1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
Inactivation of 1-22 Infantry
March 17, 2014
On March 17, 2014, the 1st
Raider Brigade of the 4th Infantry Division transferred from a
heavy Armored Brigade Combat Team
to a Stryker Brigade Combat Team. Part of that action was the
inactivation and reflagging of 1-22 Infantry which became 4-9
The following is the notice
posted in the 22nd Infantry Regiment Society Newsletter
announcing the inactivation of 1st Battalion:
1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry to be inactivated
As of this writing on 1 February
2014, 1-22 Infantry is slated to be inactivated on 17 March 2014
as part of the Army downsizing
by ten Brigade Combat Teams. Also scheduled for inactivation is
our long-supporting artillery battalion, 4-42 Field Artillery.
Having to report this to all who served in 1-22 Infantry and 4-42
Field Artillery is a task I wish I didn't have to do.
I have talked to the current
battalion commander, the brigade commander, and other active duty
personnel in positions
to influence the decision and know that this is outside of our
control. We will not be able to stop it. A strong case was made
over the past several months to keep our battalion active, but
the reality of today's downsizing of the Army does not allow
Although I don't have any
specifics on how decisions were made as to which units remained
active in the Army and which
are slated to be inactivated, I do believe that they had a fair
and consistent methodology and tried to keep at least one
battalion active
from as many Regiments as possible under the downsized structure
of the Army. For example, the 22nd Infantry Regiment will still
be active, with 2-22 Infantry remaining active as part of 10th
Mountain Division at Fort Drum, NY, where they have been for a
long time.
LTC Mick Mineni, CO of 1-22 for
the past two months, has assured me that the transition of 1-22
IN to the new designation
of the unit will be done with respect and keeping the tradition
of 1-22 alive. The current plan is for a 25 mile march to be
at Fort Carson on Tuesday, 11 March, which will incorporate much
of the history of 1-22 IN to give the Soldiers one last time
to reflect on the unit's history and accomplishments. Plans are
also in place to make sure all the unit's historical memorabilia
and property is properly accounted for and stored until the unit
is reactivated at some future date. Our 1-22 webmaster,
Michael Belis, and I, along with former 1-22 CO Mark Woempner are
working with the unit to insure nothing of historical value is
Once the inactivation of 1-22
Infantry is done on 17 March, the same Soldiers will stand up
under the flag of their new unit -
the 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment "Manchus", and
will begin training as part of a new 4ID Stryker brigade. The
1st Brigade Combat Team of the 4th Infantry Division will become
a Stryker brigade instead of a mechanized combined arms brigade.
Many of you will say, what can
we do to block this action. I truly believe that the decisions
have been made and there is nothing
we could have done or can do to change it. What I do believe we
all can do is contact your US Senator and Congressman
to express your concern about how our government is cutting the
Army to a level that ignores the reality of the world situation
The problem, in my opinion, is much bigger than trying to save
the battalions that we served with - our entire national defense
is being exposed.
In 1946, when the 4ID and all
our Regiments were inactivated at Camp Butner, NC, after their
stellar action in WWII,
there was much sadness, as expressed in a letter written by our
founder Chaplain Bill Boice. But, that sadness was shortlived.
In 1947, the 4ID and our Regiments were again reactivated and
have served non-stop since then. I believe world events will,
before too many years, cause us to once again see our 1-22 IN and
4-42 FA colors called back onto the active rolls of the Army.
As we all know, the only constant is change.
P.S. LTC Mineni told me that
they will continue to live the "Deeds not Words" motto
of the 22nd Infantry Regiment -
he believes our motto describes well his view of how all people
should act. And, the new motto that will come with the
4-9 Infantry Manchus is "Keep up the Fire" - something
that we all need to do to support our one remaining active duty
2-22 IN at Fort Drum.
Bob Babcock, DMOR
Lt. Col. Michael Mineni,
commander, left, 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment, 1st
Armored Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,
leads his battalion colors and Soldiers of Headquarters and
Headquarters Company to the end of a “Manchu” 25-mile
foot march, March 13, 2014.
The foot march marked the end of the battalion as 1st Bn., 22nd
Inf. Reg. “Regulars” and signified the impending
to 4th Bn., 9th Inf. Reg. “Manchus” Monday.
(Ed. The Battalion Colors and Guidon on the march are still those of 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry.)
(Photo by Staff Sgt. Craig Cantrell)
By Staff Sgt. Craig Cantrell
1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, 4th
Infantry Division
The “Regular” Battalion marked the unit’s
conversion from 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment,
to 4th Battalion, 9th Infantry Regiment, with a
“Manchu” 25-mile foot march, March 12-13.
The event began the night of March 12 and carried on into the
next day, culminating with a buckle ceremony.
“Last night, the 1st Battalion, 22nd Infantry Regiment,
stepped out for the last time under its colors, paying honors to
that this transition represents with a 25-mile foot march, where
every company carried the battalion colors as a symbol of
said Command Sgt. Maj. Eric Volk, senior enlisted leader, 1st
Bn., 22nd Inf. Reg.
The battalion transition is part of the 1st ABCT’s
conversion to the 1st Stryker Brigade Combat Team.
Lt. Col. Michael Mineni, commander, 1st Bn., 22nd Inf. Reg., said
his battalion has a proud history as Regulars
and would move forward with that pride as “Manchus.”
The Manchu Mile commemorates the 85-mile march the 9th Inf. Reg.
made during the Boxer Rebellion in early July 1900,
from Taku Bar to Tientsin in Northern China, for its assault on
Tientsin July 13, 1900. The Manchus immediately went
into action in an effort to rescue the besieged foreign diplomats
and missionaries from insurgent Boxers. The regiment
earned the honorary title “Manchus,” reserved for the
finest Chinese warriors.
“I have walked a lot of 25-milers in my day, and I have
never seen Soldiers display as much heart and drive to complete a
foot march,
be a part of a team, and earn the prestigious belt buckle,”
said Volk.
The 9th Inf. Reg. boasts the distinction of being authorized a
unique belt buckle from General Order No. 5, dated June 25, 1926,
that it earned during the Battle of Tientsin.
“It means a lot to me to honor the Regulars after four years
of service, become a Manchu, and continue the heroic history
of this regiment,” said Sgt. Kevin Brandsasse, indirect fire
infantryman, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 1st Bn., 22nd
Inf. Reg.
March 17, 2014
On left Executive Officer of 1-22 Infantry, on right LTC
(Retired) Mark Woempner ,
former Commander of 1-22 Infantry in the Regimental Room of 1-22
at Fort Carson, Colorado on the day of inactivation. All of the
items displaying
the history of 1st Battalion and the 22nd Infantry Regiment which
had been in the room
for the past five years had been packed for shipping to 2-22
Infantry at Fort Drum,
New York. Many of those items wil be displayed at Fort Drum, and
the rest will be
sent to the Army Center of Military History for possible future
Photo by Bob Babcock
March 17, 2014
The final entries in the Daily Journal of 1-22 Infantry for March
17, 2014.
The last two entries are the signatures of LTC (Retired) Mark
Woempner, Commander of 1-22 Infantry 2001-2003
and of Robert Babcock, 3rd Platoon Leader and Executive Officer
of Company B 1/22 Infantry 1965-1967.
Those two entries signified the last activity of 1-22 Infantry,
and the designation of the Battalion was marked out
at the top of the Journal and changed to 4-9 Infantry.
Photo by Bob Babcock
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