1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
Squad Leader's Notebook
SGT Rich Lobus Company A
1/22 Infantry 1966-1967
2nd Squad
SGT Richard Lobus
The squad leader is responsible
for the actions and lives of ten Soldiers.
In Vietnam squad leaders kept a notebook, which helped them to
relay orders from above,
make assignments within the squad, and just generally keep things
in order.
The notebook had to be small
enough to fit in a shirt or trouser pocket, so the squad leader
could keep it on him and get at it easily. Many kinds of small
books or tablets were used.
The notebook below was used by
Sergeant Richard Lobus, in his duty as Squad Leader
of 2nd squad, Company A of the 1/22 Infantry in Vietnam
The notebook
used by SGT Lobus was a rather nice one,
with a leather cover, and the pages held in by a sturdy
three-ring binder.
In the book SGT
Lobus kept track of the instructions
he would give to his squad, any orders which needed
to be relayed to them, and duty assignments.
The following are some
of the pages in SGT Lobus' Squad notebook:
The Squad in Night
1. L.P.s consist of Sgt.
w/starlight scope, Pfc. Adams
w/radio. SP/4 Gant w/claymore
we will go out set up L.P.
area come in eat chow,
return to L.P. no later than
1800 hrs.
2. In the perimeter SP/4 Lipscomb
is in command, Lipscomb will
in my absence will assume
all responsibilities of Sq Leader
He will:
A. Attend all Sqd Ldr. meetings
get the poop and take notes.
B. Get any c-rations Thunderball
and turn in bubble gum
requests if any. And make
sure squad members have
water & malaria pills.
3. Alpha will carry
claymores, Bravo one
claymore, everyone will
carry a trip flare.
The Squad and the
Helicopter assault.
1. Alpha Team goes as a
unit, Bravo will be used
to fill up the shortages
of other squads.
2. Upon landing - The
of the ship is 12:00 o'clock.
we will consolidate from
8:00 - 12:00 First Squad on
the left w/one M-G Third
squad on the right w/one M-G
3. If your with
squad when we hit the
L-Z stay with them until
such time it is safe for
you to make it back to
the Squad. If you can't
find the Squad ask around
Some one Somewhere saw
4. If the chopper your in
gets hit and crashes
or should you get hit
leaving the ship,
A. Get off the L-Z Charlie
has snipers waiting for
slow pokes. If you can't
run off crawl under some
good cover apply first aid
Any Questions
The Squad on the
-------------used in very
---------------thick terrain
In Single File:
Alpha Team Leads, Bravo
Action upon being hit:
1. Return Fire
2. Hit the ground
3. Pick good cover Return
the fire.
4. Always watch for Punji
stakes which should be in
an area if we're hit
5. In an anbush: head
for where the most fire
is coming from, consolidate
75 to 100 meters past ambush
6. If your hit and can't
move, get to some good
cover and bandage the
wound if its of a nature
that you can not do
try to put your weight on
the wound till Doc or
some one else in the Squad
gets to you
Explain how to use
Pressure bandage !!!!
7. Also, you people like
to bunch up to much
Keep the distance down
to 5 meters or 15 feet.
One claymore mine or
one AK-47 will tare your
asses up - just keep the
The Squad in Column:
1. Alpha on the right, Bravo
on the left.
2. Used mainly on roads.
3. Keep the distance 5 meters.
4. Same action on being hit.
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