1st Battalion 22nd Infantry
Veteran's Medals and Awards
These are the basic " I was there "
decorations authorized by the US Army and Department of Defense
for members and veterans of 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry, for the
different periods of time in which the Battalion has existed.
Just being a member of 1st Battalion during the times presented
here does not automatically qualify an individual
for any of these awards. In every case, certain requirements must
be met, and all awards must be accompanied
by orders authorizing the award.
Individual qualification badges that are not
presented on this page, individual awards for achievement,
commendation, valor, wounds received in action or POW status
depend upon the individual Soldier's record,
and are therefore not included here.
Below is a list of the different eras of time
of service in 1st Battalion 22nd Infantry, and the list of
representative awards for each era.
Find the time frame in which you served, and you will see a list
of awards to which you may be entitled, depending upon
your exact dates of service with 1st Battalion, and whether you
meet the qualifications for the awards.
Following the lists are images of the awards, with basic dates and requirements.
At the bottom of the page is a section titled
"Additional Notes and Comments", with additional
including tips on applying for replacement of your awards. Also
note that next of kin can apply for these awards for a deceased
In this section there is also a list of veterans awards offered
by several States, including awards to next-of-kin for Killed In
As new or additional information is discovered it will be
presented here in future updates.
Indian Wars 1866-1891
Spanish-American War 1898
Philippine Insurrection 1899-1905
Pre World War I 1905-1917
World War I 1917-1918
World War II 1939-1946
Cold War 1947-1955
Cold War 1956-1960
------------------- | Vietnam Era 1961-1972
Fort Carson Era 1972-1984
Fort Drum Era 1985-1995
Fort Hood Era 1996-2009
Fort Carson Era 2009-2014
° As of June 2011 the website does not have confirmation about the NATO Medal for Afghanistan service.
Below are the Service Medals, Badges, Unit
Awards and Foreign Medals for which service in 1st Battalion 22nd
Infantry may be qualified.
Dates given are not necessarily the all-inclusive dates of the
award itself, but rather, in many cases the dates given
are those which pertain to service in 1st Battalion 22nd
Indian Campaign Medal
For service in the Indian Wars 1866-1891
Spanish Campaign Medal
For service in Cuba 1898
Philippine Campaign Medal
For service in the Philippine Islands 1899-1905
Philippine Congressional Medal
For Soldiers who enlisted during
April 21, 1898 to Oct 26, 1898, remained on active duty beyond
their enlistment,
to help suppress the insurrection in the Philippines, and served
in the Philippine Islands 1899-1902.
Mexican Service Medal
Any action against hostile Mexicans in which US troops were killed or wounded between 12 Apr 1911 and 7 Feb 1917.
Mexican Border Service Medal
For service on the Mexican Border 1916-1917
World War I Victory Medal
For service during World War I, 1917-1918
American Defense Service Medal
For active duty service from 8 September 1939 to 7 December 1941 for a period of twelve months or longer.
American Campaign Medal
For service in the continental
United States for an aggregate period of one year,
between the period of 7 December 1941 and 2 March 1946.
European-African-Middle Eastern Campaign Medal
For service in the European
theatre of operations 7 December 1941 to 8 November 1945.
A bronze arrowhead is authorized for those who participated in
the amphibious landing on D-Day.
A bronze service star is authorized for each campaign served.
World War II Victory Medal
For service between 7 December 1941 and 31 December 1946
Army of Occupation World War II Medal
A bronze clasp with the word
"Germany" is authorized.
For holders of the EAME Campaign Medal, service in Germany for 30
consecutive days
from 9 May 1945 to 8 November 1945.
Otherwise, for 30 consecutive days service in Germany between 9
May 1945 and 5 May 1955.
National Defense Service Medal
For service between:
27 June 1950 and 27 July 1954
1 January 1961 and 14 August 1974
2 August 1990 and 30 November 1995
11 September 2001 and date to be determined
Vietnam Service Medal
For service in the Republic of
Vietnam, 1966-1972.
A bronze service star is authorized for each campaign served.
Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal
For service in the Republic of
Vietnam, 1966-1972.
A silver ribbon device with the date "1960-" is
Humanitarian Service Medal
For service during Hurricane
Andrew Disaster Relief 1992
For service in Haiti 1994-1995
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
For service in Somalia 1993
For service in Haiti 1994-1995
United Nations Service Medal Somalia
For 90 days service in QRF (Task Force 1-22 Infantry) Somalia 1992-1993
United Nations Service Medal Haiti
For 90 days service in Haiti 1994-1995
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
For service in JTF 160 in Cuba
(Guantanamo Bay) (Companies B,C, Recon Platoon, Support Forces)
6 Apr 2002-29 Jun 2002
For service in Cuba (Guantanamo Bay) (Company C) Oct-Dec 2002
For service in Iraq 2003-2005
For service in the Global War on Terrorism Operations on or after
11 September, 2001 to a date to be determined.
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
For service in Iraq 2003-2005
For service in the Global War on Terrorism Operations on or after
11 September, 2001 to a date to be determined.
Afghanistan Campaign Medal
For service in Afghanistan
A bronze service star is authorized for each campaign served.
Iraq Campaign Medal
For service in Iraq 2003-2009
A bronze service star is authorized for each campaign served.
Nato Medal for Afghanistan
For service in Afghanistan (ISAF) 2010-2011
Combat Infantryman Badge
For service in an Infantry MOS
in a combat zone
Europe 1943-1945
Vietnam 1966-1972
Somalia 1992-1993
Iraq 2003-2009
Afghanistan 2010-2011
Combat Medical Badge
For service in a Medical MOS in
a combat zone
Europe 1943-1945
Vietnam 1966-1972
Somalia 1992-1993
Iraq 2003-2009
Afghanistan 2010-2011
Combat Action Badge
For service in a non-Infantry
MOS in a combat zone
Iraq 2003-2009
Afghanistan 2010-2011
Presidential Unit Citation
For service in the St. Lô
breakout France 1944
For service in the Hürtgen Forest Germany 1944
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
For service in Somalia 1992-1993
Valorous Unit Award
For service in Vietnam during
the Battle of Kontum 30 Jan 1968-12 Feb 1968 1
For service in Iraq 15 Apr 2003-15 Mar 2004 2
For service in Iraq (Company A) 5 Jan-15 Feb 2005 3
For service in Iraq (Company C) 1 Feb-7 Jun 2006 4
For service in Iraq (Company B) 16 Aug 2006-25 Jun 2007 4ª
For service in Iraq (Company D) 16 Mar-11 Nov 2008 5
For service in Iraq (Companies A, B, C, E) 12 Mar 2008-12 Mar
2009 6
Army Meritorious Unit Award
For service in Iraq (HHC,
Companies B, D) 31 Dec 2005-17 Jun 2006 7
For service in Iraq (Company E) 1 Oct
2005-20 Sep 2006 7ª
For service in Afghanistan (Company E) 1 Apr
2010-1 Mar 2011 7ª¹
Army Superior Unit Award
For service 1996-1997 8
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross
For service in Vietnam 1966-1972
Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Honor Medal First Class
For service in Vietnam 1 Oct 1966-30 Oct 1969
Army Service Ribbon
For service 1981-present
Overseas Service Ribbon
For completion of a standard
overseas tour of duty 1981-present
Bronze numeral authorized to indicate additional tours
Overseas Service bar
For service in a combat zone
Europe 1943-1945
Vietnam 1966-1972
Somalia 1992-1993
Iraq 2003-2009
Afghanistan 2010-2011
One bar authorized for every 6 months of accumulated service
Belgian Fourragere
For service in Belgium 1944-1945
For service in the Ardennes 1944-1945
Cold War Recognition Certificate
For service during the period 2 Sep 1945- 26 Dec 1991
Additional Notes and Comments
The four conflict eras to determine subsequent awards of the CIB and CMB:
(1) World War II (7 December 1941 to 3 September 1945).
(2) The Korean Conflict (27 June 1950 to 27 July 1953).
(3) The Republic of Vietnam Conflict. Service in the Republic of Vietnam Conflict (2 March 1961 to 28 March 1973) combined with qualifying service in Laos; Dominican Republic; Korea on the DMZ; El Salvador; Grenada; Joint Security Area, Panmunjom, Korea; Panama; Southwest Asia Conflict; and Somalia, regardless of whether a Soldier has served one or multiple tours in any or all of these areas. The Republic of Vietnam Conflict Era officially terminated on 10 March 1995.
(4) War on Terrorism (Afghanistan, Operation ENDURING FREEDOM) and (Iraq, Operation IRAQI REEDOM).
United Nations Medal Somalia
To Verify Eligibility For Those Soldiers Who Served Under The Command Of A Un Force Commander And/or Obtain Copies Of Routine Orders To Update Personnel Records, Macoms And Principal Hqda Agencies Will Submit Requests To The U.S. United Nations Mission Office, Attn: Sgm Burback, 799 United Nations Plaza, New York, Ny 10017. The Request Will Include The Full Name And SSN Of The Soldiers Requiring Verification, The Unit In Which They Served (Un Or Qrf), And Start/end Dates Of Service In Somalia.
For Aig 7406, Please Advise Subordinate Commands Not To Submit Their Requests Directly To The Un Mission Office In New York. Subordinate Commands Should Submit Their List To Their Respective Macom For Disposition.
Only Macoms And Principal Hqda Agencies May Contact Hq, Perscom For Additional Information And Guidance. Poc Is Mrs. White, Dsn 221-8700, Comm (703) 325-8700. Installations/field Agencies And Soldiers Must Contact Their Respective Macom For Answers To Their Questions.
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
This award could be issued instead of the Iraq
Campaign Medal for service in Operation Iraqi Freedom I. The
Insitute of Heraldry explains this condition thus:
Service members qualified for the GWOTEM by reasons of
service between 19 March 2003 and 30 April 2005, in Iraq, shall
remain qualified for the medal.
Any such soldier may be awarded the Iraq Campaign Medal (ICM) in
lieu of the GWOTEM for such service.
Authorized for those who served in Cuba in JTF 160 from 6 April to 29 June 2002 ( Only certain elements from Company B, Company C, Recon Platoon and Support Forces).
Also authorized for those who served in Cuba from October-December 2002 (Only Company C).
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
a. Meaning of the Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
(GWOTSM). The Global War on Terrorism Service
Medal (GWOTSM) was established by Executive Order 13289, 12 March
2003. It is authorized for award to members
of the Armed Forces of the United States who have participated in
the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) operations
outside of the designated areas of eligibility (AOE) defined in
2–18g above (Army Regulation 600–8–22), on or
after 11 September 2001 to a future
date to be determined.
Service members may be awarded both the GWOTEM and the GWOTSM
if they meet the criteria for both
awards; however, the qualifying period used to establish
eligibility for one award cannot be used to justify eligibility
for the other award.
Overseas Service bar
The Overseas Service Bar is an embroidered
cloth bar worn on the lower right sleeve of the dress uniform. As
the color of the dress uniform
has changed over the years, the color of the background of the
Overseas Service Bar has changed to match it. Each sucessive
award of the bar is worn immediately above and parallel to the
Army Service Ribbon
No medal has been authorized for the Army Service Ribbon. The ribbon bar is worn on the left breast in order of precedence.
Overseas Service Ribbon
In the 11 December 2006 revision of AR 600-8-22 (Military
Awards), the Army eliminated the policy which had restricted the
awarding of the
Overseas Service Ribbon when another campaign or service medal is
awarded. For those Army service members performing overseas duty
prior to 1981,
the Army Overseas Service Ribbon may be awarded retroactively,
provided that a service member was on active duty subsequent to
Additional awards of the Army Overseas Service Ribbon are denoted
by award numerals.
US Army unit citations
No medal has been authorized for US unit
citations. The award is worn on the right breast in the form of a
ribbon bar enclosed in a gilt frame,
in order of precedence.
Presidential Unit Citation
The general order number authorizing the
Presidential Unit Citation to the 22nd Infantry for service in
the St. Lô breakout (St. Gillis-Marigny) is:
War Department General Order 14, 1945.
The general order number authorizing the
Presidential Unit Citation to the 22nd Infantry for service in
the Hürtgen Forest is:
War Department General Order 37, 1946.
Joint Meritorious Unit Award
The official general order number authorizing this award to 1-22 Infantry in Somalia is: J-ISO-0203-93 DOD Directive 1348.33-M.
The official general order number authorizing
this award to units of 1-22 Infantry for service in JTF 160
(Cuba) is Department of the Army General Order 9,
18 November 2005.
Valorous Unit Award
1 The order authorizing the Valorous Unit Award for the battle of Kontum is: Department of the Army General Order 43, 1970.
2 The order authorizing the Valorous Unit Award for service in Iraq 2003-2004 is Department of the Army Permanent Orders 031-14, 2008.
3 The order authorizing the Valorous Unit Award for service in Iraq Company A 2005 is Department of the Army Permanent Orders 241-01, 2007.
4 The order authorizing the Valorous Unit Award for service in Iraq Company C 2006 is Department of the Army Permanent Orders 308-13, 2008.
4ª The order authorizing the Valorous Unit Award for service in Iraq Company B 2006-2007 is Department of the Army General Orders 2010-15.
5 The order authorizing the Valorous Unit Award for service in Iraq Company D 2008 is Department of the Army Permanent Orders 119-01, 2009.
6 The order authorizing the Valorous
Unit Award for service in Iraq Companies A, B, C, E 2008-2009 is Department
of the Army Permanent Orders
231-01, 2009.
Meritorious Unit Commendation
7 The order authorizing the Meritorious Unit Commendation for service in Iraq HHC, Companies B, D 2005-2006 is Department of the Army Permanent Orders 284-02.
7ª The order authorizing the Meritorious Unit Commendation for service in Iraq Company E 2005-2006 is Department of the Army Permanent Orders 098-05, 2009.
7ª¹ The order authorizing the Meritorious Unit Commendation for service in Afghanistan Company E 2010-2011 is Department of the Army General Orders 2013-59.
Army Superior Unit Award
8 The general order number authorizing the Army Superior Unit Award is Department of the Army General Order No. 25, 2001.
State Medals and Awards
Some states offer medals or awards to veterans,
but none of these are automatically awarded. In all cases these
decorations must be applied for.
In all cases criteria involves being a resident of that
particular State, either currently or at the time of induction.
Many of these can be awarded to
next of kin for Killed In Action or deceased veterans. Here are
some examples:
![]() Connecticut |
![]() Louisiana |
![]() -Maine |
![]() Kansas |
![]() Missouri |
![]() -New York |
![]() New York |
![]() New Jersey |
![]() New Jersey |
![]() Vermont |
![]() Massacusetts |
As of June 2012 the following states offer veteran awards:
Connecticut :
The State of Connecticut offers the Connecticut
Veterans Wartime Service Medal. For a veteran who served in time
of war. Can be awarded to a living or deceased veteran.
For information and application click on the following link:
Connecticut Department of Veterans Affairs
The State of Delaware offers a Certificate of
Appreciation to all Delaware veterans (or their next of kin) who
served honorably in either peace or war.
For a pdf file containing the information and application click
on the following link:
Delaware Commission of Veterans Affairs
The State of Hawaii offers the Hawaii Medal of Honor to next
of kin of Killed In Action during Operation Iraqi Freedom and
Operation Enduring Freedom.
For information click on the following link:
Hawaii Office of Veterans Services
The State of Kansas offers the State of Kansas Vietnam War
Medallion to Kansas veterans who served during the years of the
Vietnam War, whether that service
was in the United States or a foreign country. For information
click on the following link:
Kansas Commission On Veterans Affairs
The State of Louisiana offers the Louisiana Veterans Honor
Medal to Louisiana veterans who served honorably in peace or war.
There are variations for Wounded In Action,
Killed In Action and Prisoner Of War. For information and
application click on the following link:
Louisiana Department of Veterans Affairs
The State of Maine offers several medals and certificates. The
Gold Star Honorable Service Medal to the next of kin of Killed In
Action. The Silver Star Honorable Service
Medal for Prisoner of War or Purple Heart recipients. The Bronze
Star Honorable Service Medal to the next of kin of Died in the
Line of Duty but not combat.
The Honorable Service Certificate during wartime era for wartime
certificate or peacetime for general service certificate. For
information and applications
click on the following link:
State of Maine Bureau of Veterans Services
The State of Massachusetts offers the Massachusetts Medal of Liberty to next of kin of Killed In Action. For information and application click on the following link:
Department of Veterans Services
The State of Missouri offers a medal, medallion and
certificate to Missouri veterans who served during World War II,
the Korean War and the Vietnam War,
regardless of whether that service was in the United States or a
foreign country. For information and application click on the
following link:
New Jersey:
The State of New Jersey offers several medals: the New Jersey
Distinguished Service Medal, the New Jersey Vietnam Service
Medal, the New Jersey Meritorious
Service Medal, the New Jersey Korean Service Medal and the New
Jersey POW-MIA Service Medal. Can be presented posthumously.
For criteria, eligibility and application click on the following
Department of Military & Veterans Affairs
New York:
The State of New York offers the Conspicuous Service Cross,
the Medal for Merit, and the Conspicuous Service Star. For
criteria, eligibility and application
click on the following link:
Division of Military & Naval Affairs
The State of Oklahoma offers the Oklahoma Cross of Valor to former POW's. For information click on the following link:
Oklahoma Department of Veterans Affairs
The State of Tennessee offers the Tennessee Fallen Heroes
Medal to next of kin of Killed In Action since July 1, 2011. For
information and application
click on the following link:
Department of Veterans Affairs
The State of Vermont offers several veterans medals. The
Vermont Veterans Medal is awarded to most veterans with an
honorable discharge. The Vermont
Distinguished Service Medal is awarded to veterans who received
an honorable discharge and who served in a combat theater.
The Patriots Medal is presented to the next-of-kin of Vermont
soldiers killed in action. For information click on the following
Vermont Veterans Services Directory
Foreign Awards
A few notes on foreign awards:
No foreign decoration is provided by the US
Government, and must be obtained through the foreign government
agencies responsible for such issuance. However, in past years,
NPRC did sometimes issue the Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal
as a ribbon, when filling the request
for Veterans' medals. Foreign decorations, as well as US
decorations, may be purchased through civilian dealers.
The Belgian Fourragere, when awarded as a unit
citation, was not authorized for US uniform wear as a medal or
It was authorized as a braided fourragere, to be worn circling
the shoulder. The general order number authorizing the award of
the Belgian Fourragere
Unit Citation to the 22nd Infantry is: Department of the
Army General Order number 43, dated 1950.
The Republic of Vietnam unit citations are not
authorized for wear on the uniform as medals. They are only
authorized to be worn as ribbon bars
on the right breast. This is in direct contrast to the policy of
the Republic of Vietnam, which authorized its soldiers and
foreign recipients of the citations
to wear the full size medal on the uniform.
The general order number authorizing the Republic of Vietnam Civil Actions Unit Citation is: Department of the Army General Order 53, 1970.
The general order number
authorizing the Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross Unit Citation
is: Department of the Army General Order 52, 1971,
and Department of the Army General Order 54,
The Republic of Vietnam Campaign Medal is authorized for wear on the uniform.
The UN Service Medals are authorized for wear on the uniform.
Many veterans choose to display the following full size medal for foreign unit citations
Vietnam Gallantry Cross |
Vietnam Civil Actions |
Applying for medals and decorations
Active duty personnel should apply through their respective units, usually at the Company level, following the chain of command.
Separated and discharged veterans need to apply to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) in St. Louis, Missouri.
National Personnel Records Center
Military Personnel Records
9700 Page Avenue
St. Louis, MO 63132-5100
Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 3:45 p.m
Telephone: 314-801-0800
Fax: 314 801-9195
Website: http://www.archives.gov/st-louis/military-personnel/
Many years ago Congress passed a law requiring
the government to furnish the medals for which a veteran is
authorized, at no cost to the veteran.
A one time replacement of those medals was also authorized at no
cost to the veteran, or to the next of kin of a deceased veteran.
Be aware, that as federal budgets change, a charge or fee may be
incurred when requesting issuance or replacement of medals.
The process usually involves the following:
first, you apply to the National Personnel Records Center to have
them obtain your military records,
and verify which awards you are entitled to receive.The website
for the NPRC is listed above, and is invaluable in assisting you.
So go to the website !
You must fill out and sign a Standard Form 180 (SF-180) which is
a request to obtain your military records. At the NPRC website
you can download and
print this form. You mail or fax in the form, the NPRC verifies
the awards you are entitled to, and will forward the
request with the verification
to the appropriate service department for issuance of the medals.
That department will mail your medals to you. You will also
receive an amended copy
of your DD-214, should the NPRC verify any awards you are
entitled to, which are not listed on your original form.
When sending in the Standard Form SF-180, you will need to
include a copy of your DD-214, if you have one, and any copies of
orders for service
or awards which are not shown on your DD-214. The NPRC may, or
may not be able to locate these orders, should you not have
copies of them,
but if you do have them, send them in since it will make the
process a lot smoother and quicker. Again, go to the NPRC
website, as it has a great deal of help
and instructions.
Cold War Recognition Certificate
The National Personnel Records Center does not handle requests for this certificate. You must go to the following website to apply:
No medal or ribbon has been authorized for Cold War Service.
National Personnel Records Center :
If the center does not have your records yet, the following website has instructions on help:
Other websites whichmay help are:
Lineage and Battalion awards for 1-22 Infantry:
Every effort has been made to insure that all
information presented here is accurate and up to date.
However, the website is not responsible for errors, or for
changes to the above information made by the issuing authorities.
Anyone having new information or corrections to add to this page
is invited to send such to the webmaster
for inclusion in this presentation.
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