1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
March 2010
Company D, FSC
Dealer Company Families and Friends,
I would like to take this
opportunity to introduce myself. My name is CPT Ethan Olberding
and I assumed command
of Delta Company on February 1st. Assuming command of combat
Soldiers is a privilege, and one that I take seriously.
I am dedicated to ensure that our Soldiers are prepared to
conduct any mission we receive. Furthermore, I am determined
to build and maintain a solid Family Readiness Group that
provides information about upcoming events
and provides opportunities for Family Members to get involved
with this unit.
The Soldiers of Dealer Company
completed fantastic training events in February. They qualified
on vehicle mounted
weapon systems, began training platoon-level operations, and
participated in a Brigade-wide three-week exercise
called Raider Blitz, that culminated with establishing a company
defense in austere weather conditions.
The Brigade exercise provided opportunities that tested every
Soldier mentally and physically. Moreover, these Soldiers
not only faced difficult training scenarios, but encountered
frigid temperatures as well. I am extremely impressed and proud
of the Dealer Soldiers. They continue to master those skills and
techniques that will ensure our success
in future operations.
The month of March will bring
more opportunities to hone our skills. We will conduct language
to prepare Soldiers to converse with the Afghani people, pack
equipment for our deployment to the
Joint Readiness Training Center at Fort Polk, Louisiana in April,
and continue to train the basic skills all Soldiers need
to be confident on the battlefield. My wife, Sarah, and I are
extremely approachable and welcome any suggestion
you may have about how to solidify our Family Readiness Group. I
look forward to working with you
and communicating with you over the coming months.
Bottom line, your Soldier needs your support and so does this Company.
I wish you the best.
CPT Ethan Olberding
Dealer 6
The Dealers at Raider Blitz
By: 1LT Kyle West, 2nd Platoon Leader
During the month of February the
Dealers completed our Brigade exercise coded named RAIDER BLITZ.
This event tested our abilities with realistic scenarios that we
may encounter during our deployment.
One of the most valuable training events proved our opportunity
to work with Afghani Nationals. These role players
taught important lessons on culture and language. Our Soldiers
conducted a variety of missions that replicated
many of the situations units face in Afghanistan. Training events
consisted of meeting with village elders to build rapport
with the local populace, dismounted operations over harsh
terrain, mounted operations, and culminated with
a challenging platoon live fire exercise. Platoons employed
attack helicopters, mortar fire, and all of their direct fire
weapon systems. The live fire exercise required leaders to think
quickly and implement tactical plans to ensure success.
Each Soldier performed superbly. They definitely exceeded our
expectations. We completed Raider Blitz
with many lessons learned that will help strengthen our unit.
Welcome new Soldiers and Family
members to the Forward Support Company and 1-22 Infantry
As you already know, we continue on a rigorous path of training
leading up to our JRTC rotation in April.
I have included our March and April training schedules in this
newsletter so you have a good understanding
of upcoming events. The dates for JRTC are tentative and various
Soldiers and leaders throughout our company
may leave earlier or return later than these posted dates (April
6th-30th). As always, I appreciate your support and flexibility.
I also wanted to publish the block leave schedule to afford you
the knowledge of when you can expect your Soldier
to take leave if they choose. The block leave schedule is from
June 19th-July 11th this summer. It is important for us
to take this time off and spend it with those that we care about.
Those that do not have enough leave built up
can still take advantage of having half-day work schedules as
well as four-day passes. I will enforce a minimum leave balance
of 8 days going into the deployment. This allows the individual
to have enough leave built up to take both mid-tour R&R,
and have leave available upon return from Afghanistan. Thanks for
the continued support for your spouse
and the challenging mission we have ahead.
REMINDER: Tax season is upon us. Fort Carson Tax preparation
agents are available for free at building 6285 on Fort Carson.
Family Events and Fundraising:
There are currently no scheduled fundraising events for our FRG.
Our FRG account balance is $485.21.
We are looking forward to this month’s Family get together
at the YMCA. The YMCA will offer free trial memberships
to those that attend and have great deals for service members and
their family members. If you have questions
or would like to attend please contact Kayla or Ana. They are
listed in the POC section of the newsletter.
Company shirts are available to both Soldiers and Family/Friends.
They are gray Under Armor “type” long sleeve shirts
and display the 1-22IN BN crest on the front and have the
Eliminator mascot and motto on the back. The FSC guideon
is also printed on the sleeve. T-Shirt costs are $20 each or $30
for two and are available in medium through XL
with limited quantities in small and XXL. POCs for t-shirts can
be contacted at the FSC orderly room.
Looking forward to this spring, many of us have sons and
daughters in school along with some graduating from high school.
It is my intent that Soldiers and parents be afforded the
opportunity to attend parent teacher conferences as well as
graduation ceremonies. Graduation dates for the Colorado Springs
area generally take place between the dates of
May 18th-29th. I encourage Soldiers and spouses to inform me
through their chain-of-command if they have a son
or daughter graduating in another state so that they may attend.
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