1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
Soldier Profile: Corporal James Brannan
One of the soldiers who served with the 22nd Infantry during the War of 1812 was James Brannan.
His enlistment record spells his
last name as Brannon and gives an alternate spelling of his
last name as Brennon. His Pension record spells his last name as
Brannan. In one of the
documents presented below his last name is spelled Brandon.
James Brannan was born in Dauphin, Pennsylvania in 1783.
He was enlisted in the 22nd
Infantry by Captain Jacob Carmack for a period of five years on
January 2, 1813. His rank upon enlistment is given as Corporal.
His enlistment record indicates
he stood 5 feet 10 inches tall, had dark eyes, fair hair and a
fair complexion. His age at the time of enlistment was 30 and his
previous occupation
is listed as Carpenter.
He was assigned to the Company commanded by Captain Thomas Lawrence.
Brannan is recorded as being
sick at Ogdensburg, New York on December 31, 1813. This may well
coincide with the first time he was wounded in November 1813.
He is listed as being present on Morning Reports from 1814 dated January 29, February 12, February 28 and April 30.
He entered an unspecified
hospital on May 4, 1814 and was released from the hospital and
joined his Regiment on June 10, 1814. He is listed as being
present on a Morning Report dated
June 24, 1814.
He is marked in his enlistment
record as being absent sick at Williamsville, New York from July
25 or 26, 1814 to October 25, 1814. This coincides with his being
wounded at the Battle of
Lundy's Lane, Canada on July 25, 1814.
He is listed as being present on
a Morning Report dated December 31, 1814 and also being present
Morning Reports dated January 31, February 16, February 28, March
31 and April 30, 1815. He had
been on furlough from March 31 to April 30, 1815.
The General Order of May 17,
1815 from the Adjutant and Inspector General's office created the
2nd Infantry Regiment
from a consolidation of the 6th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd and 32nd
Infantry Regiments. Brannan is recorded in his enlistment record
as having joined the 2nd Infantry from the 22nd Infantry.
He is listed as being present in
Captain John Sproull's Company of the 2nd Infantry at Greenbush,
New York on a
Morning Report dated October 1, 1815. He is listed as being
present on Morning Reports dated February 29 and
April 30, 1816. His enlistment record indicates that on May 22,
1816 he was reduced to the rank of Private.
Brannan is listed as being
"On command" at Brownsville, New York on June 30, 1816.
He is listed as being present
on Morning Reports dated August 31, October 31 and December 31,
1816. He is also listed as being present on
Morning Reports dated February 28, April 30, June 30, August 31
and December 31, 1817.
He was carried on the Morning
Reports into 1818 at Sackett's Harbor, New York and was noted as
being discharged
upon Expiration of Term of Service on January 2, 1818.
In November 1830 James Brannan
applied for a pension from the government for his service related
Along with his statement describing his service he inlcuded
affidavits from a fellow soldier, Barney McCue
and from his former Commanding Officer of the 22nd Infantry, Hugh
His rank is given in the pension
file as Corporal. His enlistment record indicates he was reduced
to Private after the War
but does not indicate he was later reinstated to Corporal. It is
possible that for pension purposes his wartime rank of
Corporal was used to calculate his pension amount as that is the
rank he held when receiving his wounds and injuries
for which he is awarded the pension.
Below are documents from the
pension file for Brannan along with transcriptions of the
reproduced with the original spellings and punctuation.
The documents give a vivid
account of Brannan being wounded and are testimony to the service
of a brave soldier of the 22nd Infantry.
Above: The cover sheet
of the pension file for James Brannan showing his service as
occurring in
Captain Thomas Lawrence's Company of the 22nd Infantry of the
United States Army.
Left: The personal statement Sworn to and subscribed A transcription of this |
I James Brannan do solemnly
swear that I enlisted into the service of the United States in
Capt Carmack's Company of Infantry
in the 22d Regt on or about the first day of January of 1813 -
that I was immediately after made a Corporal that I continued
attached to said Company till I was transferred to Capt Lawrens
Company in the same regiment on Grenadier Island in 1813.
and I was afterward in the Battle of Bridgewater said Company,
& that in the evening of the 25th of July 1814 during the
in actual service of the United States in the line of My duty,
while loading My gun, I was shot through the body by a Musket
fired from the ranks of Enemy. I finished loading, fired at the
Enemy & was soon after carried off from the field &
several months in the hospital, and afterwards having
sufficiently recovered joined the Regiment & was subsequently
discharged from Capt Sproull's Company to which I had been
transferred. I rec 'd My discharge on the 2d day of January 1818
at Sackets Harbour.
Capt Lawrens to whose Company I
belonged when I was wounded left the Army at the end of the War,
as did also the Lieutenant
& I have never heard of them since & consequently cannot
apply to them for their testimony------
I was paid the last time while
in the service, by a Mr. Butterfield Lubtten at the Post at
Sackets Harbour who I understood was
the agent of Mr. Allbright the Paymaster ------
James Brannan
Above: The affidavit sworn to by Barney McCue who served
alongside of James Brannan in Captain Lawrence's Company
of the 22nd Infantry. McCue testifies that he saw Brannan fall
wounded at the Battle of Lundy's Lane and that he later
saw Brannan in the Hospital being attended to by physicians.
Though not mentioned in Brannan's statement McCue also testifies
to Brannan being wounded previously at Williamsburg, Canada
(which was near Crysler's Farm.) At the bottom of the affidavit
Brannan's lawyer notes that McCue's testimony has been subscribed
and sworn to him on November 9, 1830.
The above affidavit is
not actually signed by McCue. His name is written at the bottom
and above and below it is written "his mark"
and an "x" is marked there to denote that he
"signed" the document.
Barnabas "Barney" McCue
enlisted as a Private in the 22nd Infantry on January 2, 1813,
the same day as James Brannan.
They were both enlisted by Captain Jacob Carmack and served
together in Captain Thomas Lawrence's Company.
Though a date is not given McCue's enlistment record notes that
he was discharged upon expiration of his term of
service, which would make that the same day that Brannan was
A transcription of McCue's affidavit is immediately below.
I, Barney McCue, of Erie, in the
State of Pennsylvania, now in Cleaveland in the County of
Cuyahoga and State of Ohio,
being duly sworn and of lawful age, do, on my said oath, depose
& say, that I was present at the Battle of Bridgewater,
sometimes called the Battle at Lundy's Lane, in the Province of
Upper Canada, on the twenty fifth day of July A.D. 1814,
engaged in said Battle, in the Company commanded by Capt
Lawrence, of the Twenty Second Regiment of Infantry, and then
& there, saw James Brannan, a corporal in said Company, fall
in the ranks by my side in consequence of a wound then received
in his side by a shot from the enemy, and then heard said Brannan
say, that he had received a mortal wound & on the
Twenty Sixth day of said July I saw said Brannan taken into a
Boat & conveyed across the Niagara to the Hospital on the
American Shore - and there, in the said Hospital, I saw said
Brannan's wound, received as aforsaid, several times
dressed and examined by physicians and the wound appeared to be
deep and dangerous, the shot having passed through
his body ---- and I also know that said Brannan, on the tenth day
of November A.D. 1813 received another wound in his thigh,
from a musket shot in the Battle of Williamsburgh, in said
Province of Upper Canada - and further that said Brannan now
resides in Boston township in the County of Portage and State of
Ohio, and that I have been, hitherto, well acquainted with
said Brannan since the year A.D. 1812.
Above: An affidavit written by Hugh Brady, who as a Colonel
commanded the 22nd Infantry
during the time James Brannan served in the Regiment and was
wounded. Brady also later
commanded the 2nd Infantry when the 22nd was consolidated into
that unit so he was
Brannan's Commanding Officer in both Regiments. Brady was
promoted to Brigadier
General in 1827.
A transcription of Brady's affidavit is immediately below.
James Brannen was a Corporal in
Capt Thomas Lawrens's Company 22nd Regt. of Infy, under my
in the battle of Bridgewater, Upper Canada, against the British
forces, on the 25th July 1814. The impression
is strong on my mind that he was wounded in that Battle, but I
can not swear positively. He shows marks of a gun shot
wound on his left side, which he says he rec'd in that action. I
remember Brannan sustained the character of a good soldier
and a man of veracity.
H Brady
Brig Genl
US Army
Above: An affidavit signed by two surgeons that James
Brannan was incapacitated by the wounds he received while in the
and was now unable to perform manual labor to make his living. At
the bottom of the letter is a statement by a Justice of the Peace
that the two surgeons are known to him as respectable in their
A transcription of of the surgeons' affidavit is immediately below.
It is hereby certified, that
James Brannan a Corporal in the Company of Capt Thomas Lawrence
the Twenty Second Regt. of the United States is rendered
incapable of performing the duty of a
Soldier, by reason of wounds or other injuries inflicted while he
was actually in the Service
aforesaid and in the line of his duty (viz.) By satisfactory
evidence and accurate examination
it apears that the 25th day of July A.D. 1814, being engaged in a
battle against the English
forces, at Bridgewater - sometimes called the battle of lundy's
Lane in the Province of Upper
Canada, he received a gunshot wound in his body - the same having
been made by a musket ball
entering his body about one & a half inch left of the navel,
and coming out about the same
distance left of his backbone thereby rendering him f_____
incapable of f______ and producing
painful and quickened respiration. It also appears from like
evidence and information that on
the 10th day of November A.D. 1813, he received another gunshot
wound in his thigh from the
enemy while engaged in the line of his duty in the Battle of
Williamsburgh, in said Province of
Upper Canada, which said last mentioned wound effects his gait by
producing lameness - and he is
by the wound aforesaid not only incapacitated for military duty,
but in the opinion of the
undersigned is three fourths disabled from obtaining his
subsistence from manual labour.
I. Town Surgeon
Jonathan Metcalf Surgeon
The State of Ohio }
Hudson 18th April 1831 Then personally appeared
the above named Israel Town and Jonathan Metcalf ------
surgeons, |
Above: A statement from the Auditor's Office of the Treasury
Department verifying that James Brannan
( last name spelled in this document both as Brandon and Brannon)
was a member of the 22nd Infantry and that
he was hospitalized at least once. Ironically though Brannan was
hospitalized for being shot completely through his body
by a musket ball, the reason for his hospital stay appears to
have been recorded as "Rheumatism."
A transcription of of the Auditor's statement is immediately below.
It appears from a Muster Roll of
Capt Amberson's Company of 22d Infantry from 1st September to
30th November 1813 that James Brandon, a Corporal in borne
thereon having enlisted on the 2d
January 1813 for 5 years, and is remarked, "absent since 6th
Nov. instant," he is also found on
the Rolls of Capt Lawrence's Company of the same Regiment, from
30th April to the 4th October
1814; remarked "sick at Williamsville" Upon examination
of the Williamsville Hospital Records,
James Brannon is found to have entered 3d August 1814
---"Rheumatism" noted as his disease
John Hagner Aud.
Pension Office
War Department
Left: The document identifying the
final disposition The document states that
Corporal James Brannan Apparently a sum of $26.60 was
to be paid |
Documents above from the pension file for James Brannan from:
War of 1812 Pension Applications.
Washington D.C.: National Archives. NARA Microfilm Publication
M313, 102 rolls.
Records of the Department of Veterans Affairs, Record Group
Number 15.
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