnel who normally are with their companies,
Headquarters and
Headquarters Company and the Forward Support Company are now
assigned to us which brings our numbers
from 52 to 61 personnel. As for the Headquarters Platoon, I would
like to make mention of two additions
to our military family. Sergeant Albright’s and Private
Fleury’s families now have new additions to their families;
the babies were the first born here at Fort Carson for our
Battalion this past summer.
Our supply sergeant has recently
went under for shoulder surgery and is recouping. Thanks to
Private Juarez
for filing in and stepping up as the Assistant Supply Sergeant,
stepping up and doing a great job in Sergeant Tetidrick’s
absence. Sergeant Angus will be attending Combatives Level III
course at Ft Benning in January 2010,
a very difficult course and we wish him LUCK! Congratulations to
Private First Class Coleman
for making Specialist this month!
What 1st Platoon has been Doing
by 2nd Lieutenant Joshua Brooks, 1st Platoon Leader
Since moving to Fort Carson, 1st
Platoon has been conducting training at the individual level in
for future operations. Training over the previous weeks has
included crew responsibilities and maintenance
on an Abrams main battle tank, operating the .50 caliber and
M240C machine guns, intense physical training
focused on improving Soldiers stamina during combat operations
and basic rifle marksmanship.
On October 8th, 2009, 1st Platoon ran Charlie Company’s M16
/ M4 qualification range. During those operations
1st Platoon facilitated some 40 Soldiers from Charlie and other
companies firing over 5,800 rounds of ammunition.
As a result, approximately 90% of the Charlie Company Soldiers
that participated in the range qualified.
As we gain new personnel we also lose our friends from Charlie
Company. Sergeant First Class Sotomayor,
Sergeant Morales and Private First Class Garcia all recently left
our Company to the S3 Training Shop.
First Sergeant I wish them luck in the 3 Shop!
Training in 2nd Platoon
by 2nd Lieutenant Tyler Bryant, 2nd Platoon Leader
The calendar has been filled
with training and intense preparation for future operations since
arriving from Fort Hood,
Texas. 2nd platoon has immersed themselves in crew evacuations
from an Abrams main battle tank,
disassembly and reassembly of a .50 caliber machine gun and
M240C, sharpening land navigation skills,
basic rifle marksmanship, and learning radio operations and
reports, all while enduring combat focused physical training.
On September 30th, 2009, 2nd Platoon ran the first live fire
zeroing range for Charlie Company.
This range gave Soldiers a chance to zero their rifles to ensure
rounds will strike where they are aimed.
It was the first step to many live fire ranges the company will
be conducting in the coming months.
In the next few weeks, we will be drawing our platoon’s
tanks and begin new equipment training. In addition,
we are focusing on multiple rifle and machine gun ranges. As we
continue to receive equipment and personnel,
our training tempo is going to increase in order to ensure our
Soldiers are more than prepared
for a deployment to Afghanistan.
We would like to thank Faith Friend, spouse of Private First
Class Calvin Friend, for graciously volunteering
to be the 2nd Platoon Family Readiness Group point of contact.
3rd Platoon Drum Roll
by 2nd Lieutenant Hall Wang, 3rd Platoon Leader
Third Platoon has been on a
roll. We are steadily but surely getting started on the path to
deployment and everyone
is eager for the high speed training we have been launching. We
have been conducting classes and PT
to get us physically fit for missions ahead.
We just hit up the incline in Manitou Springs, perfect for
getting us ready to climb the mountains and hills
in Afghanistan. The trailhead elevation which we hiked up stands
at 6,570 feet and we can all tell you that it is
easier said than done. Even after reaching the peak, we were not
done yet; we still had to take the trail down
the backside of the mountain to get down.
Of course, we have also been doing lots of weapons training,
making sure they are set right.
Our efforts paid off when we all qualified with our weapons on
the qualification range even with the sleet
and snow falling on us in 34 degree weather. No matter, we are
Soldiers and we handle it all..
Promotions |
Company Events
Gunnery Skills Test
Columbus Day Holiday
Advanced Gunnery Skills Trainer for Certain Crews
Small Arms Weapons Qualification
New Equipment Training begins October 21st
Company PT Test October 23rd
FRG Meeting October 28th
Specialist Michael Menchaca of 2nd Platoon, born in Harlingen,
Texas, turned 21 years old on October 13th, 2009.
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