1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
The 22nd Infantry At Spring Creek, October 1876
"US Army -- Infantry Attacked By Indians -- 1875"
An illustration from The
US Army and Navy 1776-1899, published in 1899
by the Werner Company of Akron, Ohio
The painting shows
Infantry commanded by a dismounted officer forming skirmish lines
and firing at hostiles
while the wagons they are protecting can be seen in the upper
In the latter part of 1876 the
command of Colonel Nelson Miles, which at the time was a major
of the Army's campaign against the Sioux, was ordered by the War
Department to cease operations
and camp for the winter months at the mouth of the Tongue River,
where it meets the Yellowstone River.
This was deep in Montana Territory, in what is now the State of
At this time of the year supply
boats could go no further up the Yellowstone River than the mouth
of Glendive Creek. Six companies of the 22nd Infantry were
detailed to meet the boats at Glendive,
and bring the supplies by wagon train to Miles' Tongue River
From October 11 through October
16 of 1876 these wagon trains of the 22nd Infantry
were met with attacks by the Sioux, for about half the distance
the trains had to travel. ¹
¹ Webmaster 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
1st Lieutenant Oskaloosa M. Smith
Smith served with the 22nd Infantry from 1869 to 1890
(Website Ed., On October 26,
1876 Oskaloosa Smith wrote the following account of the wagon
as they moved to resupply the encampment at Tongue River.)
SUMMER, commencing August 8 at the mouth of the Rosebud and
ending at this camp
on the 6th of September, scarcely a wild Indian was seen. The
season of operations was ordered to close on or before October
and troops were ordered to be cantoned for the winter at the
mouth of Tongue River. The entire 5th Infantry was sent there to
commence building,
so that the troops and stores might be protected from the severe
winter climate, and no time was lost. Six companies of 22nd
Infantry were left at this point
[cantonment at Glendive Creek on the Yellowstone] to receive the
stores from the boats, which could go no further up the river,
and convoy them to Tongue River. Afterward, added to this force
were two companies of 17th Infantry. These were all small
numbering about 35 men each. They had performed the escort duty,
making nearly three trips each month with a train of 100 wagons,
without molestations by Indians, until the last trip.
On the 10th inst. at noon, the train left here, and that night
camped on Spring Creek, 14 miles out. The next morning they were
and attacked by a large number of Indians, and in the skirmish
numbers of mules were wounded, which caused a stampede and some
loss of animals.
The escort was so harassed that they were compelled to either
abandon several wagons and some property, or else to return to
this place;
the latter course they prudently pursued, arriving late on the
evening of the 11th.
The train was refitted and started again on the 14th, the
commanding officer of the station, Lt. Col. [Elwell S.] Otis,
taking command of the escort,
consisting of C and G of the 17th Inf., and G, H, and K of the
22nd Inf., being a force of 11 officers and 185 men. The roster
of officers was as follows:
Lt. Col. Otis, 22nd Inf.,
1st Lt. [Oskaloosa M.] Smith, 22nd Inf., Battalion Adjutant
Act. Asst. Surg. [Charles T.] Gibson, Surgeon
Co. C, 17th Inf., Capt. [Malcolm] McArthur, 2nd Lt. [James D.]
Co. G, 17th Inf., Capt. [Louis H.] Sanger
Co. G, 22nd Inf., Capt. [Charles W.] Miner, 1st Lt. [Benjamin C.]
Co. H, 22nd Inf., 1st Lt. [William] Conway, 2nd Lt. Sharpe
Co. K, 22nd Inf., Capt. [Mott] Hooton, 2nd Lt. [William H.] Kell
1st Lt. Benjamin C. Lockwood Co. G 22nd Infantry |
1st Lt. William Conway Co. H 22nd Infantry |
Capt. Mott Hooton Co. K 22nd Infantry |
2nd Lt. William H. Kell Co. K 22nd Infantry |
Above: Portraits of 22nd Infantry officers who were present at the Spring Creek encounters.
(Portraits added by the website editor.)
At 10 o'clock A.M. [October 14]
the escort and train moved out gaily. The day was beautiful and
every man was in good spirits,
feeling that they would meet the enemy before returning. That
night camp was made in the beautiful bottom of the Yellowstone,
11 miles away.
Early in the evening a thieving pack of Indians approached the
camp and were fired upon by the sentinels. They beat a hasty
leaving a pony with all its trappings and a leg broken. There
were no more alarms that night.
At daybreak the next morning [October 15] the train was on the
move, drawn up in four lines and surrounded by the escort
which was disposed as follows: advance guard, Co. H., 22nd;
advance right and left flankers, Co. C, 17th; right flank rear,
Co. G, 22nd;
left flank rear, Co. G. 17th; rear guard, Co. K, 22nd. It was
Sunday morning and a prettier one never broke forth.
Upon gaining the entrance to Spring Creek three miles from camp,
three men joined the train, who proved to be scouts from
General [Colonel] Miles' command at Tongue River. They were en
route, four in number, from General Miles with dispatches for
Glendive Creek;
on Saturday afternoon [October 14] they were attacked at Spring
Creek by a large number of Indians, one of their number was
and all their horses were either killed or badly wounded. The
remaining three men were driven into the bushes, were they kept
the Indians at bay
until the darkness of night let them escape and they were thus
enabled to join our troops. The body of the dead scout was found
and buried.
He was not at all mutilated and his gloves were on; evidently the
Indians had not found him, but his gun and ammunition could not
be found.
About this time the Indians made
their appearance on the left side and in front, and opened fire
on Scout [Robert] Jackson and Sergeant [Patrick] Kelly,
Co. F, 22nd Inf., who were mounted and in advance. They had run
into a large party of Indians, and after discharging their rifles
at them,
they fell back, closely followed by about thirty, their clothing
being literally riddled by bullets but their bodies entirely
These two men did a great deal of scouting, coming in close
quarters several times with the Indians, and showed a great deal
of pluck and bravery.
The number of Indians kept increasing; the left flank advanced
and the advanced guard charged them, opening the way for the
which was enabled to ascend to the high table land. Then to our
front signal smokes were raised, which were immediately answered
by some vast ones off toward the Yellowstone, and Indians were
seen coming from all directions, until the train was surrounded
by from 400 to 500.
During this time we had gained the ridge and hills leading down
into Clear Creek and here the enemy had taken position
expecting to prevent our progress, but skirmishers were sent
ahead and the road was cleared, so that we gained the creek
and watered the stock in full view of the foe. But they were not
idle; they collected on the further side and set afire to the
expecting to burn us out and to advance under cover of the smoke
and signally defeat us, but our troops gallantly charged them,
answering the Indian yell, and drove them in all directions, so
that the train could move on, though it had to pass rapidly over
the line of burning grass.
As soon as the top land was
reached beyond Clear Creek, the enemy came in strong force
against all parts of the escort.
There were eighty-six wagons to guard, but they were in four
lines and surrounded by our skirmishers. The prairies were
the smoke was suffocating, and the enemy hurled his whole force
with desperation against the train, bent upon its capture,
so that he would be well provided with food and ammunition, but
they were kept at some distance by the advance upon them of the
and not a shot damaged the train. The roar of musketry was
terrific. There was no artillery; it was simply an infantry
They were repeatedly charged in front by C, 17th, and H, 22nd,
and in the rear, which was the most pressed, by G, 17th, and K,
Company G, 22nd, during all this time, had a galling flank fire
upon them.
This was kept up under a march of 15 miles until nearly 5
o'clock, P.M., when the train was corraled for the night,
and shots were still exchanged until 7 P.M., when it became too
dark to see. In this struggle a number of Indians were knocked
from their horses;
many of the latter were killed and a number were running around
riderless. These Indians had never before come in close range of
or been subjected to such a musketry fire.
It was expected that they would
the next morning be on us again, but we moved quietly from our
After going a mile or more a shot was occasionally fired. About
this time a note from Sitting Bull, written by a half-breed
[John Bruguier], was found on a stake near the road, demanding
reasons for traveling over the road and scaring the buffaloes,
and ordering the troops back, telling them to leave rations and
powder or he would fight them again, and signed
"your friend, Sitting Bull. Please write soon." No
attention was paid to the letter.
After the troops had passed Bad Route Creek, seven miles from the
night's camp, two men came forward bearing a flag of truce.
They were allowed to enter the lines, and were found to be Indian
scouts from Standing Rock Agency with dispatches
from General [Lieutenant Colonel William P.] Carlin. They had
been ordered to visit hostile camps on business and had just
arrived that morning.
They said that the hostiles had met with considerable losses the
day before and wanted to come in to make peace.
Word was sent to them that a few of their headmen might come in
unarmed. They did so, stating that they were tired of fighting
and wanted to make peace. They wanted ammunition to kill
buffaloes, and food for present use, and they would leave at
They were told that ammunition could not be furnished them, but a
small quantity of rations would be given them,
which was accordingly done and they left us in peace.
During this fight several men were struck with spent bullets, and
only three men were wounded—Sergeant [Robert] Anderson
and Private [John] Donohoe, Co. G, 22nd Inf., and Private
[Francis] Wraggle [Marriaggi],Co. G, 17th Inf.
The Indians were poor marksmen. Our men were under fire for a
long time and it is wonderful that no more men were hurt.
All of our troops showed great fortitude and bravery and many of
the men were recruits. . . . ±
Robert Anderson was born in New York
City, New York in 1848. He enlisted in the Army on June 10, 1872
at Fort Columbus, New York
and was one of 100 recruits assigned to the 22nd Infantry on
September 26, 1872 at Fort Randall, Dakota Territory. At an
unknown date between March 1873 and October 1876 Anderson was
promoted to Sergeant. He was one of two 22nd Infantry soldiers
wounded in the encounter at Spring Creek on October 15, 1876 as
recounted in Smith's letter above. Anderson served two
in Company G 22nd Infantry before being discharged at Fort Clark,
Texas on June 10, 1882.
John Donohoe was born in Ireland in
1844. He enlisted in the Army on December 5, 1871 at Fort
Columbus, New York
and was one of 100 recruits assigned to the 22nd Infantry on
September 26, 1872 at Fort Randall, Dakota Territory.
He was one of two 22nd Infantry soldiers wounded in the encounter
at Spring Creek on October 15, 1876
as recounted in Smith's letter above. At the expiration of his
enlistment Donohoe was discharged at Fort Buford,
Dakota Territory on December 5, 1876. ²
² Webmaster 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
Map of the Yellowstone
The shaded portion shows the area of the encounters between
the Sioux and the wagon trains of the 22nd Infantry.
Map from:
Battles and Skirmishes of the Great
Sioux War, 1876-1877 The Military View
Compiled, edited and annotated by Jerome A. Greene
"PROTECTING THE WAGON TRAIN" by Frederic Remington from his book Drawings published in 1897.
In the above illustration Remington
shows U.S. Army Infantry escorting wagons. Mounted on his horse
is a Company Commander.
To the immediate right of him is his subordinate Company officer.
Enlisted men form skirmish lines in front and on either sides of
the wagons.
The 22nd Infantry escorting the wagons from Glendive Creek to
Tongue River would have looked much like the above illustration.
2nd Lieutenant Alfred. C. Sharpe
Sharpe served with the 22nd Infantry from 1876 to 1893
(Website Ed., Lieutenant Sharpe wrote the following account at Glendive Cantonment, October 28, 1876.)
. . . We left this place
[Glendive Cantonment] on Tuesday, October 10th, with a valuable
train of over one hundred wagons.
The escort consisted of Co. K, 22nd Inf., Capt. Hooton and Lt.
Kell; Co. C, 22nd Inf., Lt. Conway and myself.
We encamped the first night on Deadwood Creek, about 14 miles
from this post and about two miles from the Yellowstone.
We had received intelligence, before starting, that 600 lodges of
hostile Sioux had set out for the Yellowstone
and that they probably intended to intercept us. All afternoon we
noticed vast columns of smoke rising in the distant horizon;
they were signal fires heralding our approach. At about 11 P.M.
we heard the report of a musket, and upon inquiry,
we ascertained that one of the pickets saw a man stealthily
approaching our lines, who, upon being challenged, fled.
Quiet was soon restored, and our camp was again wrapped in
profound repose.
At 3:30 A.M. we were aroused by
the sharp reports of a dozen rifles on the surrounding hills.
Hurrying out of my tent,
I saw the flashes of the muskets on the bluffs 500 yards distant.
Bullets came hurtling and whistling by or tearing up the ground
at my feet.
Finally, their fusillade ceased—we did not return a shot. We
busied ourselves getting breakfast and packing our tents and
blankets for the march.
Daylight revealed to us the loss of 57 mules. They had been
stampeded and run off by the Indians.
At sunrise [October 11] we resumed our march. Scarcely had the
rear guard—Capt. McArthur's company—got fairly under
when they were attacked by a party concealed in a ravine 200
yards to our left, filled with underbrush and small trees.
Capt. McArthur's company immediately deployed and charged the
enemy, driving them over the bluffs and out of sight.
Company H supported Captain McArthur's on the right. We then
resumed our march, but had not advanced 80 rods,
when they again opened fire—this time on the right flank.
They were concealed in a ravine. A few shots were exchanged,
but without stopping the march. Looking back, we could see them
literally swarming on our campground.
Their numbers were being rapidly augmented and they became bolder
and more aggressive. All day long they hung on our rear,
occasionally sending a ball whistling through our ranks.
Embarrassed as we were by the loss of so many teams,
the progress of our heavily-laden wagons was very tedious, and as
the hostiles seemed to come swarming from every direction,
now attacking us on the rear, on the flanks, and in front, it was
decided to turn and fight our way through to Glendive.
As we headed for home, the firing gradually ceased, the Indians
seeming nonplused by this move.
We arrived at this post about 9 P.M., Wednesday evening, October
After two days' rest, Col. Otis
of my regiment took command, and increasing the escort to five
companies by the addition
of Company G, 17th Infantry, Major Sanger, we again set out [on
October 14], determined to go through to Tongue River
if fighting could take us there. We also had three Gatling guns.
The first day we marched ten miles. That night at eight o'clock
we were all "turned out" by a shot on the picket line.
Two cavaliers had approached, and being challenged by the
turned in flight. But his swift bullet overtook them and next
morning we discovered outside the line an Indian pony with a
broken leg;
it had saddle, bridle, blankets, and picket rope, just as they
had been abandoned by the dusky rider the night before.
We resumed the march at about 7 o'clock [October 15]. It was the
"peaceful Sabbath," a lovely day.
My company was the advance guard, and as we strode along on that
bright morning, I was thinking "how pleasant it would be
to be away back in the States today to hear the church bells
ringing and to see the good people coming into church;"
and I almost imagined I could hear the sweet tones of the organ
and the words, "The Lord is in his holy temple;
let all the earth keep silence before him," when suddenly
from the bluffs ahead came the sharp, quick reports of musketry,
and then the air was rent with screams and yells the most
diabolical I ever heard. Two of our scouts had gone ahead
and had discovered a large bank of redskins awaiting our
approach. They sent a shower of bullets after the scouts,
who came flying down the hill like mad men. The Indians were
close upon them and, indeed, it was a chase for life.
One of the scouts lost his hat. An Indian dismounted, picked it
up, and rode off. One of the scouts had the cloth in the shoulder
of his coat
torn open by a bullet. The other had a hole through his moccasin.
My company was immediately deployed "left front into
line" and I was detached with ten men from the right to take
on a very high hill on our right, while the main body of the
company under Lt. Conway charged up the acclivity and after a
short struggle,
in which several Indian saddles were emptied, drove the enemy
from the bluffs. The fight had now fairly opened and from that
until the sun sank to rest—twelve long hours— we fought
the fiends. About two o'clock, hot, thirsty, and weary,
we reached Clear Creek—5 or 6 miles perhaps from our camp
and about 16 miles from here. This creek flows through a deep,
rocky ravine, two hundred feet below the level of the plain. The
hostiles had taken a strong position on the opposite side
commanding the valley and all approaches to the stream. But we
must cross it, or consider ourselves defeated.
The Indians were hourly
reinforced until now they numbered upwards of three hundred. We
had but 180 muskets in line.
One of the Gatling guns was placed in position, and under its
cover my Company H, being the advance guard,
made a rush for the valley; as we filed through it along the
stream the Indians devoted their best shots to us.
Sergeant H of my company was marching about two paces from me
when he was struck with a thump in the breast by a spent ball,
which fell, harmless, at his feet. They soon got the range and
bullets came hissing about our heads and tearing up the ground
all around
and about us. Finally, we reached the foot of the opposite side,
and with a cry, we charged up the hill. The Indians then set fire
to the tall grass
which was dry as tinder. The smoke was blinding and the heat
intolerable, but rushing onward and upward, we gained the crest
and again drove the villains before us. Panting and exhausted,
the men sank down, completely overcome. But we had cleared the
and we soon saw the long, white train of wagons climbing the
The firing now became incessant. They were on all sides of us. We
were completely surrounded.
Down in the valley the reverberations of the musketry was
deafening. As the train slowly climbed the hill and the
Company K, 22nd Infantry, Capt. Hooton and Lt. Kell—
descended into the valley, the Indians closing in on them in
great numbers.
A report came that their ammunition was failing and another
thousand rounds were sent back to them. Major Sanger then turned
to the relief of Capt. Hooton, as he was in imminent danger of
being cut off. The enemy, having the vantage ground,
waxed bold and charge after charge was made with varying success.
The prairie was fired all around
us; we met the fires with counter-fires. Time and time again
would they bring us to a dead halt,
and a stubborn fight would ensue for possession of the road.
Finally, the fire on the right flank ceased and they commenced
enfillading our lines
on the left, at the same time holding us at bay at front. Lt.
Conway with ten men from the right of Company H was detached to
go ahead
and clear the way, while I was left with the remainder of the
company on the left. Company G, 22nd Infantry, was advancing to
our support;
when about ten paces from us, I saw a man in its lines drop like
a log; he was shot in the knee. After a half-hour halt, we again
and wound onward. The prairie was ablaze all around us, rendering
our passage in the road at certain places quite difficult.
The scene around me reminded me of the rhetorical descriptions we
so often read of Napoleon's smoking wake.
We left a blackened, desolate waste behind us. Perhaps our little
conflict of a single day may not compare with his mighty
but it was enough for about 180 men to attend to. Fighting a
civilized enemy is perhaps rough work, but battling with fiends
highway robbers and midnight assassins, "shapes hot from
Tartarus," together with fire, smoke, hunger and thirst,
and the horrible fate of the captive at the stake in prospect is
quite a different mode of warfare.
We were now on the high prairie,
far enough from wood and water. The enemy had possession of the
creek and to approach it was death.
The sun was sinking below the horizon, and it was decided to form
our corral and go into camp—if sleeping a la belle etoile
can be called "camp."
Rifle pits were dug around the entire corral at 500 yards from
it, and you may believe there was little sleep in our camp that
Every available man was on picket. I rolled myself up in a
buffalo robe and with a canteen for a pillow slept with "one
eye open."
The firing had gradually subsided. The last shot was fired about
7 o'clock, and after making many attempts to burn us out by
firing the prairie
on every side, the fiends withdrew until the morrow. Their loss
had been heavy. We saw many ponies running about riderless.
One of our scouts came so close upon the Indians at one time as
to kill one with a revolver. We had set out with 10,000 rounds of
6,000 had already been expended, and here we were miles from the
post and surrounded by the enemy. A gloomy prospect to be sure.
The next morning [October 16]
they again opened on us just after breakfast. The fighting was
not so heavy, but there was not a minute in the day
that we did not have a bullet hissing by. I have always read of
bullets whizzing and hurtling. They could not have come from
Indian muskets.
Their bullets hiss. The firing gradually subsided by 11 A.M., and
the Indians began assembling in a body on an eminence half a mile
ahead of us.
One of their number had a white flag and wore a white jacket. As
we approached he came at a gallop, accompanied by another
with a white handkerchief, or rag, on his head. They presented
Col. Otis a letter from Col. Carlin, commanding at Standing Rock
[Agency, Dakota],
certifying that they were friendly scouts, had just arrived from
Standing Rock, and were en route to hostile camps on official
They also presented the Colonel a letter from Sitting Bull, which
you have doubtless already seen in the official reports.
They said Sitting Bull was encamped nearby and desired to have a
Half an hour later a glittering cavalcade approached and was
received by the Colonel. Sitting Bull [Sharpe mis-identified this
declined to dismount, and had a private secretary whom our
interpreter had to address, and who then communicated with
General Sitting Bull.
After half an hour's talk, in which they were "mad"
because we were running through their country and driving all
their buffalo away,
it was agreed that Uncle Sam should give four boxes of crackers
and three sides of bacon, in consideration of which res
they would no longer molest us. The food was left in the road and
we moved on. As a method of expressing his profound gratitude,
one warrior brought up his gun and sent a bullet hissing over our
heads, just to frighten us perhaps—the cunning creature.
The rest of our march was not at all exciting, except when the
buffalo began to increase in numbers. We saw thousands of them,
also of antelope.
There is abundance of game in this country and the climate is
simply glorious. It is all a delightful experience to me, of
course. . . . ±
In the Regimental history of the 22nd Infantry
it is recorded that LTC Otis commended his command
for their actions in the above encounters. His report stated
" I cannot speak too highly of the conduct of both
officers and men.
The officers obeyed instructions with alacrity and executed their
orders with great efficiency. They fought the enemy twelve hours,
and fired during that time upwards of seven thousand rounds of
ammunition. They defeated a strong enemy,
who had defiantly placed himself across our trail with the
deliberate purpose of capturing the train,
and gave him a lesson he will heed and never forget." ³
³ Webmaster 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
± Battles and Skirmishes of the Great Sioux War, 1876-1877 The Military View
Compiled, edited and annotated by Jerome A. Greene
Published by the University of Oklahoma Press
The book is available at:
A dismounted officer
commands as his men fire at attackers. Their supply train can be
in the upper right. Identifed as Infantry by the soldiers
carrying their canteens, haversacks
and blanket rolls. They are using the long barreled Springfield
rifles while Cavalry would be
using short barreled carbines.
From: INFANTRY Part I:
Regular Army by John K. Mahon and Romana Danysh
Army Lineage Series United States Army Washington, D.C. 1972
Lieutenant Colonel Elwell S. Otis
In command of the wagon trains which were ordered to resupply the US Army encampment at Tongue River
Otis served with the 22nd Infantry from 1866 to 1880
The following are the official reports of the
above actions, as presented to the Secretary of War by LT COL
Otis and CPT Miner
of the 22nd Infantry. The are taken from the Annual Reports to
the Secretary of War 1877-1878.
Glendive Creek, Montana, October 13, 1876.
SIR : I have the honor to inform
you that a loaded train started from this station for Tongue
River on the 10th instant, under the command of Capt. C. W.
Twenty-second Infantry, and returned the next day, the reasons
for -which are fully set forth in the accompanying report of
Captain Miner.
I have caused the train to be reorganized and will start with it
myself to-morrow morning with companies C and G, Seventeenth
Infantry, and G, H, and K,
Twenty-second Infantry, which force will have one hundred and
eighty rifles; I will also take a section of Gatling guns,
calibre 50. I have so few serviceable horses here
that I cannot have more than three or four mounted men. I am
satisfied from all the information I can gather, that there is a
large force of Indians in the country,
who seem to be bold and defiant; they have been hovering round
this camp on both sides of the river for the past two days; and
no doubt it is their plan to attempt
to break up the communication between this place and Tongue
River; but I think we can pass through the country with the force
I am taking. I leave this camp
under the command of Captain Clarke, Twenty-second Infantry, with
his company (I), and with the men attached he will have eighty
rifles and one Gatling gun, calibre 45.
Very respectfully, your obedient
Lieutenant-Colonel Twenty-second Infantry, Commanding.
Department of Dakota, Saint Paul, Minn.
October 12, 1876.
SIR : In compliance with the verbal orders of
the commanding officer, I have the honor to report that on the
morning of the 10th instant, I started
for Tongue River with a train of ninety-four wagons and one
ambulance, escorted by four companies of infantry, strength as
Company C, Seventeenth United States
Infantry.............................................. 39
Company H, Twenty-second United States
Infantry................Strength not stated.
Company G, Twenty-second United States
Infantry.................Strength not stated.
Company K, Twenty-second United States
Infantry................Strength not stated.
That I moved from camp at the mouth of Glendive Creek at
half-past ten in the morning. So soon as the head of my train
appeared on the hills,
on the west side of the camp, I saw a signal fire spring up on
the opposite bank of the Yellowstone River, some ten miles above
and opposite the camp
I intended to make that evening. I arrived in camp—what is
called Fourteen-mile Camp—about five in the evening. The
camp is in the bed of the creek
and Commanded by hills at short range on all sides but the south,
where it is open toward the Yellowstone, there is a good deal of
brush and some timber
along the banks of the creek. The corrals were made as compactly
as possible for the night and secured with ropes. The companies
were camped close
to them, two on each side. Thirty-six men and four
noncommissioned officers were detailed for guard. Two reserves
were formed and placed on the flanks
not protected by the companies. At 3 o'clock a. m. of the 11th
the Indians made an attack on camp accompanied by yells and a hot
fire, from a ravine
about two hundred yards away. The fire was entirely directed on
the corral and they had the range exactly. This fire excited the
mules so that they
broke the ropes of the corrals and stampeded, falling into the
hands of the Indians; forty-one from the government train and six
from the railroad.
One mule was shot through. The firing continued for about half an
hour, when the Indians moved off, not only the party who had done
the firing but
another party on the other side of the camp, who had not fired,
but who were heard to move off.
At six I prepared to move forward. The road
here for about three miles runs up the bed of the creek camped
on, and there are a number of cross ravines.
After the train started, but before the rear guard had left camp,
they were fired upon from the timber skirting the creek, and a
large body of Indians,
estimated at from two to three hundred, came over the foot-hills
between the camp and the Yellowstone River, on the east side of
These Indians engaged the rear guard, commanded by Captain
McArthur, Seventeenth Infantry, at long range and kept up a
continual skirmish, firing out
of all the depressions, in the ground and from behind the crests
of hills. This forced me to move at a snail's pace, so as to keep
the train closed up,
and that the rear guard should not be left too far behind. As
soon as I reached the high prairie, I could see large numbers of
Indians on my left coming up
apparently from the Yellowstone River, and passing to my front;
these were entirely distinct and in addition to those in my rear.
My impression was
that they intended to attack me at the next water. Clear Creek,
eight miles from my camp of the night of 10th instant. Clear
Creek is a deep ravine,
very bad to get down to, and hard to pull up out of; it is so
narrow that the hills on either side will command its entire
width. At half-past 11 a. m.,
I had gotten within about half a mile of Clear Creek. My rear was
still fired on, and Indians could be seen on all sides. I sent my
wagon-master ahead
to examine Clear Creek, if possible; he came back and reported
that he saw twelve in the ravine through which he would be
obliged to descend,
and that he had heard firing on the creek itself and believed
they were in force there. I at once decided that in the crippled
condition of the train
it would be best to return to the camp at the mouth of Glendive
Creek. My reasons were these. So far the Indians had shown a
force, as near as I could estimate,
of from four to six hundred; their signal fires were springing up
in all directions. I was satisfied that if I took the train into
the bed of Clear Creek,
that it would be attacked, and be so much further crippled as to
necessitate the abandonment of some of the wagons. That the same
would take place at the next creek and in all probability in much
larger force, if I were not compelled to camp away from both wood
and water.
That with the force I had I could not cover the herd in its
necessary grazing, that in going forward I should lose the major
part of the train,
and finally that if I turned at once I could take the train back
to the supply camp in safety. I at once turned back up Clear
Creek to reach the upper trail,
and reached it in about two miles. This trail is on high open
ground, and there are no intersecting ravines, so that it gave me
all the advantage in moving.
So soon as I reached the new trail, the attack in my rear ceased,
although the Indians followed me at some distance and could be
seen in small parties
till late in the afternoon. I had no further trouble with them,
and reached camp at 9 p. m., after a hard march of 29 miles. In
closing I wish to state
that it is my belief that a much larger force than four companies
of about forty men each will be required to force the train
That it should be supplied with a force of at least twenty-four
good mounted men, plenty of water kegs kept constantly filled,
and not used from
except in case of real necessity, and at least one gun—two
would be better.
In reply to the signal fires, I saw a dense
smoke arise apparently in the little Missouri country about the
head of Beaver, and believe that one of their many camps
with their families is in that section of country, and that there
is a camp somewhere about O'Fallon Creek for the purpose of
annoying trains.
The men and officers did, all of them, exceedingly well, and it
is due to them that the train came off as well as it did. The
wagon-masters were the only men
that I had available as scouts, and were invaluable to me in that
capacity in looking over the country in my front.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
CHARLES W. MINER, Captain Twenty-second Infantry. POST ADJUTANT.
Captain Charles W. Miner, who wrote the above report
Photo from U.S. Army Military History
Institute, Carlisle, PA
RG40S W. W. Dinwiddie Coll. 312 via Dave Eckroth and
Howard Boggess
Station near Glendive Creek, Montana, October 27, 1876.
SIR: I have the honor to report that, as
communicated in my letter of the 13th instant to the headquarters
of the department, I commenced the trip
to Tongue River with the supply-train upon the morning of the
14th instant. Forty-one of the citizen teamsters, having become
too greatly demoralized
to continue service upon the road, were discharged and the
necessary places filled with enlisted men. The train consisted of
eighty-six wagons
and the escort of Companies C and G, Seventeenth Infantry, and G,
H, and K, Twenty second Infantry. Details were made from these
and left behind with Captain Clarke, commanding Company I,
Twenty-second Infantry, who was directed to remain at Glendive;
and his command,
thus re-enforced, consisted of four officers and ninety-seven
enlisted men. The train escort consisted of eleven commissioned
officers (myself included)
and one hundred and eighty-five enlisted men. We proceeded the
first day 12 miles and encamped upon the broad bottom of the
Yellowstone River,
without discovering a sign of the presence of the Indians. During
the night a small thieving party was fired upon by the picket,
but the party escaped,
leaving behind a single pony with its trappings, which was
killed. At dawn of day upon the 15th the train pulled out in two
strings and proceeded quietly
to Spring Creek, distant from camp about three miles. Then I
directed two mounted men (Scout Robert Jackson and Sergeant
Kelly, Company F,
Twenty-second Infantry) to station themselves upon a hill beyond
the creek and watch carefully the surrounding country until the
train should pass through the defile.
The men advanced at swift pace in the proper direction, and, when
within 50 yards of the designated spot, they received a volley
from a number
of concealed Indians, when suddenly men and Indians came leaping
down the bluff. The men escaped without injury to person,
although their clothing was
riddled with bullets. I quickly advanced a thin skirmish-line to
the bluffs, which drove out forty or fifty Indians, and, making a
similar movement on the
opposite flank, the train passed through the gorge and gained the
high table-land. Here three or four scouts, sent out by Colonel
Miles from Tongue River,
joined us. They had been driven into the timber on the previous
evening, then corraled; had lost their horses and one of their
number, and escaped
to the bluffs under cover of the darkness. The dead scout was
found and buried. The train proceeded quietly along the level
prairie, surrounded by
the skirmish-line, and the Indians were coming thick and fast
from the direction of Cabin Creek; but few shots were exchanged
and both parties were preparing
for the struggle, which it was evident would take place at the
deep and broken ravine of Clear Creek, through which the train
must pass.
We cautiously entered the ravine, and from one hundred and fifty
to two hundred Indians had gained the surrounding bluffs to our
Signal fires were lighted for miles around, and extended far away
on the opposite side of the Yellow-stone. The prairies to our
front were fired
and sent up vast clouds of smoke. We had no artillery and nothing
remained to do except to charge the bluffs. Company G,
Seventeenth, and Company H,
Twenty-second Infantry, were thrown forward upon the run, and
gallantly scaled the bluffs, answering the Indian yell with one
equally as barbarous
and driving back the enemy to another ridge of hills. We then
watered all the stock at the creek, took on water for the men,
and the train slowly ascended the bluffs.
The country now surrounding us was much broken, the Indians
continued to increase in numbers, surrounded the train, and the
entire escort became engaged.
The train was drawn up in four strings and the entire escort
enveloped it by a thin skirmish-line. In that formation we
advanced, the Indians pressing every point,
especially the rear, which was only enabled to follow by charging
the enemy and then retreating rapidly toward the train, taking
advantage of the knolls and ridges
in its course. The flanks were advanced about a thousand yards,
and the road was opened in the front by repeated charges. In this
manner we advanced
several miles and then halted for the night upon a depression of
the high prairie, the escort holding the surrounding ridge. The
Indians had now attempted
every artifice. They had pressed every point of the line; had run
their fires through the train, which we were compelled to cross
with great rapidity;
had endeavored to approach under the cover of the smoke when they
found themselves overmatched by the officers and men, who, taking
of the cover, moved forward and took them at close range. They
had met with considerable loss; a good number of their saddles
were emptied and
several ponies wounded. Their firing was wild in the extreme, and
I should consider them the poorest of marksmen. For several hours
they kept up a brisk fire
and wounded but three or four men, two but slightly, and one,
Private Donohue, of Company G, Twenty-second Infantry, whom I was
compelled to leave
at Tongue River, but who will ultimately recover.
Upon the morning of the 16th the train pulled
out in four strings and we took up the advance, formed as upon
the previous day. Many Indians occupied
the surrounding hills, and soon a runner approached and left a
communication upon a distant hill. It was brought in by the scout
Jackson, and read as follows:
" I want to know what you are doing traveling on this road.
You scare all the buffalo away. I want to hunt on the place. I
want you to turn back from here.
If you don't, I will fight you again. I want you to leave what
you have got here, and turn back from here.
"I am your friend,
" I mean all the rations you have got, and some powder. Wish
you would write as soon as you can."
I directed the scout Jackson to inform the
Indians that I had nothing to say in reply, except that we
intended to take the train through to Tongue River,
and that we should be pleased to accommodate them at any time
with a fight. The train continued to proceed, and about eight
o'clock the Indians again
began to gather for battle. We passed through the long narrow
gorge near Bad Route Creek, exchanging but few shots and soon
reached the creek,
when we again watered the stock and took on wood and water,
consuming in this labor about an hour's time. When we had pulled
up the gentle ascent,
the Indians had again surrounded us, but the lesson of the
previous day taught them to keep at long range, and there was but
little firing by either party.
I counted one hundred and fifty Indians in our rear, and from
their movements and positions, I judged their numbers to be
between three and five hundred.
After proceeding a short distance a flag of truce appeared on the
left flank borne by two Indians, whom I directed to be allowed to
enter the lines.
They proved to be Indian scouts from Standing Rock agency,
bearing dispatches from Lieutenant-Colonel Carlin, of the
Seventeenth Infantry,
stating that they had been sent out to find Sitting Bull, and to
endeavor to influence him to proceed to some military post and
treat for peace.
These scouts informed me that they had that morning reached the
camp of Sitting Bull and Man-afraid-of-his-horses, near the mouth
of Cabin Creek;
that they had talked with Sitting Bull, who wished to see me
outside the lines. I declined the invitation, but professed a
willingness to see Sitting Bull
within my own lines. The scouts left me and soon returned with
three principal soldiers of Sitting Bull, the last-named
individual being unwilling
to trust his person within our reach. The chiefs said that their
people were very angry because our trains were driving away the
buffalo from
their hunting grounds; that they were hungry and without
ammunition, and that they especially wished to obtain the latter;
that they were tired of the war
and desired to conclude a peace. I informed them that I could not
give them ammunition; that had they saved the amount already
wasted upon the train
it would have sufficed them for hunting purposes for a long time;
that I had no authority to treat with them upon any terms
whatever; but that they were
at liberty to visit Tongue River and there make known conditions.
They wished to know what assurance I could give them of their
safety should they
visit that place, and I replied that I could give them nothing
but the word of an officer. They then wished rations for their
people, promising to proceed to
Fort Peck immediately, and from there to Tongue River. I declined
to give them the rations, but finally offered them, as a present,
one hundred and fifty pounds
of hard bread and two sides of bacon, which they gladly accepted.
The train moved on, and the Indians fell to the rear. Upon the
following day I saw
a number of them from Cedar Creek, far away to the right, and
after that time they disappeared entirely. Upon the evening of
the 18th, I met Colonel Miles,
encamped with his entire regiment on Custer Creek. Alarmed for
the safety of the train, he had set out from Tongue River upon
the previous day.
I told him of the situation of affairs, and informed him that be
would find the Indian camp either about the mouth of Cabin Creek
or far away on his left,
traveling in the direction of Fort Peck. He concluded to go on to
Cherry Creek and there await my return from Tongue River, but
having reached that point
he found the Indians engaged in hunting the large bands of
buffalo which were roaming between that and Cedar Creek. His
future operations I believe
he has fully reported, and forwarded his dispatches by couriers.
I returned to this station with the train yesterday, the 26th
instant, having consumed
thirteen days in making the journey. The train was returned
richer by two mules and two horses than when it started out, and
suffered no loss.
In concluding this report I cannot speak too highly of the
conduct of both officers and men. The officers obeyed
instructions with alacrity,
and executed their orders with great efficiency. They fought the
enemy twelve hours and fired during that time upwards of seven
thousand rounds
of ammunition. They defeated a strong enemy, estimated by many at
from seven to eight hundred, which had defiantly placed himself
across our trail
with the deliberate purpose of capturing the train, and gave him
a lesson which he will heed and never forget. I was ably assisted
by Lieut. O. M. Smith,
my only staff officer. All other officers were serving with the
companies and furnished to their men examples of fearless
exposure and great endurance.
Very respectfully, your obedient servant,
Lieutenant-Colonel Twenty-second Infantry, Commanding. ASSISTANT
Headquarters Department of Dakota, Saint Paul, Minn.
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