1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
Bill Saling
Company A
1965 - 1967
1st Lieutenant Bill Saling
Bill Saling served in 1/22 Infantry in the following positions:
• Completed Infantry Basic
Officers Course at Fort Benning, GA to earn 1542 MOS (Military
Occupational Specialty),
Small Unit Infantry Leader
• Assigned to A Company, 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry 4th Infantry Division as a Rifle Platoon Leader of 3rd Platoon
• Weapons Platoon Leader in A Company
• Executive Officer in A Company
• Support Platoon Leader in Headquarters Company
• S-1 Battalion Adjutant
Officers from 1/22 Infantry 1966-1967 reunite January 22, 2012
L-R: Russ Zink, XO B Company, Dick
Donnelly, CO A Company and S-5, Jim Stapleton, XO A Company and
CO C Company,
Bob Babcock, Rifle Platoon Leader and XO B Company, Bill Saling,
Support Platoon and S-1
For the first six months of his
tour Bill kept a diary of his service in Vietnam in the form of
letters sent home to his wife Jean
and shares that diary with the 1st Battalion website on the
following pages.
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