1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
October 2009
1-22 CO, HHC, Chaplain
Soldiers, Families, and Friends of the Regulars,
With this being the first
Regular newsletter since our relocation to Fort Carson, I’d
like to welcome you again
to Fort Carson “the best hometown in the Army.”
The past few months were full of excitement, with some late
nights, but have set our Battalion up on a path
of long term success. Our first priority was our reception and
integration of new Soldiers and their Families to Fort Carson
and the Regulars Battalion. As Regular Soldiers re-stationed from
Fort Hood and new Soldiers arrived from other
duty stations, we’ve invested a tremendous amount of time
and organizational energy to build a cohesive team
with high morale, a healthy command climate, and a strong sense
of pride and purpose.
As most of you know, we have
already entered an intensified individual training density that
includes training
on performing lifesaving aid, small arms marksmanship, crew
gunnery, and leader training. We’re taking advantage
of the abundant resources Fort Carson has to offer to better
train your Soldiers and their leaders in very dynamic
and most of you know why.
On the next page, you’ll
see that I’ve included our Regular Message #1 that
highlights our pending deployment
to Afghanistan sometime next summer. Now that we know what our
future holds, you’ll see that over the next few months
we’ll test and develop platoon leaders, platoon sergeants,
and Soldiers within the formation through a variety
of demanding events including the “Magic Event”, Squad
Leader / Team Leader Certification Course, Tank
and Bradley gunnery, and a combatives tournament. Without a
doubt, we’ll build esprit de corps and reinforce
leader competencies in communication, leadership, performing life
saving aid, small unit drill, and physical fitness.
I’m grateful to the FRGs
and Family Care Teams for building momentum through their
voluntary service
to our Families and Soldiers. I remain amazed by your dedication
and selfless service to ensure Families are kept informed.
Please ensure that your Families are aware of our Organizational
Day on December 11, 2009. There will be plenty of activities
for the children and some great food…along with the chance
to see Commanders and First Sergeants compete
in the guidon race and dodgeball.
I realize that as we enter into
the holidays there are increased stressors on all of our
Families. Some of you missed
last year’s holiday season with loved ones and there’s
the prospect of missing another next year. I hope that
you’ll focus
on what’s important now and know that your Soldier and you
are part of a tremendous organization
that prides itself on taking care of one another.
May God bless all of you, the
Soldiers and Families of 1-22 IN, our alumni, and the United
States of America.
“Deeds not Words”
LTC Clay Padgett
Regular 6
This afternoon, the Department
of Defense (DoD) announced 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry
will deploy to Afghanistan sometime next summer to train and
mentor Afghan National Security Forces.
This announcement should not come as a complete surprise as we
continue to serve our Nation. I’m aware this will create
some anxiety in our Families but we must all remember that
we’re in this together and communication is the key to
To quell any rumors, this announcement will not change our
current training plan that includes our Mission Rehearsal
at JRTC (Fort Polk, LA) in April 2009. The excerpt of the DoD
message is below:
The Department of Defense
announced today major units scheduled to deploy as part of the
next rotation
operating in Afghanistan. This announcement involves a combat
brigade and combat aviation brigade totaling approximately
6,100 service members. The scheduled rotation for these forces
will begin in the spring and continue through the summer
of 2010. The summer rotation of approximately 3,300 soldiers from
the 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,
from Fort Carson, Co, in support of Operation Enduring Freedom,
will continue the ongoing training
and mentoring mission of Afghan National Security Forces in
In consultation with Afghan officials and NATO, commanders
continue to assess the situation to ensure sufficient
force levels to best support the Government of Afghanistan,
perform counter-terrorism operations, assist with reconstruction,
and train and equip the Afghan National Security Forces.
I’m incredibly proud and
honored to serve with the Soldiers in this phenomenal
organization. Never forget
that we’re an organization that will thrive in uncertainty
through our core competencies and self-confidence.
As we head into our deployment cycle, we’ll continue to
excel if we take care of each other and our Families.
“Regulars, by God!”
Regular 6
From Commander’s Desk
So much has happened since the
last newsletter! Whew, where do we start…location?
Personnel? Challenges?
Well let’s just start at the beginning and fill in the gaps
as we go.
For those who have not received a correspondence from the Hammers
before, let me introduce the Company
First Sergeant and myself. The senior enlisted Soldier in the
company, and sincerely my right arm, is 1SG John Lambert.
He has been with the company since it arrived at Fort Carson. He
was actually on the ground before the unit began
to filter in and served as both the Company 1SG and the Battalion
CSM. 1SG Lambert and his lovely wife Annette,
who recently volunteered as our FRG Leader, are a great team and
a wonderful asset for the unit.
As for me, I am CPT Dave Holloway and have been the company
commander for about 18 months.
My wife, Melissa, and I have had the privilege of working with
the Soldiers and many of the family members
over the past months and have really enjoyed our time as a Hammer
Although we sent some of our
equipment ahead from Iraq to Fort Carson prior to redeployment,
the Soldiers
and Families of the company began their move from Fort Hood,
Texas to Fort Carson, Colorado in June.
With the unit move came an abundance of challenges and new
decisions for Families to make. Among many other things,
Families were faced with changing jobs, changing homes, making
new friends, finding new places of worship,
enrolling in new schools and colleges, and adjusting to a new
climate. Soldiers found new co-workers, as some Soldiers
moved to other units instead of remaining with the company as it
relocated. Soldiers also found new supervisors
to work for and new subordinates to train - an exercise in
reforming and rebuilding the team. And during all the changes,
life continued – small victories were won, new babies
arrived, and Families remained resilient and strong.
As we continue into November, we
remain focused this quarter on developing and improving the
individual skills
of our Soldiers. We began our rifle marksmanship program this
month and will continue into the next as we build
our Soldiers’ confidence in their abilities to shoot
accurately over distance. We also have begun an ongoing
Combat Lifesaver Course to hone the company’s medical skills
and build our Soldiers’ confidence in their abilities
to take care of each other. Our platoons and staff sections
continue to find new ways to challenge their Soldiers
in physical training (PT) as well. Since the area’s
landscape is mountainous, leaders are encouraged to take their
off post to local state parks and rougher terrain to build
endurance and stamina. This slight adjustment in the
approach helps weave healthy competition, high altitude training,
and beautiful scenery into weekly PT.
We also continue sending our men to other various schools outside
the company as we prepare for the upcoming
deployment in the summer. While the company has other normal
challenges, we remain focused on training
to guarantee our success in whatever we are asked to do.
During October, promotions
included PFC Ellis, PFC Michael Morales, PFC Jeff Hoggard, CPL
Timothy Van Dresar,
CPL Leonard Waters, CPL Richard Newton, SGT Ricardo Cintron, SSG
Nicholas Haas, SSG David Ogle,
SSG Joe Wilson, and SSG Wesley Brobeck. This month’s
reenlistments included SSG Ian Strickland and
SGT Ricardo Cintron. Additionally, SSG David Ogle recently
graduated the Unit Prevention Leader course.
With the unit in place, the Fort
Carson area has an endless supply of things to do for Families.
After a great 260-mile
company motorcycle ride early in October (north on Interstate 25
to Denver then west and back south to
Colorado Springs through the back roads) we will plan another
ride in November. We will conduct our next
Family Readiness Group Meeting on the last Friday of October, and
generally the Friday following the Battalion’s
monthly FRG Steering Committee meeting. Also ahead are the
Battalion Organizational Day, which will be held on
11 DEC, and the 1-22 IN Regimental Ball, which will take place
sometime closer to the Summer prior to the unit deploying.
So far, the company has done
great – 1SG Lambert and I rarely receive a phone call on the
which means our Soldiers are maintaining discipline and watching
out for each other. We have seen improvements
in marksmanship with the rifle ranges we have conducted this
month, and have seen great improvements in areas
such as our arms room. We are very optimistic as the Hammers
continue to work together, grow, and bond as a team
and a Family. With a deployment in our future, we work to balance
training and work to prepare our men
for the days ahead while maximizing the time they have with their
My wife and I encourage you to
make the most of the time you have with your Family, spend
quality time with
good friends, and for those of you here at Fort Carson, take
advantage of all the Colorado Springs area has to offer.
Be safe and as winter approaches, double check what you have
stashed in the trunks and cargo areas of your vehicles.
If you haven’t put together an emergency kit with warm
clothing/blankets, water, and some food, etc., please consider
doing so.
1SG Lambert and I appreciate all
you do. Until next month, keep the Hammers in your hearts
and prayers and we will keep you in ours.
Chaplain’s Corner: By Chaplain (CPT) Chip Satterlee
Friends and Family Members,
In the book of Ecclesiastes we read that “There is a time
for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven. . .
a time to plant and a time to uproot . . . a time to tear down
and a time to build. . . a time to be silent and a time to
I have no doubt in my mind that now is our time, as Soldiers,
NCO’s, Officers, and family members to be a part
of the 1st Battalion-22nd Infantry Regiment. Each of you plays a
critical role to the strength and success of our unit,
and I thank each of you for what you do daily for each other,
your families, and our country.
What an incredible time to be a
“Regular”! I truly am honored and humbled to be a part
of such a storied unit
that is filled top to bottom with such selfless and honorable
warriors. We truly are blessed to have such a
God-ordained group of young men and women who are ready, willing,
and able to accomplish successfully every task
and mission that is given them.
There truly is “a time for
everything. . . under heaven.” Now is the time for us, as
Regulars and Regular family members,
to be together to train and prepare for the challenges that our
upcoming deployment may and will bring our way.
If any of you need help in any area of your life, whether that
means strengthening your marriage or speaking to someone
about your personal struggles or dealing with any other issue
that life has placed before you, please don’t hesitate
to contact me. I promise that I will do all I can to get you the
help that each and every one of you deserve
whenever a problem comes before you.
May God continue to be with and
bless each and every one of you!
Regulars by God
Deeds not Words
CH (CPT) Chip Satterlee
(719) 330-5765
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