1st Battalion 22nd Infantry





Map of Operation Sam Houston, showing the North Vietnamese Army's base area in Cambodia (BASE AREA 702)
outlined in red. The 1/22 Infantry fought battles with the NVA in the northwestern part of the Plei Trap Valley
(upper left hand corner of the map).

Map from:

"Taking The Offensive October 1966 to October 1967"
by George L. MacGarrigle, US Army Center of Military History 1998




Operation Sam Houston was carried out by the 4th Infantry Division, in the western parts of Pleiku and Kontum
Provinces in the Republic of Vietnam, from February 1 to April 5, 1967.

1st Battalion 22nd Infantry had been bloodied in its first engagement with the enemy in November of 1966,
but would experience its first large scale battles with the North Vietnamese Army during this operation,
which took place in the early months of 1967.

Company A was hard hit by the ambush in February, and almost exactly one month later was hit again by another
battalion size ambush. In those two battles, which came within a period of 26 days,
Company A lost a total of 36 men killed and 48 wounded.





The following are excerpts from the original Operational Report filed on May 3, 1967.






The above Operational Report was submitted through the co-operation of Lou Talley and George Heidt.






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