1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Battalion Newsletter
January 2010
Company D, FSC
Hi Dealer Families,
I hope your holidays were safe
and full of fun times. Now that we’re back, we’re off
and running at full speed!
We have lots of field time coming up. Lara and I have presented
the most current dates that the battalion has
at the FRG meeting. I hope you made it. It was held on 27 January
at 6pm in room B160 at the Brigade/Battalion building.
We also have some changes in
leadership coming up. On 1 February, CPT Ethan Olberding will
take command
of the company. Most of the transition should be seamless to the
Soldiers, as Lara and I move to the Battalion
and CPT Olberding and his wife Sarah take over the work with the
Dealers. Again, hopefully you can make it
to January’s FRG meeting and get to know these new faces.
Thanks for the great times
we’ve had in D/1-22IN. I’ve seen some amazing changes
since I took command in November 2008,
and I’m confident that the Dealers will continue to lead the
way. Thanks for your support - keep up the good work!
CPT Brandon Chapman Dealer 6
Thank you, Family Readiness Group!
I wanted to borrow a little
space this month to say thanks to all of you! YOU provide the
best support to your spouses,
whether you can make it to every FRG event or not. I personally
know how much of an impact you can make,
especially during deployments. Keep up the good work in the
coming months to get your family and your Soldier
ready for whatever comes. I have a few special BIG thank yous for
a few folks in the unit. Kat Dueringer, you have been
an awesome co-leader and source of inspiration - thank you for
sharing so much of your time!
Jenn Dryer and Gayle Villalobos - you guys have kept us from big
trouble by volunteering as treasurers.
Shannon Kelley and Amber Roberts - thank you for your giving
spirit - even though we didn’t use you as much
as you probably planned! Families, THANK YOU for all your
feedback and participation in the last year.
You are a strong, capable group and I know you’ll continue
to do great things. I’m glad to know you!
I’ll see you around while I’m working with the whole
battalion’s FRG process.
As one last “plug” -
please consider helping with our CARE Team or some of the other
upcoming opportunities...
1-22 Infantry can use volunteers with talent like yours!
-Lara Chapman
CPT Rossol’s Commander Notes
Happy New Year to all!
I would like to extend my
gratitude to everyone as we continue on an extremely busy path
these next few months.
Thank you all for safely returning home to the Eliminator team
after block leave and I hope you have had
a relaxing and enjoyable holiday season. We will continue to
build our team as we ramp up training this next quarter
and continue to gain new Soldiers and family members. You can
expect some longer days and time in the field
from mid-February through March. This training is in preparation
for our JRTC rotation in Louisiana in April.
Please take advantage of the upcoming four day weekend February
For those new to the Regular and
Eliminator team I would like to welcome you and ask you to please
contact myself
or our FRG leaders, Kayla and Ana, if you have questions or want
to take part in our Family Readiness Group.
As you may already know, we will be deploying to Afghanistan late
this summer. We all need to begin to prepare
our families for this deployment by updating wills,
powers-of-attorney, as well as financial preparation.
I look forward to meeting our
new family members and again don’t hesitate to call if you
have questions.
Thanks for the continued support for your spouse and the
challenging mission we have ahead.
REMINDER: Tax season is upon us. You can utilize the Fort Carson
Tax preparation agents for free
at building 6285 on Fort Carson.
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