1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
Chronology of the 22nd Infantry in the War of 1812
June 26,1812 Organization of
the 22nd Regiment authorized by Act of Congress.
July 6,1812 Colonel Hugh Brady commissioned.
July 6,1812 Lieutenant Colonel George McFeeley
of Cumberland County commissioned.
In charge of recruiting at Carlisle Barracks.
July 14,1812 Colonel Brady accepted command.
August 16,1812 John Patterson, from near
Meadville, enlisted by Captain Foulk at Erie.
About 130 men paraded twice a day at Fort Fayette.
September 28,1812 Men from Fort Fayette arrived
at Carlisle on way to Niagara Falls to join General Dearborn
October 5,1812 Lieutenant Colonel McFeeley with
200 men of the 22nd left Carlisle Barracks for Niagara frontier.
October 15,1812 The 22nd detachment arrived at
Fort Niagara.
November 14,1812 Lieutenant Colonel McFeeley
relieved Colonel Winder of command at Fort Niagara.
November 21,1812 Detachment at bombardment of
Fort Niagara by the British. The American garrison commanded by
Lieutenant Colonel McFeeley. He also commanded at Battles of Fort
George and Stony Creek.
Lieutenant Eli Thomas wounded in action.
March 31,1813 According to Colonel Hugh Brady,
180 rank and file on line, 210 under marching orders at Carlisle
at this time.
April, 1813 Colonel Brady opened a recruiting
office at Meadville under Captain Jacob Carmack.
$40 offered as bounty, with three months' extra pay on discharge
and warrant for 160 acres.
May 27,1813 Entire 22nd Regiment present at
capture of Fort George, across the Niagara River from Fort
on the Canadian side. The advance guard was under Colonel
Winfield Scott with his regiment and included
a detachment of the 22nd under Lieutenant Colonel McFeeley.
Commodore Perry joined and assisted Scott in his first attack.
July 1,1813 Surgeon Julius R. Shumate killed in
action. Place unknown.
July 6,1813 Colonel Brady with 250 regulars and
50 horses expected at Buffalo.
July 7,1813 Brady directed to leave the company
of cavalry and 50 men at Buffalo.
July 15,1813 Brady a signer of letter of regret
to General Dearborn on retiring.
September 20,1813 Brady in attendance at Council
of War at Fort George.
September 22,1813 Resignation of Captain John
Foster accepted.
Lieutenant Green has leave because of ill health.
October 19-20,1813 General Jacob Brown's
brigade, including the 22nd, moved to Grenadier Island from
Henderson Harbor
— 18 miles below Sackett's Harbor, near outlet of Saint
Was under General Wilkinson in Saint Lawrence campaign.
October 29,1813 Brown's brigade went down
Canadian side of Saint Lawrence and took part in action at French
Brown in command of advance near village of Clayton.
November 1-2,1813 Entire 22nd present at French
Creek, where Brown's brigade repulsed a British naval sortie.
November 11,1813 Brown's brigade not present at
Battle at Crysler's Farm, when British defeated General Wilkinson
at Cornwall.
Late November, 1813 until February, 1814
Wilkinson's army was idle at French Creek, near Canadian line.
Scott, with 800 men, defeated British at Hoophole Creek.
December 1,1813 22nd Regiment recorded as having
455 enlisted men, non-commissioned officers, artificers and
December 19,1813 Third Lieutenant James Steward
taken prisoner at Lewiston.
December, 1813, to January, 1814 Brown in winter
quarters at French Mills, a few miles up Salmon River.
Sergeant, 22nd US Infantry
Regiment, 1813 This Sergeant wears the early felt
shako, The US Army, unlike the British, had
only one rank of Sergeant. Because of shortages in the supply
system he wears a grey jacket. Illustration and description in quotes from: The American War 1812-1814 Osprey Men-At-ArmsSeries # 226 Available from Osprey Publishing |
January 5,1814 Troops at Fort
Fayette to march to Erie on news of danger at Erie.
February 13,1814 General Brown marched from
French Mills to Sackett's Harbor, then to Niagara, with his 2000
men including the 22nd.
March 4,1814 A company of militia under Captain
Dunn left Fort Loudon for Erie, where it was put with the 5th
Regiment of Pennsylvania militia.
It reached Pittsburgh on March 17.
March 24,1814 General Scott formed Camp of
Instruction at Buffalo, where training was from 7 to 10 hours
March 31,1814 Captain Dunn's company reached
Buffalo and later was at Battles of Chippewa and Lundy's Lane.
April 3,1814 Colonel Brady at Pittsburgh.
April 15,1814 Lieutenant Colonel McFeeley
appointed Colonel of 25th Regiment. Ninian Pinkney appointed
Lieutenant Colonel of 22nd Regiment.
May 27,1814 Colonel Brady notified the 22nd is
destined for Division of the Left under General Brown. Those
parts at Pittsburgh and Philadelphia
ordered to Buffalo. Major Martin, with all recruits at Erie, also
moved to Buffalo.
June 8,1814 Brady wrote Adjutant General from
Fort Fayette that Major Trimble of 19th Regiment requested to be
attached to his (Brady's) command.
June 20,1814 Brady wrote from Pittsburgh that
Captain Reed would be in command there.
June 22,1814 John Patterson of Captain Dunn's
company recorded arrival of Lieutenant Culbertson and 70 men of
the 22nd at Erie.
June, 1814 22nd Regiment, with 9th, llth and
25th Regiments, assembled under General Scott at Buffalo.
July 2,1814 General Jacob Brown authorized
attack on Canada. General Scott assembled Colonels Campbell,
Leavenworth and Jessup,
Colonel Brady not having joined.
July 3,1814 Scott easily captured Fort Erie.
July 5,1814 Battle of Chippewa. Lieutenant
Colonel Leavenworth in command of consolidated battalion of 9th
and 22nd Regiments on right wing,
thrown forward. Captain King of the 22nd was severely wounded
July 20,1814 100 men of 22nd embarked at Erie
for Buffalo on schooner Porcupine.
July 25,1814 Battle of Lundy's Lane. 9th and
22nd Regiments consolidated under Colonel Brady, deployed on left
after Brady was badly wounded, consolidated with Leavenworth's.
July 26,1814 Scott, Brady and other wounded
officers embarked for Buffalo.
July 31,1814 The 22nd had 218 present for duty, a total
of 418 present or absent.
August 7,1814 British began siege of Fort Erie.
August 15,1814 British began attack. Parts of
9th, 11th and 22nd posted on right under Lieutenant Colonel
Detachment from those under Captain Foster of the 11th charged
through narrow passage, was often repulsed and failed.
Detachment of 20 men of 22nd under Lieutenant John Brady aided.
September 29,1814 Colonel Brady in command at
Buffalo with remains of 22nd Regiment.
February 4,1815 Colonel Brady commanded troops
at Sackett's Harbor, with about 400 regulars.
May 15, 1815, the 22nd was consolidated with the
6th, 16th, 23rd and 32nd to form the 2nd Regiment.
1815-1825 Colonel Hugh Brady commander at Fort Pike, Sackett's Harbor.
The above chronology is edited from the article:
A Forgotten Regiment in a Forgotten War
by John Newell Crombie
Western Pennsylvania Historical Magazine
Volume 50, Number 3, pp 221-238
Publication Date: July 1967
available from Western Pennsylvania History
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